
Gundam Seed Part 1 Suprises, Titan hates them usually

Titan was in Gundam Seed. Currently in the Zaft forces on a deep infiltration mission. The memories had settled when he arrived 3 days ago. No changes really for the most part. But a surprise awaited him after he finished the op.

It was tucked away since he hated surprises.

The facility was easy to infiltrate. Especially with no other User currently existing in the World but himself. A lock went out to make it his own, which was approved with ease. Right out the gate, Titan was moving to claim the World for himself.

They were currently stealing the Mobile Suits that were going to be used to turn the tide of war. But that changed with the stealing of the prototype weapons. All but one originally anyway. The Strike remained with their control. Zaft made off with the others.

As Titan broke away from the others, he was ready for his next task. Moving stealthy and using the skill Dash togethor. He moved quickly towards the Aegis mobile suit. Getting inside the moment Athrun dropped in.

'Time to connect with it, while he removes the locks.' Titan touched the sides. From his finger tips, Leviathan/Reaper tech moved to help with integration. 'I miss the different A.I. I had. Made tech so much easier. But the programming is pretty nice in here.'

As the sub-routines were taken over by indoctrination the more was Athrun taken over, the more Titan's mind understood the suit as well. A Pull he did just finished up right before he made his move.

System: High Pull .. target found... Halo: Fall of Reach.. Cortana agrees after receiving Users personal files.

Cortana: Pleasure to meet you. Commander, I look forward to helping you strengthen humanity.

'Yeah. Have a conversation with me.' Titan separated a part of his mind to talk with the A.I. specifically. Considering his knowledge was the games that he went to, their were differences with the book series. 'Things are a little different.'

*Doop!* The Aegis was ready to go. Titan triggered the Phase Shift causing Athrun to freak out for a second.

"I didn't activate that. What is.. kuk!" Blood covered the inside of his helmet.

"Heh. Bye kid." Titan had stabbed Athrun in the chest. Opening the cockpit back, he tossed him out. He could feel the Will of the World working to keep the boy alive. It would not work on keeping the Mobile Suit away from Titan however. "Fun times. I might get addicted to things like this." Taking off in the Aegis, he soared in the sky towards ArchAngel.

Shooting at a few forces of Zaft personnel on the way.

System: Task complete. Advance to the next assignment.

"Alright," taping the codes he hailed the base to identify himself. The connection came in smooth. Linking up, he landed in the bay area. "Ah, how fun." Inside his Nether Heart, he could feel it open up. 'Oh Savage, how are you?'

Savage was the fusion of his Black Agumon self from his first time. His own Digimon from Digimon World 3. Renamon from that teamed fused with Chari who remained in Mass Effect. The Monmon from the group took on the task of acting as a Deity for his Digitial Word he use to have.

It is currently part of the Mass Effect Galaxy he left. Black Agumon also was fused with Bass his NetNavi from his second time. With the technology of the Alliance, Reaper, Cerebrus, Warhammer, Halo, Gears of War, and a few others. It took a while for all of it to come to full order.

'Ready to get to work. Do you wish for me to upgrade this suit?' Savage voice was the same as his old one. Which actually made him feel better in a way. 'It is really so offputting to what we usually run.'

'Heh, wait for it. Right now go through my memories. A lot has happened since we last spoke. Quite a few millennia actually. We also have another A.I. on board. Name is Cortana.'

Docking, Titan was wondering if the same thing that happened when he boarded the Dominion for the first time would occur. 'This Zaft uniform will not help.' The hatch opened proving his point actually.

Titan was held at gunpoint and was slightly irked but understood why. Everything was getting verified quickly enough. Just not fast enough to keep people from getting hurt. Especially if someone shot him by accident.


-A few hours later-


Kira ended up in the Strike per normal. And fought them off with better results than before. Especially with the others getting Athrun out of there. Titan just watched it all like a bystander. The results were satisfactory sensing everything through his Cosmos and spiritual sense.

