
Create A Group Chat In Hokage World

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity) and my English is also not good because English is my second language, Time travel to become a newborn Naruto and remain the tail of the crane with both parents dead? Think too hard! I'll start with the Whitebeard Advent card and then shatter the Nine Tails! Third Generation Fourth Generation Jiraiya and other Konoha's top combat power groups can't defeat a Shadow Clone when I was three years old! I allowed tsutsuki Black Zetsu, the man behind the ninja world, to refer to me as Uncle Naruto. I defeated Orochimaru Living Corpse Reincarnation! Sunagakure's cat ear female culture is led by me! In Kirigakure, I organise a beauty pageant! I invited Kakashi to join Akatsuki and work alongside Obito. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial it is 10 chapter ahead

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

8. Open The Nine Tails Brilliant Body In a flash, And Hit Danzo To Death With One Palm!

[Right now, Host has proactively utilized his solidarity to stun Nine Tails, however there are 5 minutes left for Whitebeard's appearance card. Pick, Host significantly! ]

Choice 1: Let Namikaze Minato seal Nine Tails and transform him into Nine Tails Jinchriki by inducing him to merely remain still. Give a beast ring a reward.

[Choice 2: The Host seals Nine Tails and transforms into Nine Tails Jinchriki if you intimidate it and force it to remain still. Reward a monster ring. ]

[Choice 3: The Nine Tails Jinchriki counts as wool, and the host already possesses half of the Nine Tails Chakra in his body. Nine Tails becomes the host's mount, pet, through deterrence! Reward ten Beast Familiar Rings that are already bound with the spirit of the host.

[The Royal Beast Ring: You can take animals as pets and forcefully sign a master-servant contract. How to Apply: Simply contact it. ]

Naruto approached Nine Tails with his black top.

As the fiercest tail beast, Nine Tails has always been cold and uninterested, which is embarrassing.

However, the Chakra was extremely frightened after a few bites had already consumed half of it.

As a result, it did something so shameful in front of so many people.

Fox missing!

"Be my mount, or be eaten by me, pick, Kurama!"

Naruto raised his hat slightly and opened his mouth after speaking.

Nine Tails gazed furiously, the child really knew his genuine name!

It doesn't matter if you live to be a human mount or die to be eaten.

It used to be egotistical constantly, it was on the grounds that it was certain that nobody could truly hurt it, at most it was fixed,

Yet, when I met a super foodie who could eat it, and saw that horrendous mouth, it was terrified.


It stood up and turned its head away from Naruto.

[Accomplish decision 3, gain 10 monster influence rings, which have been placed into the framework extra room. ]

"Apply it."

Naruto presented a beast ring to Nine Tails.

Nine Tails put it on respectfully, and was effectively bound to the expert worker contract, turning into Naruto's life-and-passing pet at an idea.

Nine Tails then shrank in size, turning into the size of a Ninja Canine.

The Third Generation and the Fourth Generation were the only generations to witness this scene.

It's over with the Nine Tails Rebellion.

Matured and fragile, Third Era was harmed after a couple of rounds with Nine Tails.

The Fourth Generation continued to suffer injuries and lose a lot of energy as a result of being sealed in by the ghouls.

Realizing that the Third Era and Fourth Era were harmed simultaneously, Danzo felt that his opportunity to be Hokage had come.

He thought he was very ahead of the game this time.

So after the finish of the Nine Tails Disobedience, he ventured forward.

Danzo blamed Namikaze Minato for being the Fourth Hokage, yet he neglected to safeguard the Nine Tails Jinchūriki, so he delivered the Nine Tails, making weighty losses Konoha.

Presently Nine Tails is lost, making the equilibrium of the tail monster be broken, and the genuinely harmed Fourth Era renounces.

Kakashi could no longer bear it.

"You didn't come out during the big war; now that Minato has ended the war, you come out to accuse Minato." It's over the top!"

He had the hunch that Danzo was somewhere in the aftermath of his father's death at the beginning.

"Ahem, Kakashi, stop talking, I'm seriously injured now, and I agree to abdicate because I'm really not fit to be Hokage!"

Minato Namikaze threw up blood.

The mysterious strongman who subdued Nine Tails as a mount is now more important than Hokage's position.

He could continuously feel a recognizable and well disposed air from this resilient man.

I have no idea who he is.

Sarutobi Hiruzen simply silently observed Danzo's performance.

Namikaze Minato's abandonment was in accordance with his political requests, so he didn't beat it down.

In any case, the Fourth Generation abdicates, and he is most likely the Hokage.

He can't sit enough for Hokage.

Additionally, Naruto quietly observed Danzo perform.

Danzo would have to be insane to be Hokage.

In "The Book of Wind," it is said that Danzo completely informed the masked man Uchiha Obito that this was the day Nine Tails Jinchriki gave birth.

To stifle political adversaries, when he became Hokage, Danzo went ahead and with the foe.

The second Danzo came in front of an audience, his destiny was at that point fixed.

A cold light flashed in his eyes as he also looked at the Third Generation, who were silent and unpersuasive.

Both of these are undesirable outcomes.

In the first book, albeit the Minato couple left a final word before their passing, they trusted that individuals of Konoha Town would view Naruto as the legend of the town,

Nonetheless, for different purposes, Third Era actually didn't report Naruto's valuable experience to people in general.

Instead, the majority of people in the village treat Naruto with contempt and view him as the embodiment of Nine Tails.

This treatment of the hero's son, Namikaze Minato, who sealed Nine Tails' hero with his body is chilling!

He initially believed that he didn't care much as long as he saved the father of the Fourth Generation and allowed him to remain a Hokage.

It's great to be his Sovereign Konoha easily and appreciate life.

However, you cannot conceal your desire to become a Hokage because my father, Fourth Generation, is still alive.

Then I don't need to bear it any longer!

"Okay, then you can give me the Nine Tails Jinchriki Uzumaki Kushina later; I will use it to catch Nine Tails and use it as a container," the man replied.

Once more, danzo said, as though calling himself Hokage.

"What?" "What were you saying?" exclaimed Namikaze Minato.

He couldn't believe what Danzo had said!

"What's going on? Nine Tails went missing! Konoha's battling power isn't exactly great as in the past!

The village will probably be destroyed if the Fourth Ninja World War breaks out and Konoha's White Fang, Orochimaru, and other masters' Konohas are missing!

Therefore, it is up to me to lead Konoha Hokage down a new path!

Naruto was astounded.

What's happening with Danzo?

Did you suddenly lose your mind?

Still crazy?

He stood up.

"Hahahaha! It's hilarious!

Want to become a Hokage? Who set you at ease?

Danzo, are you attempting to take my ant money and kill me?

You have such wit!

Danzo looked down when he heard this.

What is it?

a small being with a black top and a bamboo hat?

He rushed here just now to enjoy the Nine Tails Rebellion's victory, but he hasn't seen a villain like that yet.

"What are you?" Naruto asked, but before he could finish, he used his body's Nine Tails Chakra to instantly activate the Nine Tails golden body mode and add the Shock Fruit ability.

With one palm, Danzo was transformed into a haze of blood fog!

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