
Crestwood: between notes and secrets

In a quiet town, everyone's life changes dramatically when a young woman named Emilia disappears without a trace. As the days become weeks, the community is thrown into a state of turmoil and confusion. The book follows the story through the eyes of several characters, from Emilia's distressed mother to the detective in charge of the case and friends desperately looking for clues to find her. As they enter into the investigation, they discover dark secrets and unexpected connections in the small town, which makes everyone wonder how much they really know their neighbors. Emilia's disappearance reveals hidden tensions and deep secrets in the community, tearing apart the facade of normality. Throughout the narrative, characters have to face their own demons and make tough decisions while looking for answers about what happened to Emilia. The novel explores themes of friendship, betrayal, mystery and the struggle for truth in a world full of secrets. Will they be able to find Emilia and find out the truth behind her disappearance before it's too late?

Elise_GirouexVill · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Elizabeth's story

Elizabeth sat in the living room of her modest home, nervous and eager to share everything she knew with Detective Mitchell. The room was bathed in the dim light of the standing lamp, creating an atmosphere of palpable tension. Detective Mitchell was watching her closely from across the center table.

She started reporting the same story she had told the police over and over again since Emilia disappeared. Her trembling voice revealed the anguish she had been carrying for weeks.

Detective Mitchell, that morning was like any other. Emilia and I were in the kitchen, sharing a quiet breakfast. We talked about his plans for the day, his music class, and how he was working on a special composition.

The detective took notes in his notebook as Elizabeth went on.

-She was excited about her future, but I also noticed that something was bothering her. I asked him if everything was all right, and he made sure I was. That I was just busy with college. But there was something in his eye...

Elizabeth interrupted herself, tears gazed into her eyes, but she held them back with difficulty.

Detective Mitchell offered you a handkerchief and waited patiently for it to continue.

After firing her, Emilia went to college, and I stayed home, hoping everything would be the way it used to. But he never came back.

Elizabeth inhaled deeply and looked at the detective with determination.

- Detective Mitchell, I have to find my daughter. I'il do whatever it takes to help with the investigation. I know Emilia had something on her mind that morning, something she didn't tell me. I can't help but think it has something to do with his disappearance.

The detective nodded sympathetically and assured Elizabeth that he would do everything he could to solve the case and find Emilia.

Detective Mitchell listened intently to Elizabeth's every word as she recounted the story of the last morning she saw Emilia. He took meticulous notes in his notebook and, at the end of his story, looked at Elizabeth seriously.

I understand how difficult this must be for you, Elizabeth. Their cooperation is essential to our investigation. We're doing everything we can to find Emilia and find out what happened to her. Every detail you provide us with could be crucial.

Elizabeth nodded with appreciation, feeling relieved that the detective was taking her daughter's case seriously.

- Thank you, Detective. I just want Emilia home safe and sound. I'm willing to do anything that can help in this quest.

Detective Mitchell smiled at her kindly.

- That's what we expect, Elizabeth. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Is there anything else you remember from that morning? Any unusual behavior in Emilia the days before she disappeared?

Elizabeth thought for a moment before answering.

- No, detective, nothing out of the ordinary. Emilia was a young woman who was very focused on her studies and her music. She was always a responsible and dedicated daughter. I don't know what could have led her to disappear like this.

Detective Mitchell continued to ask detailed questions about Emilia's daily routine, her friends, her extracurricular activities and any recent changes in her behavior. Elizabeth responded patiently, wishing with all her might that her answers would be useful in finding her daughter.

When the interview came to an end, Detective Mitchell assured Elizabeth that they would do everything they could to solve the case and keep her informed of any progress. He got out of the chair and shook Elizabeth's hand firmly.

Thank you for your cooperation, Elizabeth. We won't rest until we hear from Emilia.

Elizabeth thanked the detective and stayed alone in the living room, filled with anxiety and hope. The uncertainty of the situation consumed her, but she knew that she had to be strong for Emilia and for all those who loved her.

As the night fell on Crestwood, Elizabeth continued to wait for her daughter's return, clinging to the hope that the riddle of her disappearance would finally be resolved.

The night wrapped Elizabeth's house in a dark cloak, and the silence that used to be comforting now felt uncomfortable. While she was alone in the living room, Elizabeth's thoughts began to drift toward the unknown. Every little crunch in the house, every shadow that moved in the dark, seemed to take its own life.

Elizabeth had always been skeptical of the paranormal, but that night, her mind was filled with doubts. Fear began to take hold of her as she wondered if anything supernatural could be related to Emilia's disappearance. Perhaps, only perhaps, the strange events he had experienced at home had some connection to his daughter's mysterious departure.

Suddenly, a slight whisper became audible in the distance. Elizabeth blinked and looked around the room, trying to identify the origin of the sound. Her heartbeat accelerated as the whispers seemed to intensify. Were they distant voices or just her imagination playing with it?

He decided to investigate and, in fear, rose from his seat and began to move towards the corridor leading to the rooms. Each step resonated on the wooden floor, increasing their anxiety. When he reached the threshold of Emilia's room door, he stopped dry.

The door was open, and a faint light from the inside of the room leaked into the hallway. Elizabeth felt a chill running around her back as she observed the silhouette of a figure inside the room. He was a blurred figure, barely perceptible, but I was sure someone was there.

With his heart in his throat, he slowly advanced into the room, extending a trembling hand to push the door open. What she saw next left her breathless.

A young girl with brown hair, dressed in what appeared to be an old dress, stood by the window of the room. His gaze was fixed on the nightscape, as if he were looking back. Her lips moved in an unintelligible whisper, and her presence emanated from a strange feeling of nostalgia and melancholy.

Elizabeth was paralyzed by fear and surprise. Was it Emilia? It couldn't be, Emilia was gone, but the figure in front of her looked amazing.

The unknown young woman turned to Elizabeth, her eyes found hers, and at that moment, time seemed to stop. Elizabeth didn't know if she was facing a human being or something completely different. There was only one thing I was sure of: something extraordinary was going on at his house, and his relationship with Emilia's disappearance was a riddle that would challenge all logic.

Fear seized Elizabeth completely, and her scream broke the silence of the night as she retreated down the hall. The figure disappeared before his eyes, and the mystery surrounding his home and the disappearance of Emilia became even more unspeakable.

From that night, Elizabeth would be trapped in a reality where the paranormal and inexplicable intertwined in a disturbing way, leading her on a dark and unknown path in her desperate search for answers.

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