

Waterwalk311 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - Sippor

I was walking down a large hallway, it looked dark and it feels like evil creeps from every corner. I was walking for what felt like hours and then at last I reached a big door that had large skeleton hands wrapped around it and a giant's skull on top of the doorframe. The door suddenly opened up and I saw what looked like a white room, I entered the room and what I saw was a girl sitting in the middle of the room looking at me. She had round glasses and white hair tied in pigtails that reaches just around her buttocks. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a blue skirt that reaches bellow the knee.

"Kuragami-san right?"

She asked me.

"Umm...yes, Takahashi Kuragami, nice to meet you."

"I'm Sora, the goddess of reincarnation. I heard that your classroom collapsed and you got crushed under the rubble."

"That's correct, I wasn't able to go for the exit fas enough and the ceiling fell on me."

I said.

"The god of death also told me that you were still young before you died."

"Yes, I was still 16 years old..."

I wondered why she couldn't tell that I was still young untill I looked at my hands and saw that they were so white that I can hardly see them in this space.

"Because you died at a young age I will make you choose wether you want to go to another world or stay in this world." She said.

I thought about it for a while and finaly came up with a decision.

"I want to go to another world."

"Can you give me a reason why?" She asked.

"I want to experience what would it be like in a different kind of world." I sincerely told her.

"Well then, you will go to a world named Sippor where magic exist and monsters lurk. That world has five moons and every three months there is a solar eclipse followed by a lunar eclipse. In those moments monsters spawn more frequently and they will get stronger five times, there will be trials during the solar and lunar eclipse and those who conqure the trials will be blessed with great strenght till the next eclipse."

"Okay... Thank you for the information"

"But before you go I would like to grant you a power you would like, what would it be?"

"Can I choose whatever I want?"


"Then surprise me." I said with a serious face.

"Okay then"

All of a sudden a bright light surrounded me and I had a feeling that I was slowly disappearing, but before I disappeared I heard her say something.

"Because you won't know what power you will have, I will grant you the ability to talk with the inhabitants of the world. I would also grant you the ability to level up faster than a normal human would."

"Thank you very much." I said to her before I was swallowed up by the light and teleported to the other world.

I opened my eyes to see that I was looking up at a woman that was smiling at me for some reason. I quickly looked at my surroundings to see where I am and saw that I was in a room, everything looked big and it was as if I was smaller than usual

I tried to talk but the only thing that came out was a cry... I realized it, I had become a baby.

"Waaaa!" I cried.

I can't believe that I'm now a baby

"What's wrong Wil?" The woman said.

I think she's my mother.

The door opened and a man came into the room with a bright smile.

"Honey, is that our son, Wil?"

"Yes, he's beautiful isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's as beautiful as you."

"Aww, stop teasing me." The woman said with a red face.

They talked for a few second and looked at me and gave me a smile, I also gave them a smile back.


I was sitting on my swing, my father came up to me and said that he'd give me sword practice when I reach 5 years old. I don't think that I need it though cause I want to be a magician but it can't help to learn something else.

Later that night we celebrated my fourth birthday. After I slept I dreamt that I was in front of the goddess again.

"It's good to see you again." she said.

"Yeah, it's been long." I replied.

"You seem to have been doing well through these years."

"Ah, yes I'm having a great time here."

"That's wonderful, but can I ask you for a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"You see, there seems to be a person that keeps becoming "The champion of the blood moon". We have learned that he made a contract with a demon king, If he doesn't stop untill you turn 15 we want you to do something about it."

"Can I really defeat such an opponent?"

"Well, if you're not strong enough to defeat him, you can make another plan I guess."

"If you say so... I'll accept your request."

"Thank you, now it's time to go. Goodbye!"

"May we meet again." I said to her before I awoke.

I woke up in my bed and I thought about how I could defeat the guy when my mom called me for breakfast so I went down to eat. While eating I was still thinking about it and suddenly an idea hit me.

"I'll learn about magic!" I declared which made both my mother and father surprised.

"Oh my." My mother said.

"I can teach you if you want, and there are also some books that you can read." She continued.

"Are you sure you're going to study magic?

What about swordsmanship?" My dad asked, confused.

"I wanna study magic and swordsmanship." I said.

"What!? You're going to become a combat magician!?" Both said in surprise.

"Is it hard to become one?" I asked.

"Well, with hard work you can become one but you need to enroll in an academy." my mom said.

We talked some more and before I knew it, it was already evening. We had dinner and before I stepped into my room I felt a shiver down my spine, though I ignored it.

