
Creator's POV

Everything was going well until my situation suddenly turned upside down. I graduated from university and was about to apply for a job, achieving my goal and my parents' goal, until disaster struck. —— "Creation of the World," a game that gives its user the ability to possess a limitless world, with the freedom to do and create anything without any restrictions! Cassian watched the Earth being swallowed by the world he had created, unable to do anything, until he found his consciousness in a body that wasn't his. Cassian Starhold, the older brother of the world's greatest hero. —— I was content with my life as a puppet, a slave whose only job was to work, sacrificing my life for a few grams of cheap metals. But my enemies did not allow me to stay that way. They brought the war to me and destroyed everything I had built throughout my life. I watched thousands of their best sons as they listened to the man who ignited the fire in my life, standing authoritatively among the majestic marble columns. Tall and strong, his gray hair matched those around him. Thousands of people with similar features looked at him, their eyes filled with admiration and ambition. "People are not equal!" he said, his voice dripping with arrogance and pride. The eyes of the people standing below pierced through him, "We are the pinnacle of evolution that any creature can reach. There is nothing beyond us! We have ascended above piles of cheap blood, committing massacres among those who are inferior! And you are about to inherit this legacy. But those who want this power must earn it! It is not something that can be obtained merely by birth! It is something one must deserve! Wealth, power, status… these are things that require mountains of victims to get a mere glimpse of them..." He raised his hands high, madness and pride covering his eyes like an impenetrable veil, and the same happened with their children standing below. Thousands shouted with intense pride. The scene was terrifying. "You do not realize how much your ancestors sacrificed to place you in this position... but you will soon learn. And I promise you, putting my pride on the line..." "Only those who deserve to be among us will survive!" "Soon, I will show you clearly why we are called dragons!" These so-called dragons did not know... that soon, a puppet would emerge to shatter their illusions. He is wrong. None of them will survive…

Yoseman · Fantasy
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151 Chs

Chapter 1: Two Realms

The universe is not bound to make sense to human minds.

 But regardless of this fact, I could only think of one word when I saw the latest news on my phone. "Scientists have proven that countless fabrics compose the world. Complete nonsense!" 

Influencing one of these fabrics can change the nature of matter or create something out of nothing. It's a bunch of nonsense!

I quickly closed the browser and looked at the clock before shaking my head. 

"It's nine in the morning! I have to go already!"

 I put the phone in my pants pocket and slowly got out of bed, heading to my closet to collect some clothes before going to the nearby bathroom. My name is Cassian Val, and I am a college student who recently graduated from the local university with a major in theoretical physics and a slightly above-average GPA.

 I put my clothes on the rack, then closed the bathroom door before starting the familiar process. It took more than a quarter of an hour to finish. As a 23-year-old with a college degree, I should start looking for a job soon, which I already did, but I'm getting desperate. 

I have gone through more than four job interviews and am still waiting for a message. My field of work is full, and the only solution is to travel far away, something I will never do. I'm not planning on leaving my family after all, not anytime soon.

But I'm having difficulty finding work, and my mom's criticism of my choice of major is becoming a real annoyance. My mother stopped working after I graduated from university, as their financial burden was significantly reduced. I cannot describe the embarrassment I felt every time I remembered how hard my parents worked for my university degree, only to discover that the job market didn't need me.

 I've looked into the job market many times but ignored all the red flags, so my decision was already made irreversible. I sighed. The job market was lively when I started studying the subject. Amid my useless internal complaints, I realized I was already dressed, nothing fancy, just a black shirt and gray pants.

 I looked at my appearance in the mirror: I was average-looking, with brown hair and black eyes, regular features, and a humble stance. This was the perfect appearance for my ideal plan, which was to work for the next sixty years for an unfair salary and then die among my grandchildren.

 I went out and headed downstairs. There, I saw three people at the dining table and went directly to them. My father looked at me as if I were a war criminal. I sighed internally when I remembered that I was unemployed. Of course, this hatred was just an outward appearance. This man cared about me more than anyone else.

 My mother placed a plate in front of me with an evil smile, already knowing today's scenario. "And?!" 

"Nothing…" I smiled, embarrassed. My mother's smile grew more evil, and I could already hear the following words

. "Ah, if only you had followed our advice and became a doctor instead of majoring in whatever it's called! I heard your cousin found a job a week ago!." 

My face darkened, and my father also began looking at me. 

"Hasn't he been unemployed for a year? Don't you know that the average time graduates spend before working is more than a year? It's only been three months since I graduated!" 

