
Creating Happiness with Heart in Honkai

After Transmigrating into another universe and becoming Haxxor Bunny, she came to Honkai Impact 3rd world. In order to wait for the Astral Train that will lead to the universe that has many Aeons, Bronie decided to make games that will bring people smiles to their faces. Miss Pink Elf: "When can this cutie make more touching games like "Undertale"~" Metal Gear Bronya: "Next time, I will definitely beat you in this fighting game "Guilty Gear" damn it!" Man who hops In-and-out of the coffin: "The game "Civilization" made me feel the weight of civilization and the meaning of our world, but I must delete this game otherwise my company will drag me down because of me. I cant pay off the debt without finishing the manuscript." 'Polite' man with blazing fists: "Please, dont make games like "Undertale" and "Getting Over it with Haxxor Bunny" again!!!!" Seeing this nostalgic and familiar comments, Haxxor Bunny could only smile and say one thing; "Haxxor Bunny can hack not only the world but also people's hearts!!! Bronie will use games to quietly hack into other peoples lives!!!" -XXXXX- Not suprsing im showing this not going to lie. Same with the first one, this fic also has good pacing and heart warming story as well as comedy and its an instant recommend for every Honkai Enthusiaths. Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems. Original CN name: 写作食物读作迪奥哒

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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Chapter 16: Haxxor Bunny Likes to Be More Willful

When two people are squeezed into a huge bathtub, the bathtub becomes narrower. But the distance between them also grows closer. Bronie, with her hair twisted, and Cioara, sporting the same hairstyle, exchange glances.

"I thought it would float," Bronie remarks, following Cioara's gaze, understanding what Bronie meant.

"Envious of me? But honestly, excessive size affects mobility, it's like having two melons hanging in front, quite troublesome," Cioara responds.

Listening to this rich people-like remark, Bronie rolls her eyes. "I believe in my own growth. I'm merely engaging in a scientific discussion against rumors."

"Sure, sure," Cioara dismissively responds, pretending everything Bronie said was true.

After enjoying the feast for her eyes, Bronie feels somewhat dull instead. Indeed, as a gentleman, one should have more taste. Simply not wearing anything lacks the tingling sensation, it's just pure flesh. Pretty boring. What's more interesting is the part that arouses infinite imagination.

Clearly wrapped tightly, yet leaving ample room for imagination, that's the essence of a remarkable taste. Realizing this, Bronie's gaze gradually shifts away.

"Besides running a bar, do you have any other side businesses?" Bronie inquires.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Cioara responds.

"Customers, after getting drunk, tend to be more or less outspoken, but they didn't avoid your implications at all, and their eyes towards you also have a hint of admiration," Bronie explains.

"You're quite observant, but you also have many mysteries. I asked someone to check your identity, but there was hardly any information. What does that mean?" Cioara queries.

Taking a bath together was indeed an opportunity for frankness. After all, neither side had any weapons, and they revealed themselves to each other without reservation.

"My friend once said that secrets make women more charming. We have this layer of secret between us, but it has brought us to this point," Bronie reflects.

"So do you want to confess?" Cioara asks, putting her hand on the edge of the bathtub.

"I just want to know what your plans are for the future. Do you want to continue seeking excitement in life, or do you want to build a small harbor for yourself, a comforting home?" Bronie responds.

Bronie would make different choices based on Cioara's decision. It all depended on Cioara's answer.

Hearing Bronie say this, Cioara feels strange. "Why do I always feel like you know me very well..."

"After all, there are reference objects, but don't worry, I won't treat you as a substitute for someone else. I just have some concerns about your attitude towards life," Bronie reassures.

Hearing this, Cioara also feels puzzled. "In fact... I don't know either. But there are indeed things I want to do now, so I'll do them until I find a goal."

The island has already been bought, and the subsequent construction is almost complete. It wouldn't make sense to abandon it halfway, right? Of course, Cioara also has some thoughts about what comes after that, but that's something to deal with after Honkai. But can Cioara tell Bronie about Honkai?

Cioara still finds it difficult to judge whether to tell it not not.

"I am a traveler from a Bubble World, who crossed the Sea of Quanta, so you can't find my identity information," Bronie reveals.

