
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · Urban
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60 Chs

Wrecking havoc(chapter 46)

"Your orders?" asked a man seating in a car Infront of a lady who wore a black mask,half of her face was covered "let's go, I'm sure that stupid Daniel already knows we're here if we dare act they will strike" she said playing with an object in her hands her gaze on them,"we can deal with him later this is our perfect opportunity we should strike they are all alone" the man said "shut up, Lucas is smart after that attempted assassination I'm sure he has bodyguard around them disguised as common people we better leave" she said closing her eyes to suppress evil urges resonating inside of her" "okay ma'am" the man said dissapointed,the driver drove their car in a different direction,Daniel who was watching the sceen through his laptop smirked "its good you know your place" he said.After their shopping both headed to his grandfather's mansion,the old man appreciated her efforts and they spend alot of time chatting,Jennie had prepared their dinner and once they were done they headed back to their villa,Jennie felt tired and sleepy,she leaned her head on Lucas and fell asleep,once they arrived Lucas tried waking her but she didn't wake up she was fast asleep so he decided to carry her to their bedroom though he was still injured he managed to carry her with ease,he met with the housekeeper "is she okay?" she asked concerned "she is fine, prepare some food for her to eat once she wakes up" he said,he had noticed her increased appetite and he knew she might wake up hungry,his nanny nodded her head and Lucas headed upstairs,he gently placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet.Lucas was driving heading to his other mansion that is after instructing his men to tighten the security,"have you managed to retrieve what I told yo to?" he asked seating next to Daniel,they were the only people in the room "yes, it's a piece of cake for this tech god" he said proudly,he handed Lucas his laptop "you managed to get a new one?" he asked suprised,the last time he had smashed his laptop Daniel had whinnied alot saying he only had one of a kind laptop "of course, though it is not as good as the one you destroyed, it's still good" he said,Daniel stood up and left leaving Lucas all alone he wanted to give him privacy,he watched the video clips and read the meassages with clenched fist,once he was done his mood was sour,his chest clenched bitterness spreading all over his veins,dark and murderous aura surrounded him if once was to see this they would tremble in fright luckily Daniel had warned them not to go inside.

"Call him" he said,Lucas knew there was someone standing outside waiting for his orders,the man who had been standing there for almost an hour quickly bolted out of there thanking the heavens for having an opportunity to escape,Daniel walked in the room with caution,even from far he could feel that murderous aura he was emitting,he stood at a safe distance away from him deciding if Lucas tried anything he will just run for his life,Lucas raised his head and seeing those cold eyes he gulped hard withiut even been told he took a few steps closer to him,not seeing change of his expression,he accepted his fate and walked closer to him "sit" Lucas said his voice hoarse and domeneering,Daniel sat next to him his heart on his throat."What else did you find" he asked retracting his gaze,"ooh that" Daniel didn't know what to say he gently took his laptop thanking the heavens it didn't suffer the same fate as the last one,he tapped on his laptop and pushed it towards him,Lucas looked at the photo of a young lady holding a glass of wine in her hands "she is Alice,her father is a politician, doesn't have a mother,this is Joan Robert's daughter,she is Sandra her mother is an actress and she too debuted not long ago,Ben the only son of Ceo of royal company limited,Jack Sandra's boyfriend" he said showing all their photos "they are the ones who made your wife's life a living hell,Alice being their leader also they were the ones that drugged her but I couldn't find the man" he said skipping to mention the whole details,Lucas was smart and knew what he meant,wanting to find the culprit who had taken advantage of his wife he had told him about her pregnancy but didn't dare tell his other friends,this mission was only known to them.So she was druged he,that's how she got pregnant he thought,he clenched his fist "find him at all cost, I'll kill that bastard" he said coldly,Daniel felt shivers run through his spine,he quickly nodded "there is something else,his brother is also involved in this" he dropped the bomb,Lucas looked at him in shock "his brother?" he asked surprised,he never knew that someone would do such awful things to their family,"yes,he arranged for his father to get into an accident" he said further shocking him,"why did he do all that?" he asked,now he remembered Jennie had told him about the accident it almost made her loose her baby,"he wants to be the CEO of Louis construction company,after he conspired against Jennie he had thought he will become the sole inheritor but his father didn't hand over the company" he said,having cleary understood everything,Lucas couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife,he knew she had suffered but he never imagined it was so extreme,the worst pain one could feel was being hurt by your loved ones.

"I'll make them pay,tell Mr Brown I'll visit next week" he said,he was going to personally deal with all of them to avenge his wife,"there is something else" Daniel said he tapped on his laptop showing him a picture of a young lady on the screen "she is one of them?" he asked,he couldn't understand how one could hate Jennie to such extreme,"no she is her friend,she was the one who helped her leave the country" he said "that's good make sure you compensate her well" he said "but something is not right,she works as Sandra's secretary the actress" he said,"did she betray her?" he asked angrily,"I don't think so, I find it suspicious she works for the person who bullied her best friend,when I hacked her phone I learnt that she communicates with your wife, I think they're planning something" he voiced out his speculation, that's when it hit Lucas,he clearly recalled before signing their marriage certificate Jennie had requested him to help her meet with Damon,now everything made sense,her friends was spying on them and with the help of Damon she would take them down,"that's trues,then I'll let her deal with them first then I'll deliver the final blow" he said.He was filled with anger,hate and resentment those emotions were like poison spreading all over his body,he needed to do something to let loose of all those negative emotions,"gather the boy" he said shocking Daniel "but...." but before he could finish his sentence Lucas cut him short "now,proceed with the other plan" he ordered,Daniel nodded and quickly left,he knew this was going to happen soon but he never expected to be this soon,though Lucas had told them to always be prepared he had deducted it was going to happen after a few more days.