Perfect chance to train it all. Which flourished in space for several reasons. Defintely a lot of energy radiating about.

System: Earth Profound Realm achieved. All stats increased by 1+, Spiritual sense increased to 200 miles.

"You have been debriefed. Welcome aboard Commander." The Captain said. She watched Titan who barely returned a salute. She may have been new to the position and not really equipped to do it, but times were different. "I am acting Captain, Murrue Ramius."

Titan's full attention was on one woman in the room. Natarle Badgiruel. He married her in another place. At another time. She was a good friend then a very good wife later. Very well adjusted to what happens in Rift Worlds. Originally during this time period, she would be an Ensign and later die in the series.

However, she was currently a Lieutenant Commander.

A look around the room showed a lot more people were higher up than usual. One of the changes from his placement and Lluvia doing her scenario setups may be.

"No problem." Titan looked at the other Officers and smirked. Natarle came up and gave him a handshake. He did not let go. 'I can not resist. She is not my Natarle, but still.' Yanking her forward he gave her a kiss. The smack would be worth it. As well as a court-martial. "Damn you taste good."

"Umm, so do you. Good job hubby." Natarle answered with a smile. Titan was stunned at her response. She turned to look at everyone. "What?" Her smile was innocent. "We are married kind of."

"Umm, what is going on?" Captain Ramius asked concerned. "The blatant disregard for protocol can wait."

"Heh, he is my husband." Natarle said simply.

"You.. you are like what, 9 years older than him?" Another asked.

"Arranged marriage set up before he was planted.. in well Plant." Natarle leaned over and gave Titan another kiss. "Glad you succeed in your operation. You were not ready for this surprise were you?"

"No.. cannot believe you were stationed here." Titan was ecstatic. He opened a telepathic link that she answered with no problem. 'I did not know you came here to. Why not tell me? I would have rushed here for you.'

"Anyway, we have been seperated for a long time. So.. later. Bye captain." Natarle grabbed Titan as she answered him. 'I had to do a few things to get the System to let me come with. My soul was not strong enough before. When you gave the power to the System and the Avatars, we received a lot of benefits after you left. Even though we left you already. I regret my work took me so far away. But I do not regret the choice.'

"Yeah. How was that anyway?" Titan asked looking around as they moved. Mostly his attention kept going back to her. A few looked at him weirdly not knowing whether to trust him or not. 'I wonder what she is thinking? I do not think I will be able to let her go again without protesting.'

Natarle ignored the question about it. Her hand gripped his tighter for some reason.

'Lluvia was wanting to make sure I was strong when I arrived. So I took a few missions solely for me. Thus the higher promotion when the story started.' She stared hard at him and raised her hand up for he could see. 'Same ring for us. Here is yours.' She dropped the Growlanser ring with the Chaos Emerald fused inside.

"Thanks for keeping it safe for me." Titan eyes misted a little as he put it on. Each of the women was given a ring that matched their own. It caused a lot of System points to make sure they recognized it no matter what. 'I lost it along with my life on the Upper Gears of War World during the war.'

System: User has reaffirmed his vows with Natarle Lunastrider. Natarle Nebula Changing name accordingly. Rewards calculating...

"You are only allowed to cry this one time and if I die remember?" Natarle said hugging him. "It has been a long time but you still feel the same. A little larger perhaps in presence."

"Heh.. right." Titan floated them around in a room. "We have a lot to discuss. A hell of a lot." Natarle nodded, she knew arguments could come later.


-Command Room-


The others in the room recovered well enough. Just suprised the Ice Queen was so warm in an instant. Some thought things were odd but left it alone for now.

"Um, yes go ahead and go Natarle. You both are dismissed. Was that so hard to say?" Captain Ramius mumbled. "Haaa, how classified was his mission?"

"I do not know. Files are all redacted. Information is getting deleted right now actually. The moment we received the file and received his transfer orders from the Brass. He is connected. Deeply so. Also dangerous from the one report." Lieutenant Flaga stated.