"Bubble World? Sea of Quanta? I think I've heard of it before?" Cioara recalls.

After all, the Lord of the World Serpent was thrown into the Sea of Quanta and couldn't return for a while. Grey Serpent mentioned this, but unfortunately, she felt that was something researchers had to deal with, so it had nothing to do with her. She didn't expect to hear such information from Bronie's mouth.

"Just think of it as another world. There are different types of worlds, and the world I'm in... is simply an Arc City wrapped in a huge dome, like an ecological fish tank," Bronie explains.

"Are you not making up stories?" Cioara questions.

"Hmm, I've had enough of finding any fun for the meantime, so I want to enjoy a peaceful life for now. I've paced myself quite nicely. So, before growing up, I don't have too many thoughts of going in adventures," Bronie elaborates.

Freed from the cage, she gained freedom, but as a result, she couldn't go back to that world. What would happen to that World after, Bronie didn't know.



For her own life, that world has been completely destroyed, in exchange hasn't it?

But even if Bronie try to go back, it would be impossible. After all, that world is more oppressive than a cage. Staying there for too long, and even she would inevitably go insane.

"Undertale... is it also your doing?"

After much thought, Cioara pondered many questions. If Bronie's words were taken seriously, then...

"So? I've been good to you, haven't I? Elysia says that lying isn't the best way to get along with people. Actually, I'm quite keen on changing," Bronie says.


She spoke like Elsyia again! Which means...

"Is this Intentional?"


"Like imitating Elysia's behavior? Didn't you say Russians don't deceive Russians?"

Although angry, upon seeing Bronie's innocent face and hearing the words spoken in the bathtub, her initial reaction is shock rather than anger.

Has Bronie caused any harm?

Not really.

She even introduced her to a game called "Undertale."

But her deception still exists, even from the beginning. Of course, there's more to it than meets the eye. As a hacker, being able to infiltrate the Elysian Realm and even find something like this is incredible.

"Imitating Elysia? No, no, no, how could I be like her? I feel my personality is quite distinct!"

Bronie vehemently denies any similarities with Elysia.



"Maybe it's because of the signet she gave me?"


The signet, a symbol of approval by the Flame Chasers.

What Signet do I have? Decimation, Bodhi, Gold, Infinity, Vissicitude, and Deliverance.

But not Elsyia's signet.

Although Elysia said she liked her, she still didn't give her a signet. Perhaps there's something else about me that Elysia hasn't acknowledged, but being able to leave, become a member of the World Serpent, and undergo my transformation, isn't that enough?

After all, in history, She received quite a few Signet.

Damn it!

Thinking about it this way, it feels like a loss. But because of this, Cioara's initial caution has relaxed quite a bit.

"So, in a way, are we allies?"

"Hard to say. Our goal of opposing Honkai is still the same, but can you really say that the World Serpent and the Schicksal are allies?"

Indeed. The current state of the World Serpent is such that Grey Serpent said the Lord hesitated and was thrown into the Sea of Quantum.

Therefore, until he is salvaged, the organization must be in a dormant state.

But why remain dormant? Isn't it because of fear of being discovered by Schicksal and Anti-Entropy?

But is it the time to consider these matters?

"The game is very good."

The conversation eventually returned to the game.

"Thank you for the compliment." Bronie proudly puffs out her chest. In return, Cioara pats her head.

"Knowing that this game was made for me, I feel that in your world of bubbles, there is also a Cioara, right?"

Then Cioara sees a complex expression on Bronie's face. "Bronie said she wouldn't treat you as someone else's, so can I call you Natasha?"

"I don't mind, but your kindness makes it difficult for me not to think in that direction." "...That's true."

But Cioara's usual behavior is indeed very similar to the Cioara in the Sky City, almost identical. It's easy not to think in that direction. But would I have the same attitude when facing that Cioara? Of course not.

"If I were to treat you as that person, I definitely wouldn't have this attitude."


"She just wanted me to run a bar, then spend my life in boredom, eventually dying in the hospital with a catheter, leading an uneventful life and fading into obscurity."

"It seems like there are quite a few differences between her and me..."

"But her warmth and kindness will never change, so thank you."

With that, Bronie gave Cioara a deep hug.

