
Creating Happiness with Heart in Honkai

After Transmigrating into another universe and becoming Haxxor Bunny, she came to Honkai Impact 3rd world. In order to wait for the Astral Train that will lead to the universe that has many Aeons, Bronie decided to make games that will bring people smiles to their faces. Miss Pink Elf: "When can this cutie make more touching games like "Undertale"~" Metal Gear Bronya: "Next time, I will definitely beat you in this fighting game "Guilty Gear" damn it!" Man who hops In-and-out of the coffin: "The game "Civilization" made me feel the weight of civilization and the meaning of our world, but I must delete this game otherwise my company will drag me down because of me. I cant pay off the debt without finishing the manuscript." 'Polite' man with blazing fists: "Please, dont make games like "Undertale" and "Getting Over it with Haxxor Bunny" again!!!!" Seeing this nostalgic and familiar comments, Haxxor Bunny could only smile and say one thing; "Haxxor Bunny can hack not only the world but also people's hearts!!! Bronie will use games to quietly hack into other peoples lives!!!" -XXXXX- Not suprsing im showing this not going to lie. Same with the first one, this fic also has good pacing and heart warming story as well as comedy and its an instant recommend for every Honkai Enthusiaths. Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems. Original CN name: 写作食物读作迪奥哒

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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62 Chs

Chapter 15: Demo Version Unveiled

"Is the busy girl finally here today? Should I issue you a dismissal notice, or should I give you triple wages according to labor laws?" After paying Bronie, Bronie immediately disappeared, leaving Cioara feeling anxious.

Russians doesn't deceive Russians, but now Cioara couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Of course, it wasn't about her identity.

From appearances, Bronie's Russian heritage was definitely not in question. It was just the way she was named wasn't very Russian.

But she deliberately mentioned this point.

In Cioara's eyes, it felt like when someone claims to be a netizen of a country while chatting online of the same one, but there's a feeling of mismatched secret codes.

"Sorry, sorry, I was too overwhelmed by the money and didn't know how to spend it for a moment. You're not really going to fire me, are you? How about I become a shareholder instead? Then I'll be a shareholder, and I won't have to work every day, right?"

Wow, last week she was crying poverty, and now she's spending money recklessly?

"My bar doesn't support investments, and there's nothing worth investing in. Besides, I'm not short of money."

"True, but in a week's time, I outsourced the programmers, and I roughly decided on the framework. After finalizing the BGM yesterday, I sent it for final touches. Now we have a demo version ready, with quite a bit of content."

"Although I don't quite understand the overall game development process, isn't this a bit too fast for just one week?"

Finally catching a glimpse of Bronie, today's Bronie was still dressed in work uniform.

Her spiral drill hair naturally tightened up, exuding a strong sense of competence.

"Indeed, from a common-sense perspective, it was indeed a bit fast, but doesn't this show that I'm efficient enough?"

"Really, I don't know why you bother me every day. What are you here for today?"

"To see you. Also to help you a bit, and be abit sentimental."

"Sentimental... about the past?"

"I was adopted by a gang in my childhood, then I left the gang, and hooked up with a guardian who wanted to try an exciting life, but she ended up not doing so, so she started to pursue stability. I helped her with work in the shop while I was slowly growing up, eventually I left and searched for the life I wanted."

"Your ability to find yourself a guardian, you've had it since you were young?" Cioara was also slightly surprised. So Bronie considers herself her guardian now?

"No, I didn't consider you as my guardian or anything. I've always been quite free-spirited. Don't you like me having to help in your bar who can also cook and mix drinks and is also good-looking? And did i forget to mention I'm so good-looking? it's definitely a big advantage, right?"

Cioara wasn't good at cooking in any world.

Or rather, she could cook, but her cooking style always ends up like it came from a wild survival show, which wasn't suitable for any catering industry.

So her original plan to open a restaurant ended up becoming a compromise to open a bar.

But Bronie's arrival changed everything. However, those old customers only ordered when Bronie was around, making it seem like all the food she cooked was poisonous.

"Although I don't know what kind of so-called excitement you're pursuing, I still suggest you take it easy. So you're here to reminisce about the past with me? No way, my shop can't have you coming here just for fun. It costs money." Cioara actually wanted to shake off Bronie a bit, and even reached out for money.

