
Crestwood: between notes and secrets

In a quiet town, everyone's life changes dramatically when a young woman named Emilia disappears without a trace. As the days become weeks, the community is thrown into a state of turmoil and confusion. The book follows the story through the eyes of several characters, from Emilia's distressed mother to the detective in charge of the case and friends desperately looking for clues to find her. As they enter into the investigation, they discover dark secrets and unexpected connections in the small town, which makes everyone wonder how much they really know their neighbors. Emilia's disappearance reveals hidden tensions and deep secrets in the community, tearing apart the facade of normality. Throughout the narrative, characters have to face their own demons and make tough decisions while looking for answers about what happened to Emilia. The novel explores themes of friendship, betrayal, mystery and the struggle for truth in a world full of secrets. Will they be able to find Emilia and find out the truth behind her disappearance before it's too late?

Elise_GirouexVill · Fantasy
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The small town of Crestwood had always been known for its tranquility, where life passed smoothly between green fields and charming houses. However, everything changed the day Emilia disappeared.

Emilia was a 21-year-old girl with brown hair and eyes that seemed to hide a world of secrets. His smile, though poor, had the ability to light a whole room. She was an exceptional college student, with a promising future ahead of her, and everyone considered her a kind and helpful person. But what no one knew was that Emilia was carrying a secret burden that tormented her.

Her mother, Elizabeth, remembered her as a child full of joy and curiosity. Emilia had a passion for music and spent endless hours in her room playing the piano. He used to compose his own melodies, and his music was like a sigh of emotion captured in notes and chords.

In recent months, however, something had changed in Emilia. She had lost her spark, her eyes were no longer shining like before, and her music had become melancholy. Elizabeth had noticed her daughter locked herself in, like she was carrying a heavy secret she couldn't share with anyone.

The last time she saw Emilia was the morning she left home to go to college. He kissed her off with a kiss on the forehead and wished her a good day, not knowing it would be the last time I'd see her. Emilia never made it to college and, ever since, her mother had been living an endless nightmare.

Detective James Mitchell, in charge of the case, had met Emilia when she was a little girl. I'd seen her grow up and become a talented young woman. Now, I was determined to find her and find out what had happened to the young woman everyone in Crestwood had known and loved.

The mystery of Emilia's disappearance had wrapped the people in a veil of concern and fear. Everyone wondered what could have happened to a girl who seemed so perfect. The search for answers had just begun, and Crestwood would never be the same again.

Elizabeth couldn't help but remember the last conversation she had with her daughter. They had been sitting in the kitchen, sharing a bowl of cereal and talking about Emilia's plans for the semester at college. She had talked excitedly about her classes, her love of music and the projects she was working on.

After that breakfast, Emilia had picked up her backpack and walked out the door, promising her mother she'd be back soon. But he never came back. Elizabeth had called all of Emilia's friends, the university and anyone who might have any clue as to her whereabouts. Nobody knew anything.

Detective Mitchell had checked Emilia's bedroom for clues. He had found scattered notes and music scores, but nothing to shed light on his disappearance.He talked to classmates and friends, but they all seemed equally bewildered.

Last time anyone saw her, Emilia was wearing a navy blue coat and a scarf with red and white paintings. He had left his cell phone at home, which made it even harder to track his location. Every minute he spent without hearing from Emilia was agonizing for his mother and the whole community.

Detective Mitchell knew time was running out. Every hour that passed made the search more difficult and increased the possibility that something terrible had happened to Emilia. He had solved a lot of cases in his career, but this one had a special weight. Emilia was like a daughter to him, and he was determined to find her, no matter how long it took him or how many obstacles he encountered along the way.

Emilia's disappearance had left a hole in Crestwood's heart, and everyone expected the mystery to be solved soon. But as the sun was setting over the town and the darkness was closing, the search for answers was just beginning.

Elizabeth sank into a deep memory as she looked out the kitchen window, her gaze lost in the garden. It was as if time was running back, taking her back to the last morning she saw Emilia.

The sun was barely looking over the horizon when Emilia entered the kitchen with a dreamy smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled with a distinctive glow, and her lips formed a gentle smile.

- Morning, Mom! --he greeted Emilia, kissing her mother on the cheek.

Elizabeth smiled and returned her greeting.

-Good morning, darling. How did you sleep?

Emilia went to the coffee shop and started making coffee while talking to her mother.

-I slept well. I have an early class in college today, so I have to be ready.

Elizabeth nodded.

- What class are you in this morning?

Emilia sat at the kitchen table and had a sip of coffee.

- I have an early-morning music class. We're working on a new composition for the end-of-semester recital.

Elizabeth admired her daughter's passion for music.

- You're so talented, Emilia. I'm sure your composition will be incredible.

Emilia smiled, but there was a nuance of concern in her eyes.

- I hope so, Mom. I'm working hard on it.

Elizabeth noticed the shadow on Emilia's face and decided to address it.

- Is everything all right, honey? You've been a little quiet lately.

Emilia sighed and looked at her mother.

-Yeah, Mom, I've just been a little busy with college and all. Don't worry.

Elizabeth wanted to go deeper, but she decided not to press.

- Well, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you, okay?

Emilia nodded and thanked her mother for her concern.

- I know, Mom.

Elizabeth had hugged her daughter before Emilia got up from the table and headed for the door.

- Well, good luck in your class. I'il see you later.

Emilia said goodbye with a kiss on her cheek and promised to come back soon. Elizabeth stayed in the kitchen, watching her daughter walk down the path leading to college. He never imagined that would be the last time he would see Emilia.

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