Five black cars drove in the middle of the night heading to an isolated street,it was dark and quite like a haunted city which no one dared to enter,but the people moving at the middle of the night weren't scared,infact they seemed excited,they were armed dressed in black their faces covered with black clothes exposing only their eyes each with a bluetooth on his ear,if one was to be meet with such a sceen they would surely faint or pee on their pants due to fright,Lucas was leading them to wreck havoc,Daniel had tried to persuade him to leave the mission to him but he declined,this involed his wife how could he remain idle.After covering a certain distance,Lucas got out of the car,his face wasn't covered infact he was the old one out,he only wore black clothes with a bluetooth on his ear, two hand guns on his waist band,he gave orders and all got out of the cars,they all knew the details of the plan,they were already used to it and without waiting for instruction five of the men walked dissapering in the darkness,"let's go" Lucas said,in slow strides the other five men followed him heading to their destination, Daniel who was left in the mansion sat Infront of his laptop,he was their eyes he inspected their sorrounding giving them necessary details and guidance,he was their eyes to ensure the cost was clear and search for exit,after receiving Daniel's signal they hurriedly walked without even the tiniest noise heading to a beautiful gate,five men who supposedly were bodyguard were patrolling inside,one of the man heard a knock on the gate,alarmed he called his collegues,"someone is knocking" he said in a low voice,"who could it be?" asked a man who seemed to be their supervisor,he tightly held his gun "let's call boss,maybe that person is a client" he said,they were used to clients coming at the middle of the night,he took his phone but before he could dial the number he received a message "let them in" having read the message he quickly instructed him men to open the gate.Six men stood infront of the gate with a domeneering aura,they looked scary and terrfying making them shiver uncontrollably, the one who stood Infront of them like the leader of the group was by far intimidating,not expecting to meet such kind of people he tried to blow the whistle on his hand to send a signal to notify others that they were under attack,but before he could blow it the the leader held his neck squeezing it hard his eyes cold "you should atleast greet your guest" he said his tone cold,his collegues held their guns pointing at them seeming brave but one could see how both their legs and arms were trembling,the five men almost laughed out loud they were tempted to bully them but since their boss had not instructed them to they refrained,Lucas face was completely covered just like his men,no one could be able to recognise him,his aura was more frightening and intimidating,not wanting to waste his time on this silly and weak men he raised his hand his instructions clear,getting the signal with ease they quickly subdued them taking their weapons and knocking them out,they tightly tied them with chains and walked heading to the mansion,the mansion was extravagant and well designed if an ordinary person saw it they would halt their steps and admire it but the people standing Infront of the mansion weren't ordinary people, with guns in their hands,high on alert ready for anything they got closer to the mansion, surprisingly the security wasn't tight there was no one in sight, in places like this there is always dozens of armed men patrolling.Lucas wasn't surprised that's because the five men that had left had used a different entry and not alerting the enemies like well trained spies they eliminated all the security outside,they were best at hiding and camouflaging making it easy for them,Lucas wanted to wreck havoc but he wanted to use the favourable means by avoiding direct confrontation,there wouldn't be much blood shed if he sneaked up on them.

One of the men blasted the door with just one kick,they didn't know the situation inside so they were more alert,the people inside got alert,but before they could attack each felt their body pierced by a sharp needle and immediately they fell on the floor losing consciousness,ten people lied on the floor with no consciousness if not for their moving chest one might think they were dead,the man who had not been shot trembled with fear,not knowing what awaited him,he couldn't even hold his gun properly "wh....who...who..a..are you?" he stammered his eyes filled with fear,his legs trembled knees weak threatening to give up,they looked like pirates who terrorizes the sea, like mafias who rules underground sindicates,terrorist who terrerizies common people."Call your boss" he ordered,the man looked at his colleagues on the floor and quickly nodded his head,he forced himself and quickly bolted out of there like his ass was on fire,"is everything set?" he asked "yes all were subdued, you have the upper hand he won't dare act recklessly,the other men are watching over them incase of anything" Daniel said,both were communicating through the Bluetooth,a man in his late fifties run downstairs his breath caught in his chest,his heart thumping on his chest threatening to jump out of ribcage ,he was sleeping when he heard commotion outside,annoyed he got up and asked what was the problem that's when one of his men who's face was pale as a sheet of paper told him the bad news,his mind kept on repeating the words the man said "We're under attack" while running downstairs to meet with the intruder,he didn't even dare change his clothes or get armed,there were few men who followed him guns in their hands ready for anything.Seeing the six men who stood intimidatingly pointing their guns at him the man gulped hard,he didn't know who the person was and what he had done to offend him,the man who seemed to be their leader looked at him his eyes cold,he couldn't help but tremble he didn't know who he was and why he attacked his base,looking at the men who lied on floor,he swallowed his nervousness,he was a boss he couldn't show his nervousness infront of his boys,gathering enough caurage his tried acting cold and unbothered "what do you want?" he asked but one could hear the nervousness in his voice, "Mr Tristan long time no see" Lucas said,the man opened his eyes wide in shock,his legs trembled,he felt a cold shiver run down his spine,"Damon" he called his voice full of nervousness.