Plus, Bronie was working on a game, and she hoped she would put all her energy into it.

After falling flat on the wall called reality once she faced failure there, she could push her into school.


Cioara didn't think Bronie would soar to great heights overnight.

Plus, Bronie's usual behavior showed that she had a very stubborn temperament, so if she didn't turn back after hitting the wall when she failed, she could just slap her in the face with a suprise wall.

"After all, you're a shareholder, so you definitely need to pay attention to the progress of the game development, right?"

"That makes sense... So how's the progress?"

"I'm much more efficient in handling programming, so the game framework is mostly done. I estimate the overall game time process to be around twenty to thirty hours."

"A bit short~"

A game that ends in a day is indeed a bit short.

But it's not like you can play the game all day without eating or drinking, right?

"Maybe, but the important thing is not the time. After all, this is a rushed process, so it's short."

"That finished product, where is it? I mean, the demo or something like that. I guess you probably want to show me something like that, right?"

"You guessed it right, here you go!" With that, Bronie pulled out her laptop.

"The space under the bar counter isn't for putting computers! Why did you put the computer there?"

"Don't worry, it definitely won't affect food safety!"

"No, I'm worried about the computer."

"Well, rest assured, nothing will happen, I promise!"

With a completely carefree attitude, Cioara also felt that although Bronie sometimes seemed like an adult but when you really got to know her, she acts like a child. A very childlike style that was particularly strong at that.

"Alright, if I'm not satisfied, I might just stop investing!"

"Hmph, you don't need to tell me, I know!"

With that, Cioara opened the computer, and on the clean desktop was just one shortcut icon.

Cioara doesnt need to think too much, this must be that game.

Upon opening the game, tranquil music slowly played, and upon entering the game, the protagonist appeared on a boat floating in a sea of red.

The boat slowly moved forward, weaving through a forest of golden leaves, with a huge figure shrouded in a black robe standing in front of the protagonist.

The figure introduced himself as Charon, a retiring Spiritfarer.

It was because he was about to retire that a girl named Stella was about to take over the job and become the next Spiritfarer.

Perhaps because of the background music, the serene and soothing music quickly calmed Cioara down, and she carefully watched the plot unfold.

The game's opening was calm but also extremely stunning.

The art style was like a work of art, with a blood-red sea in a platinum forest directly indicating that the current surroundings were the so-called afterlife world.

The duty of the Spiritfarer is to guide souls through this place. In the depths of that forest, there is an arch bridge called the Everdoor

This is the place where everything begins and ends, the final destination of the soul. However, souls lost in the oceanic islands may have certain attachments or wishes.

When they fulfill their wishes and bid farewell to their past lives, the Spiritfarer will bring them here. After sending them through the Everdoor, a new life will begin.

As part of the tutorial, Charon turned into a golden light in front of the protagonist's eyes and then disappeared into the Everdoor.

Before that, he gave the protagonist a power called the Everlight, the symbol of her identity as a Spiritfarer.

For an indie game to become popular, it needs a stunning opening, just like how writing web novels requires three golden chapters. The beginning must be stunning enough to completely captivate people.

And Bronie was also exceptionally attentive in this regard.

"I have to say, although this opening is slow, it's also quite exquisite."

In just over ten minutes, Cioara's heart also calmed down with tranquility.

Yes, this is a game that easily brings inner peace to people.

The overall theme is excellent, but it's a pity that this is just a demo. If she wants to play the full version, she'll have to wait patiently.

"How is it? Feel like your money was well spent?"

"Although I don't know how you did it, it's really good. I hope the rest of the content can maintain this level of excellence..."

No, no!

Wasn't I supposed to introduce Bronie to my suprise wall?

Children should just study hard at home; it's too early for them to be making games!


This game is well-made, and even uses the common Unity engine on the market. Bronie has really put a lot of effort into it.

"Do I even need to say anything?"

"Then I'll add another hundred thousand. Is that enough? If not, name your price?"

"My boss is generous, boss is great! Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who flatters and gets carried away, so... feel free to praise me more!"


She's becoming similar!

Similar to who?

It's Elysia!

"This game is almost finished. If you want to continue playing, you can, but..."