Although it was a bit sudden, watching Bronie embrace her, feeling the soft touch, easily stirred something soft in her heart.

"I really can't do anything with you."

"That's my way of treating people differently. If it were someone else, I would definitely argue with her until the sky falls because all she pursues is a peaceful life and a stable environment."

After that, Bronie left the bathroom, leaving only a hint of milk fragrance, proving that Bronie had been there.

She is truly a magical child.

But thinking that in every text she wrote in the game, everywhere was filled with the layers of gentleness, made Cioara feel an unprecedented feeling.

The game is fake, although it has brought many feelings.

But when Bronie's gentleness truly was shown to her, it makes Cioara feel it is real.

Without a doubt.

Bronie suddenly entered her life, and undoubtedly establishing a deep bond with her.

The game...

The story, the music, the art...

All made by Bronie herself.

It must be said, she is indeed a genius, and as a parent, the desire for a child to live a stable life is understandable, but one cannot completely ignore the thoughts of other people.

Bronie has such ability.

And her decision is quite normal.

This is Bronie's own choice, but the price of freedom is to be cut off from the past forever, so she places her inner trust in herself, but is it different?

After leaving the bathroom, Bronie had already changed into pajamas and was drinking milk at the door, as if the previous intimate moment didn't exist at all.

"The World Serpent is looking for you all over the world. Are you okay?"

Are you really okay?

She must know that everyone who comes out of there is a member of the World Serpent, and naturally, she is too.

The Lord is still not here, which means she is one among the top of the World Serpent hierarchy.

From the standpoint of the World Serpent, She should never ignore Bronie's existence.

"I'm fine. Isn't your World Serpent Lord trapped in the Sea of Quanta? Well, I'm a veteran traveler of the Sea of Quanta."

"So, are you using this method to show loyalty to World Serpent? It seems possible..."

"No, I'm going to use this method to threaten Grey Serpent. You World Serpent members shouldn't want to see Kevin stranded in the sea, right?"

This sentence shocked the Exploding Island Crow.

"You're really... bold..."

If the World Serpent really wants to salvage Kevin without any problems, it must treat Bronie well.

For a while, there was nothing they could do about her.

Unless they directly find a Herrscher Core, and then accurately locate Kevin's position in the Sea of Quanta, only then can they directly salvage Kevin.

But where in the world does such an easy to find thing exist?

She's afraid that after the Third Eruption officially begins, with the continuous arrival of Herrschers, Project Stigma will definitely fall behind in schedule completely.

Thus the threat is simple and effective, so this threat is really outrageous.

"Also, how much information do you really know?"

Or, how much information have you stolen from within the World Serpent?

"Don't worry, I don't know anything!"

Now Cioara completely understood.

True and false, false and true.

There isn't much to trust in some of Bronie's words.

"Hmph, don't be presumptuous."

"Don't worry, knowing this information doesn't mean I'll act on it. If there's any meaningless large-scale massacre, I'll consider intervening, but your World Serpent shouldn't be those kinds of people, right?"

"No, we won't be."

"Yeah, after all, I'm a genius, so it's okay to be a little willful, right?"

"I really can't figure you out."

Cioara sighed helplessly.

Bronie has a sincere side, but also a mischievous side. If it weren't for that mischievous side, Cioara would probably think of Bronie as an adult.

Perhaps it's always been like this, which is why Cioara always sees the other as a child, but a child with great power.

But is she the kind of person who gives up easily?

On the surface, she will definitely cooperate with Bronie's actions, but in the end, she will still have to help the World Serpent, after all, the World Serpent might really be able to end the Honkai, and the Honkai is her enemy, which must be dealt with.

In simple terms, if you want Bronie to do something, you definitely need a so-called level of goodwill.

"But I won't allow your Kevin to rush things. I won't compromise on this point. For the current humans, there should be more choices. What Kevin plans to do, as a human, I cannot accept."

Cioara's response was only silence.

Bronie's level of knowledge doesn't seem to matter much anymore, as there will be plenty of time for interaction in the days ahead.She will determined to get Bronie to gradually reveal everything!

Later, Bronie arrived at her room, got into bed, and patted the mattress.

"Come on, come on! I can't wait any longer!"


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