
Create A Group Chat In Hokage World

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity) and my English is also not good because English is my second language, Time travel to become a newborn Naruto and remain the tail of the crane with both parents dead? Think too hard! I'll start with the Whitebeard Advent card and then shatter the Nine Tails! Third Generation Fourth Generation Jiraiya and other Konoha's top combat power groups can't defeat a Shadow Clone when I was three years old! I allowed tsutsuki Black Zetsu, the man behind the ninja world, to refer to me as Uncle Naruto. I defeated Orochimaru Living Corpse Reincarnation! Sunagakure's cat ear female culture is led by me! In Kirigakure, I organise a beauty pageant! I invited Kakashi to join Akatsuki and work alongside Obito. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial it is 10 chapter ahead

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

4. Nine tails: I'm not Coming Here! Who Will Help Me?

"It appears to be that there are truly none." "Then I'm leaving," Naruto sighed.

for quite a while.

There was no outside activity.

Nine Tails tentatively extended a paw.

Then Naruto, who was concealing outside, got the paw that was going to withdraw when he understood something was off-base.

"Nine Tails, do not be afraid; I am full and will no longer eat you! I'll take you out!"

The big fox desperately shook its head as the other paw of Nine Tails grasped something in the sealed space.

"No! I'm not going out! It's fine here, in my opinion!"

It is known as a lament in his heart!

Had I known before, I could never have loosened up my paws for waves,

Suddenly, this very resilient man didn't leave!

It's clear that you want to eat everything when you force it out!

Nine Tails, on the other hand, was like a young girl who cries out and is dragged out by baby Naruto, despite the fact that she struggled in every way possible until the enormous shock force directly shattered all of the seals.


Seeing a stripped child, he shared with it in a smooth voice, be my mount, or I will kill you!

Nine Tails broke the seal and got what he wanted: "???!!!"

who I'm? Where are I? Is this a dream?

Could it be that I Kurama hasn't appeared in decades and that a baby-like monster already rules the world?

Why would it be?

Oh, Nine Tails!

Advertisement Regardless of your perspective, this baby is just like any other.

Is the powerful man from just now gone?

"You still want to be my master, you poor ants? Stupid!" "I have been sealed for decades, and now you are a mere human baby, and you want me to be your mount, it is a shame!" roared Nine Tails. suicidal "bang!

One Piece's world combat power's ceiling, Naruto's peak strength equals that of Whitebeard, and he extends his right hand.

He kicked it out.

The sound of Nine Tails' voice immediately vanished, and the surrounding area became silent.

Boom! !

Then came a terrifying thud!

A loud circle of gray and white shocks spread out with Nine Tails at its center.

Everything seemed to be shaking as the earth broke open!

This piece's terrain has changed dramatically!

Additionally, this punch crushed Nine Tails like a balloon!

This is because Naruto was afraid that Kushina might be involved, so he only used a little strength. If he had used more, he might have been able to knock out the magma!

Even though Nine Tails is not naturally made of Chakra energy, it has already been crushed to a pulp by this point.

But that's all there is to it: Nine Tails has also been knocked out.

It already possessed the power of First Hokage Senju Hashirama Wooden Golem Jutsu, and it could see that the infant in front of him had just punched casually.

The Fourth Generation, the masked man fighting off in the distance, and even the Konoha Village further away were shocked by Naruto's random punch.

Kakashi, who was out shopping with Might Guy, was suddenly shocked. What took place there?

The Third Generation appeared concerned because that was the location where Kushina gave birth; surely nothing would occur?

"Have you received it?" Nine Tails heard the childish voice of Naruto say, "If you take it, you will be my mount!"

Was you a baby rider when you were your mount?

Advertisement, where do you want me to put Kurama's face if other tail beasts see this?

I, Kurama, don't want to look bad, do you?

Nine Tails was furious, so he condensed a tail beast bomb and was about to blow up everything in front of him because he thought he would rather die than surrender.

"Dare you still resist?"

Naruto made an expression.

Haki's advanced armor covers small fists.

The Shock Fruit begins.

He then struck again.

boom! ! !

The shock shattered the tailed beast bomb just as it was about to condense, and then Nine Tails was directly blasted away.

The surrounding terrain was directly destroyed by the remaining impact.

Everything, including stones, insects, fallen leaves, and trees, became dust that floated in the air.

Namikaze Minato quickly rushed toward Naruto because he had lost interest in fighting.

"Are you still persuaded?"

Naruto calmly retracted all of his clones, walked to the edge of the enormous pit, gazed down at the helpless Nine Tails at the bottom, and said.

Nine Tails had only one thought as he observed the infant coming toward him.

Avoid coming here!

With a resentful expression, it lay down at Naruto's feet.

What should I do if I don't want to humiliate a baby or be beaten?

Can someone come to my rescue?


Namikaze Minato of the Fourth Generation arrived and discovered that Nine Tails had broken the seal, that his naive son was standing by his mouth, and that Kushina was lying nearby. He stepped forward right away to remove his son and wife from Teleport.

Naruto believed that if he fought Nine Tails a few more times, he would win. However, Fourth Generation took him away right away using the Flying Thunder God Technique, leaving him feeling helpless.

After the Fourth Era family vanished, the concealed man Obito rose up out of the air, with perfect timing to get the hole.

I'll send you to destroy Konoha, Nine Tails!

Nine Tails was fortunate to be saved, but it saw Sharingan, the eye it despises most.

After that, Uchiha Obito sneaked into Konoha Village, used pupil power to summon Nine Tails, manipulated Nine Tails, and let Nine Tails destroy Konoha.

The Nine Tails Rebellion continued to take place.

The Third Generation missed a shot.

The plot of the original book, Fourth Generation Namikaze Minato, is also the same: the hero returns to Konoha, fights Nine Tails, and saves the village.


Fourth Generation is unable to defeat Nine Tails, even if Naruto's previous smoking has caused his body to shrink by half.

Although Namikaze Minato is considered to be the fastest ninja in the ninja assassin series thanks to his mastery of the Flying Thunder God Technique, his output is low and he lacks any deadly big moves.

You can likewise utilize Rasengan seconds to beat the ninja.

In any case, playing Nine Tails with harsh skin and thick tissue,

Rasengan, who is a simple A-level ninjutsu, can't beat it by any means.

He decides to sacrifice himself to seal the Nine Tails in order to stop them from continuing to wreck havoc on the village.

The opposing side at this moment.

[ Ōtsutsuki Kaguya joined the gathering talk! ]

"???": Naruto

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