
Create A Group Chat In Hokage World

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity) and my English is also not good because English is my second language, Time travel to become a newborn Naruto and remain the tail of the crane with both parents dead? Think too hard! I'll start with the Whitebeard Advent card and then shatter the Nine Tails! Third Generation Fourth Generation Jiraiya and other Konoha's top combat power groups can't defeat a Shadow Clone when I was three years old! I allowed tsutsuki Black Zetsu, the man behind the ninja world, to refer to me as Uncle Naruto. I defeated Orochimaru Living Corpse Reincarnation! Sunagakure's cat ear female culture is led by me! In Kirigakure, I organise a beauty pageant! I invited Kakashi to join Akatsuki and work alongside Obito. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial it is 10 chapter ahead

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

10. Collectively, the high-ranking executives of Konoha fell at a baby's feet!

Danzo said, "???" after observing Nine Tails bowing obediently like a pug.

When did Nine Tails start being so submissive?

Might it at any point be that sooner or later, I fell into a deception, and what I see currently is only a deception?

However, the closed Sharingan confirmed what had transpired earlier.

He became even more terrified as a result.

When someone talks to Nine Tails, it's like licking a dog!

Who exactly is this individual?

Everyone has been thinking about this question for a long time.

No one dared to inquire because it was so terrifying.

All of the ninjas below Elite Jnin were taken aback by this individual's courageous outburst just now.

This sort of solidarity, even the amazing ninja god, Senju Hashirama can't make it happen!

Namikaze Minato was repeatedly prompted to ask with his eyes by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

because he noticed that Namikaze Minato liked the mysterious man in the bamboo hat.

"Excuse me, senior, who are you?"

Namikaze Minato swallowed, rose to his feet, and inquired.

He was also afraid of the scene where Danzo was slapped to death just now.

We must stop this person, even though he is seriously injured and trying incredibly hard not to, because they tamed Nine Tails, saved Konoha, and spoke politely to him.

"Who am I?"

Naruto, lost in thought, raised his head.

However, he lacked height.

Regardless of whether he raised his head, he was unable to arrive at others' knees.

That ought to be the case.

However, the individuals who are as yet alert under the episode of Naruto Hero's Haki a few seconds ago,

He had as of now crouched interestingly, keeping his body low, taking a stab at the most elevated place of his body to never surpass the level of the puzzling man's bamboo cap.

You might not believe what I say, and some people even lie directly on the ground.

Because I was taller than the mysterious man in the bamboo hat, I was afraid that I would upset the boss and be slapped to death like Danzo.

Even that person was still thinking, Hey, why does this mysterious black-clad man wearing a bamboo hat look so familiar to me?

Isn't that black top, with the cuff lines and stitching marks, my top hanging out?

No matter how you look at it, that bamboo hat is the one that is hanging outside my house's window.

Could it be... What's inside my bamboo hat and black top?

It was a young infant who was less than a year old, and he briefly considered it.

However, for fear of being slapped to death, he did not dare say or inquire.

You're a hypocrite, and you don't want to die.

In addition to giving Nine Tails instructions via the master-servant contract, Naruto gave Nine Tails a look.

"Kurama, explain to them who I am?"

"Who exactly are the Nine... Lama?" Namikaze Minato could not help but inquire once more.

Sarutobi Hiruzen got restless and frowned at him.

Don't stress.

Trust that the supervisor will address the main inquiry prior to posing.

"Nine Tails is known as Kurama to me." Naruto guffawed.

"An abbreviation for Nine Tails?" To himself, Namikaze Minato murmured.

"Could it be that you are..." Sarutobi Hiruzen exclaimed, as if he had just had an epiphany. At this point, Nine Tails shrank back into the small fox. It appeared more kawaii like this, according to Naruto, who then spoke lightly:

"That's correct; he is the Sage of Six Paths' reincarnation, the promised Son of Hope, and the ninja world's savior."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted: " The reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths, the ninja's ancestor? Did you truly separate the Ten Tails into the nine Followed Monsters?"

He has always been interested in this myth.

Naruto gestured.

"At the time, Kurama's consciousness was my favorite child due to its adorable and arrogant appearance.

As a result, I divide Ten Tails Chakra as follows.

Nine tails, one tail. One for Nine Tails and one for Nine Tails. Nine tails, three, and one.

That's it; Nine Tails will receive the remaining portion of Chakra.

"Ah? It ended up looking like this!" Everybody in Konoha shouted.

Nine Tails murmured to himself.

I think you're a ghost!

Even though I have more chakra than the other eight tailed beasts put together, it is not as much as you claim!

"Do you want to be Sarutobi Hiruzen? Danzo is not a Hokage."

With a fierce expression, Naruto raised his hand lightly and stated, "If you dare, I will kill you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly shook his head like a clatter.

Hokage, act like one!

He sorted it out, this individual was attempting to flaunt to Minato.

With the exception of Minato, whoever thinks for even a moment to be a Hokage will truly be pounded into the ground!

Danzo's correlation is an example from an earlier time!

"I should retire because I think I'm getting old. Konoha Hokage, there is nobody yet Minato!"

Naruto, content, shook Third Generation's hand and stated that if the response did not satisfy him, he would kill them.

"From the get go, I supposed, in the event that you don't make it happen, then, at that point, I'll be Hokage for no particular reason.

However, if this is the case, then forget about it and allow me to become a Hokage when I grow up.

"The Child of Trust in the prescience? Why is this so familiar?" Namikaze Minato likewise contemplated internally.

"Wait! Is that you, Naruto?" Namikaze Minato asked incredulously as he suddenly raised his head and his eyes lit up.



Everyone was surprised.

The Fourth Generation wants to name their son this, right?

How could that be? "Yes, Naruto, I am. "Hello, father!"

Taking off the bamboo hat that had covered his entire head, Naruto revealed his newborn face, which had only been born less than a day before.

The three perspectives were suddenly completely shattered for everyone.

Is he really the Fourth Generation's infant son?

The boss they were admiring and admiring just now is actually a baby!

In the event that different towns had some awareness of this, they would likely pass on from chuckling.


The high-ranking executives of Konoha were so cowardly that they sat at the feet of a baby. Is this a moral decline or the unpredictability of fate?

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it is 10 chapter ahead