I spoke in an oppressive tone, but it was all internal. It was all just a way they teased me, like with Video games in my early teens and Seeing problems when I was 19-21. The whole thing was a repetitive cycle, but I never got tired of it; this has become our family style of communicating, and I will probably pass it on to my kids.

 I looked at the children's chair at the far end of the table and couldn't help myself, 'Cute!' This is my newborn sister Aline, and I couldn't help but unconsciously squeeze her puffy face. It's amusing, regardless of your opinion.

 I quickly finished my breakfast while fending off dozens of accusations from here and there. I quickly got up to relieve myself a little. I sat on a nearby sofa and opened my phone, ignoring my mother's shouts that this phone was addictive.

 I entered a particular game I had been playing since I entered university, which is why I did not get much higher grades. Maybe my mother is right about the addiction... Anyway, this game is fantastic! Especially its idea, which no other game could ever imitate! In this game, you can create a world from nothing, develop concepts from nothing, and add logic to the characters.

Yes, you heard me! Dignitaries! Once I describe the character's appearance and way of thinking, it appears on the screen exactly like my imagination! Of course, all these achievements can only be accomplished by advanced artificial intelligence, light-years ahead! This was never brought up, but I came up with it myself; anyway, after building everything from characters to abilities, I have to click the inverted triangle button to start the play! Great game, isn't it? Whenever I show it to anyone, they immediately turn away as if they've suddenly lost interest.

It makes me question my taste a little. My thoughts were interrupted when poetry appeared above. In large print, it said: Hello! Wanna go to +++ today? This is my best friend. His name is Alios, and he is obsessed with trying different cafes all over the city.

 I quickly responded. <Of course, no problem. I will finish the job interview after six o'clock at night> 

Alios responded with a random emoji. I closed the Messages app to get back to my train of thought. The main character of this world is Darian Starhold! The most talented person of his generation, the youngest Legacy Skill Awakener, and a genius person, with the support of other Secondary characters, he leads them to eliminate the Demon King and free Asia from Monsters! Well, even I wasn't that vulgar.

 "Die! Ha-ha-ha!"

 I laughed out loud while constantly raising the Demon King's stats. I can only know the events of this play once I start it, so I can't really know the outcome. But seeing dozens of skills And the Demons king's crazy stats. Made it easy to predict. It's fun to let the hero suffer for a long time, only to fail miserably.

I did that with all the previous worlds. I might regret this later. Although each world took several months, seeing everything burn was adequate compensation. Of course, I'm not a psychopath by any means; it's just a game, and I can't feel sympathy for the vulgar characters in it. I mean, please.

An honest commoner, an intelligent, noble girl, and a lazy guy - isn't the hero party too corny? This part is the one I focused on the least, as I found the most fun in creating some of the other side characters. What I loved most was placing hidden equipment here and there in the hope that the MC (Darian) would stumble upon them and be able at least to have a suitable battle against the Demon King. 

As usual, I lost control shortly before the end, destroying the world's balance and beautiful ending. Darian doesn't deserve a happy ending in any sense. I wrote his Story before he was seventeen and knew most about him. 

I sighed, then started putting in some additional details here and there. The artificial intelligence automatically fills in the blanks and makes stupid things make sense. It's also the one that created all the characters that I didn't write myself. Do you expect me to create 6 billion Creatures?

It went on for several hours until I finally finished; a sad expression was on my face. This will be my last world... It wasn't some cliche like the game would shut down, but I made that decision myself. This game is simply too much of a distraction.

 In addition, I am planning to get a job today. I have planned every word I say and will undoubtedly be accepted. I must devote myself entirely to work and fulfill the expectations of my parents, who have worked so many years for me.

I also want Aline to live generously... The job will pay well, and my life will finally settle down. I'll marry a random girl and spend the remaining sixty years of my life as a humble person to die among many grandchildren.

Maybe I'll make them regret their career choice before I die. I nodded internally. This is the perfect life! I clicked my phone's <Start Play> button and slowly waited for the result. Suddenly, something strange happened. Instead of the phone going to the main character as usual, it went to someone else. Cassian Starhold - Darian's twin brother, someone I didn't think much of and created only for the benefit of Darian's past. What is he doing here? I felt some irresistible drowsiness and couldn't help but give up immediately. "I have to rest. I will see the result when I wake up later..." "Oh, right... today is New Year's?" Those were the last words before Cassian Vale's eternal sleep and a few hours before the disaster.