Suddenly, Bronie changed the subject, looking at the game screen.

The protagonist was meeting the first soul, a friend from when she was alive.


"There are still important farming elements in it. If you can accept the fact that the carefully constructed boat will just disappear like that, you can continue playing."

"Huh? Can't we do something about that? Like, help me save my progress?"

"The demo version doesn't represent the final quality. Just like some game testing versions delete the stretching animation in the final version, fundamentally, the final version may not be the same game as the test version, so you know."

It's just too much trouble.

Just like Bronie playing Night of Revenge in her previous life. With each update, the previous save file became unusable.

This matter to say the least, is quite troublesome.

"Are you doing this on purpose?"

"Huh?" Cioara asked if Bronie was intentionally piquing her curiosity but not letting her continue playing.

"Never mind, I'm not in the mood to play this game right now. Let's finish the game soon; I'm curious about what the finished product will be like..."

"As long as you're happy." Bronie also nodded and picked up a cloth to wipe the counter.

But her joy about the praise was hard to hide.

"Come on, I know you're a genius, no need to show off."

All her previous guesses were wrong, and her Suprise Wall plan fell through directly, but luckily Bronie didn't notice her intentions.

But then again, why was she suddenly so concerned about Bronie?

Was it because of that game?

Or maybe her mindset had quietly changed a bit?

In the past, Cioara definitely wouldn't have cared about these things.

"So, do you plan to stick to this line of work in the future?"

Now, perhaps it's time to discuss Bronie's future.

Actually, after witnessing Bronie's talent, Cioara wasn't too worried about her finding a job or worrying about her future life.

But she was worried that she was still too young and might encounter some bad things when entering society.

After all, Cioara had seen quite a bit in this regard.

Even in the gaming industry, such situations exist, right?

Capital investment divides the original team and suppresses their endevours.

"Not necessarily. How could I, as a genius, only know how to make games? But for now, I only want to make games."

"Even if you don't make games, the art style of this game is really good; it can be called a work of art."

Looking at the game screen on the computer, Cioara gently closed the computer.

If she took one more look, she might not be able to resist playing the demo right?

It has to be said, the opening of this game is stunning enough to make her want to keep playing.

The last time she encountered such a game was Undertale.

Although it was Elysia who asked her to play at the time, she was also addicted to it shortly after starting.

Really, why was she so connected to games recently?

She never had any chance to get involved before.

"If it satisfies you, then that's good. This way, my friend will also patiently play it, right?"

She is a bit envious.

Hearing Bronie say that, Cioara felt a bit envious of Bronie's so-called friend.

In the world of mercenaries, there is no concept of friends. If missions conflicted, with eacb other, one moment they would be speaking amiably, and the next they would be fighting.

She wondered what it would be like to have a friend like Bronie.

"Oh no! Oops!" Suddenly, Bronie slapped her head as if she had forgot something important.

"What's wrong?"

"By the way, Cioara, you live in the shop, right?"

"Yeah... it's raining outside, and you can't find your umbrella, right?"

It was then that Cioara realized it was indeed pouring rain outside.

"I think this weather isn't suitable for going out. Do you mind if I stay over?"

This question left Cioara speechless.

Rain was definitely just an excuse. Bronie suddenly making such a request made Cioara feel very strange.

But what threat could a cute little Bronie pose?

She just wanted to stick around her.

"I haven't prepared a bed or anything."

"It's okay, I'm small, won't take up much space."

"And I don't have spare clothes."

"It's okay, I took a shower this morning before going out, and I'm not cooking today, am I?"

"So, was this planned in advance?"

"Not at all, I just wanted to get to know you better, or maybe you didn't have many friends before and don't know about pajama parties?"

Cioara was speechless for a moment by this combination punch.

How would she know what the interaction between normal girls was like?


Did she want to take the next step?

It's no longer a matter between mercenaries or within the World Serpent.

Its just Cioara the bartender and her Bronie.

In the end, Cioara decided to take that step.

Everyone has to take a leap of fate, right?

Besides, what threat could Bronie pose?

"Fine, but if you move around in your sleep, I'll kick you under the bed."

"Sure sure, when have I ever lied to you?"


Poll at Patréon, for a new fic in June and May.

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for 20+ chapters.


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