In a certain place far away, there was a cave. inside the cave was something that was imprisoned. The imprisoned entity was looking at a child that had white hair with black ends, the child had a gentle face like green eyes.

"Seems like I've found you after 999,999,999 years." Said the entity.

Starting the next day I kept practicing magic and when I turned five my father taught me sword practice. I also learned the name of my parents, my mother's name is Seina and my father's name is john. I also learned about gods and goddesses. My mother also told me about the blood moon.

"Don't worry about it because the knights protect us." She said.

When I turned ten my parents celebrated my birthday and a few days later they enrolled me to an academy and today was the day that I will go there and my parents sent me off.

"Take care Wil, make sure to eat a lot." my mother said.

"Aim for the top!!" Dad said.

"I will." I said before the carriage rode off.

In the kingdom of Ostrat, the king is talking with the captain of the guards.

"Your majesty, the enemy is slowly advancing and will later approach the academy of Ethor. If we don't stop them, the students will die."

"Send half of the army there and bring some elite knights with you." The king said.

"Yes, your majesty!" The captain said.

The carriage was about halfway to the academy when all of a sudden a big group of goblins ambushed us. There were a few people in that carriage including the driver, they were scared and only three people were combatants including me.

All three of us fought the goblins, we had a hard time and I was thinking of a way to make my magic casting faster. I remembered my mom telling me that mana is inside of everyone and chanting is the way that people can use it mo create magic. I tried to manipulate the mana itself towards the tip of my finger while thinking that I wanted to make fire, all of a sudden a small ball of flame was created in front of me I also tried to manipulate the surrounding mana to make the fire bigger and I shot it towards the goblins. It exploded and burned the goblins in the surrounding.

"What was that!?" The swordsman asked, surprised.

"There was no chanting!" The mage said.

I myself was surprised but I continued to do that till every goblin was defeated. After that I got tired because I used so much mana.

*Sigh* "That was exhausting."

I walked back to the carriage along with the two others. And the we continued the journey. Along the way they asked me how I was able to use magic without chanting, I told them how to do it and the mage failed after trying, I wonder why?

We arrived at the academy and saw that it was very large and beautiful, it looks like a lot of nobles study here.

I entered and quickly saw the amount of students. I went to the school head and nocked on the door.

"Come in." Someone said.

"Excuse me." I said as I opened the door.

"Yes? Can I help you?" The principal asked

He was fat and old, maybe a little under sixty years old.

"I came here to give you a letter of enrolment."

"Ah, yes I've been expecting you." he said with a smile.

"Thank you for accepting me here!" I said while bowing down.

I gave him the letter and left.

"Have fun here at the academy." he said after I turned around.

I looked back, "I will!" I said.

While walking down the hallway, I ran into someone that was pretty popular in this school and asked if her if she knows where room 152 is. Everyone was shocked how I talked to her so casually, but then her friend came in and cut our conversation short.

When I came to my room there was someone there waiting for me, his name was Rhyle, and he was waiting for me to come so he could welcome he new roommate.

I was shocked to see he was my roommate, because of what the other students were saying about him, that he was weird and delusional. I said to my self this is gonna be an "interesting" school year.

"Nice to meet you I am Rhyle I hope we will be good friends, please don't pay attention to what other people say about me."

"It's also nice to meet you, I am Wil let's get along from here on out."

But as we were finishing our introductions, the vice president of the school council came in to introduce himself to us and told us more about the rules of the school.

When he was telling us about the rules I felt confused about the rules of the school, some of them were normal and made cense but some of the other ones felt weird and suspicious.

And there was an ominous feeling that I was being watched something or someone while I was listening to the all the rules and punishments for breaking them.

On my way to the garden I felt like the feeling of being watched was getting stronger, as I walked over to the tree in the middle of the garden I heard noises coming from the tree and I wondered what they were.

When I went under the tree to get a better look a saw two black figures instantly disappear and I questioned my self what it was or who it was.

So after what I countered I went straight to the school library to do some research on who those two black figures could be and if they were danger to me or to the school.

But I found nothing related to them and it made me think if I was hallucinating or that I was being stalked by unknown forces, but I didn't pay that much attention to it to not freak my self out.

The next day was the day of the entrance ceremony.

And on that day the school president showed us around the school to get us familiar with the lay out of the school but during the time we were walking around the school I felt like the feeling of being watched was way stronger than before.

I asked the president if she felt the same but she said no so I thought of it as a weird feeling. Later that night I talked to my roommate about what happened and he said that I should talk to the principal about it.