
Well... what do you expect?

Goku was still reeling from what he heard. Gohan was leaving? But why? He just got back! And Chichi and Goten, they would be wrecked when they hear it!

"But can't you just visit over there sometimes and live here? I mean, it seems that the little portal thing is working alright!" Goku asked, more than a little desperately; but his hope was dashed when Gohan shook his head.

"No dad. It takes a great amount of power to open up the doorway, I have just enough to open it twice before it needs to recharge; and finding the materials was not easy." Gohan explained.

"Besides, I need to go back. My kingdom is as of right now, without a king. I'm really here for two things, one to drop off Videl's ashes and two to find the bastard that sent me there! If I can find him and take revenge, that would be perfect! If not, after tomorrow, I need to go back. I'll return eventually! It won't take as long as it did last time since now I know how to do it, but I need to return and run my kingdom." Gohan finished. Everyone looked at him, Piccolo finally sighing.

"I suppose you're right. Besides, you have that longevity to think about. That sort of life should stay where it belongs, at Tuat." Piccolo said, accepting Gohan's reasoning. Goku however, was still not satisfied with the reasons, and was actually very scared of what Chichi would say when she finds out.

"Are you sure you have no other choice?" Goku asked, but Gohan just shook his head.

"I just told you, I can't stay here," Gohan stated again. "besides, I'm pretty sure that the world's safety is good in your hands!" Gohan said, chuckling a little as Goku smiled sadly.

"If that's what you want, then I can't stop you; you will be the one to tell your mother, that's all." Goku stated, causing Gohan to pale a little but quickly went back to normal.

"Well, might as well head back and tell her now, it won't get any better the longer we wait." Gohan stated as he flew off for their home.


"Oh no! I don't think so, Gohan you just got back! There is no way I'm letting you go back to that place again.!" Chichi practically screeched, causing Goku who was next to the door in the living room, and even Piccolo, who was all the way in the forest away from the house to flinch, but Gohan did nothing. He just stood there in the living room, looking at his mother with sad eyes.

"Mom, I know that you are distraught, but I need to return. My people are waiting for my return, and the longer I'm gone increases the chance of a rebellion or a beast attack! I can't leave them long!"

"Oh, so you're going back to those savages in the desert. From what you told us, that place is like hell! No, I would not allow you to go back, you are staying here; if you became a king there, I'm positive that you could easily get a government position here, and that's..." Chichi stopped when she felt something. An odd, but dangerous feeling washed over her, and she looked over her son.

He stood tall, easily towering over his mother, and was looking at her with cold eyes like, but she felt his menace which was as hot as the sun. It was the stance he usually took to rebels, and weaker willed beasts, like draconic lizards, to scare them away. The menace was strong; and Goku finally understood where the dark feeling was coming from when they first felt the portal that brought his son home, which will soon take him away. The dark feeling was coming from Gohan himself.

"Mother," Chichi gulped at the sudden formal use of the term, causing her to flinch. "Unfortunately for you, I will not be following whatever plans you think you have for me. I am a king of Tuat, don't try to say anything!" Gohan commanded as Chichi try to say something in return, but she quickly closed her mouth. Goku narrowed his eyes, starting to walk towards Gohan when he noticed Piccolo standing by the window, looking at him while shaking his head no. Goku nodded, going back to the spot he was at.

"The natives of Tuat, those savages that you called them, are MY responsibility! They entrusted their homes, their businesses, their culture, their very lives and the lives of their future generations to me and my group of personnel. They trusted me with everything when they made me their king; and if I leave them now when there is so much that can be improved in their lives, what kind of king would I be!" Gohan exclaimed, his eyes hardening, but his menacing aura was slowly disappearing. But something was still there, a feeling of pure determination filled the room leaving the two parents and one father figure holding their breaths in expectation.

"You understand now that I need to do this right; mother, father and Piccolo?" Gohan asked as the three of them finally released their breaths. Chichi looked down, her eyes starting to water up as she knew what her son meant. It was not easy her father to leave his kingdom, so why should she expect her son to do the same. Besides, he was royalty by blood! The need to rule is literally in his veins! She looked up at him with a smile as she nodded.

"Alright, if that's what you say that you need to do, then you need to do it. Besides, if you are there, then I can at least say that someone is SOMETHING productive in the family!" Chichi stated, looking at Goku with angry eyes while he did the signature Son smile. Gohan softened quite a bit, starting to laugh heartily as he watched his parents. The three of them (Piccolo moved from the window to the front door) looked at him in confusion.

"Ha, so dad is still not doing much except for training and the farming! Alright mother, would this help out financially?" Gohan asked as he pulled a cotton bag with a drawstring from his storage bracelet. She opened the bag and gasped. Goku looked into the bag and gasped as well. He didn't know what they were, but the red hue from those stones were beautiful, but Chichi knew what they were.

Rubies, rubies of different sizes filled to the rim. From pebble sized to the size of golf balls, there was too many to count, and Chichi's eyes sparkled in wonder and excitement.

"Gohan, where did you get these?! This is enough to get Goten all through school and collage!" She exclaimed while Gohan chuckled softly.

"In Tuat, this is common currency. There are so many mines for gems, gold and silver that's its not that uncommon for our servants to own quite a few Amethysts, the cheapest of the gems there. My palace is practically made of granite and gold." Gohan explained as Chichi's eyes widened. She laid the bag on the table and grabbed Gohan's hands.

"Can I go with you?!" She asked hopefully, but Gohan shook his head.

"Sorry mom; it may sound nice, but it's really not. The world is still not exactly where it needs to be to be even remotely travelable. But I'm working on it! Perhaps I'll bring my family over here sometime for a visit, and I'll send over some payment periodically." Gohan said as Piccolo walked in the house. Chichi gave him a brief look, but went back to looking at her new treasure.

"You said that you wanted revenge for several things when you find the person who sent you and Videl there, are you still planning on doing that?" Goku asked, asking the question that was on Piccolo's mind. Gohan thought for a bit before answering.

"Well to be honest, I don't know. I do want to know why he sent us there, and knock him around a bit, but I don't really want to kill him. As a king, I learned that I should always listen to both sides of the story before making an decision. Beside, I had plenty of time to move on, I wish that things were different, but I can't do anything about it. I won't forgive so easily, but it would not hurt to hear him out. After all, dad also tried to get Frieza to stop his evil doings before he fought him."

"Really, that's good! I would prefer if you didn't kill me too." A familiar voice stated as Gohan looked around, however, it was also familiar for another reason, a voice that he had not heard in a very long time, about 100,005 years ago to be precise. Everyone spun around towards the door, looking at a smiling Supreme Kai, Shin and Kibito. As Shin looked at them, he smiled gently.

"So, I suppose that some explanations are in order?"

"Yeah, I should think so." Gohan agreed with more than a little menace in his voice.

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