
Create A Group Chat In Hokage World

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity) and my English is also not good because English is my second language, Time travel to become a newborn Naruto and remain the tail of the crane with both parents dead? Think too hard! I'll start with the Whitebeard Advent card and then shatter the Nine Tails! Third Generation Fourth Generation Jiraiya and other Konoha's top combat power groups can't defeat a Shadow Clone when I was three years old! I allowed tsutsuki Black Zetsu, the man behind the ninja world, to refer to me as Uncle Naruto. I defeated Orochimaru Living Corpse Reincarnation! Sunagakure's cat ear female culture is led by me! In Kirigakure, I organise a beauty pageant! I invited Kakashi to join Akatsuki and work alongside Obito. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial it is 10 chapter ahead

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

2. In terror, Nine Tails retracted its paws!

Obito is furious at the masked man!

The baby's sudden disappearance completely derailed the excellent initial plan.

In an effort to locate the Nine Tails Jinchriki amid the chaos, he detonates the detonator.

Hey, why doesn't a detonation light exist?

Then, at that point, he became mindful of the blaze before the blast, right behind him.



What caused the detonator to adhere to me?

Who right?

That youngster just now?

But wasn't he born already?

How are these tasks carried out?


The clothes that had the detonating talisman on them were immediately torn off by him!

After that, make use of Kamui to hollow the entire thing, move to a different space, and steer clear of the explosion.

Rasengan of the Fourth Generation, on the other hand, will be waiting for him when he emerges once more.

He retreated.


The edge of Fourth Era's mouth jerked somewhat as he took a gander at the thickly stuffed children running quick somewhere far off.

When they are born, babies of other people can also run; will they have multiple Shadow Clone skills?

Similarly as he was going to get up to speed, a hand unexpectedly loosened up from the air behind him and got him.

Namikaze Minato has learned from previous battles that the masked man can be incorporealized to move to other places.

He used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to other locations when he was incorporealized so as not to be transferred.

"I must hurry!" "Kushina and Naruto are still there!"

The Narutos had already carried Kushina, her mother, and fled at this point.

Fourth Era Father, Obito, both of you continue to battle!

The proportion of Nine Tails was given to me by Uzumaki·Whitebeard·Naruto!

Naruto is extremely relieved by the Fourth Generation's combat power.

In the original book, Fourth Generation used Rasengan and the Flying Thunder God Technique to rub Obito to the ground in a matter of minutes.

[Congratulations to Host for receiving the Whitebeard Edward Newgate Advent Card from One Piece World; would you like to use it?]


Naruto felt a sudden surge of explosive power through his short legs, small arms, and entire body.

It appears that the sky can be broken by one punch!

How terrifying is Whitebeard's full power?

Naruto? Naru?

Uzumaki Kushina scarcely woke up, taking a gander at the many children who were conveying him and running joyfully, with a bizarre and dull articulation.

Is Naruto not my son?

Why is he so colossal?


Still convey me on your shoulders?

Since the scene was so crazy and unusual, she even felt like she was dreaming.

"Mother, you just brought forth me and you are still exceptionally powerless, so don't talk until further notice."

Kushina smiled reassuringly as dozens of Naruto passed by.

Kushina says,

Tune in, would you say you are communicating in human language?

I just brought forth you, exceptionally powerless!

Be that as it may, the issue would you say you is, are additionally recently conceived, so what is what is going on at this point?

"Ah! Naruto, take off! Soon, we'll have Nine Tails! With an expression of pain, Kushina exclaimed.

Naruto couldn't tolerate seeing her in such agony, and loosened up his hand to paralyze her.

Right now!

A gigantic hook, with a horrendous madness, surged out from the seal Uzumaki in Kushina's mid-region.

Naruto's white, tender hands lightly pressed on the enormous claws, "Haha, my uncle again."

A white light moved quickly over!

Clearly it was only a light press, however it appeared to be an enormous power stirred things up around town reflect,

Just a tick was heard!

The elusive mirror suddenly fell apart!

Nine Tails' claws were heavily slammed by a tremendous shock force.

Nine Tails retracted its claws suddenly, as if an ordinary person had touched boiling water!


Nine Tails, who was going to exploit the debilitating of the seal and powerfully rush out: "???!!!"

It's so painful!

Who was outside right now, took an unexpected photo of me, and shocked my entire body by making it feel so soft?

It is irate!


I will eat you when I go out!

With a more violent Nine Tails Chakra breath, Nine Tails once more broke free, and he emerged with just one claw!

I, Kurama, can no longer use this seal to cover my eyes today!

Naruto, Uzumaki Whitebeard, extended his right hand.

A little child hand!

Give it a light press!

Nine Tails was unable to bear the thought that there were tens of thousands of mountains emanating from the outside world and could only retrace his claws.


Who are individuals out there?

The force is too great!

At the very least, it feels like First Hokage!

This brings to mind the tragic experience of being rubbed on the ground by First Hokage True Several Thousand Hands and being controlled by Uchiha Madara's staring eyes.

It suddenly had the impression that it was sealed inside, and it was actually quite good.

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it is 10 chapter ahead