"Child soldier is a very dangerous thing. He was chosen for his high aptitude for violence. As well as the ability to maintain his psyche under different scenarios."

"Lt. Flaga, what else do you know?" Captain Ramius felt the need to know more.

"He is a loyalist. He will kill any who stand in the way of his mission." Flaga gave a grin. "I saw one mission before he went undercover on the video. It was brutal. I suggest not to piss him off."

"But he will follow orders correct?" Captain Ramius asked.

"Yes. Unless they conflict with his higher-up orders." Lt.Flaga looked over. "But what are they and you would need to know them."


-The Room-


"Fuck!" Natarle said. Titan had her pinned against the wall. "Yes, I missed you to. Damm it! Just calm down already." She felt the anger he felt through the link. It was drowned out by his happiness that she was here. "Come on, where is my unstoppable monster of a husband?"

"Just have been dealing with a lot is all. Things are a little different than what they should have been." Picking her up, he sat her on his lap and told her about everything that happened.

"Damm, that would piss you off. But at least you moved up to Operator rank and then some. Congrats on the promotion. So what now?" Natarle was suprised he couldn't split any more. But this was the nicer of the two. Which was the one she knew more. 'Small miracles are nice.'

"Whatever you want. I have what I want right here and now."

"So we can have sex later then?" She watched him nod. "Ok, but you are not gonna let me go are you?" He shook his head no. "Also good. It has been a few millennia since I have seen you. I did not like it actually. I did not like the upper Worlds. It sucked and people we're just freaking rude and condescending." Her face scrunched up as her purple eyes shined in fury. "We are acquiring power this time right?"

"Yes, we are. But slowly. Do not want to throw up any red flags and whatnot." Titan looked at her hard. He was looking for any doubt or change in her mind. "For us really. To make sure our Worlds under our control remain almost unstoppable."

"I am so there. I have picked up a lot of skills and done some things." Natarle look down for a bit. "I... fused with a few others of myself. They did not have it as good as I did. Only one other actually did. She survived the explosion that kills me normally on the Dominion thanks to her User."

"Are you still you?"Titan hope nothing happened to much.

"Yes. Meld with me." Natarle said shaking a little. "I want you to experience what I have and the others have. See if you still want me."

"I will not get rid of you. Just know, I do not think I can let you go again. If you leave again I.."

"I won't. I am not the only one that regretted leaving." Natarle cut him off quickly. "Just.. we wanted to be more and learn more for the future. You were content to not move in the Conquer's direction. It felt like a waste."

"Alright calm down and.." Titan grabbed her chin and held her steady. "Embrace Life."

The two meld forgetting everything else that was happening. Natarle searched his soul on what he done since left with the others. Titan looked over her experience and that of the other Natarles she absorbed. Any inking of them trying to overcome her were pushed down by her already. A few destructive tendencies were still there from a few.

'Changing that now.' Natarle nudged for him to do so. Titan allowed her to poke around as she pleased.

Using Pather Rewrite, they were reorganized and put to use in other avenues. With a little push from Natarle, they would all be gone completely boosting her soul to higher heights.

Moving around the scenes that boosted her, the Chaos Emerald played an intricate part. Natarle had been in a few scuffles. Her training was enough against grunts but not hard core fighters. If not for the support of her friends she would have died. A few times were really close. Twice she did die. Losing a lot of her soul and held prisoner once, drawned out deaths to push harder.

She escaped the enemy prison by using all the power in the Chaos Emerald. She developed her constellation in Dark Cosmos' power from all the fighting and killing. Her Black Surplice resembled that of a Warrior Empress.

'Earned a very hard way. I am proud of her survival. Need to look into that later to help her grow.' Titan finished up and just rested after that. The findings in her soul were sent to Lluvia to make sure nothing bad would happen in the immediate future. 'She is deep in thought. Rather not interrupt.'

'He spent so much time studying Governing and Politics. He embraces the Primarch and Everchosen of Chaos to such greater heights.' Natarle stopped and viewed it slowly. The amount of killing that was done did not bother her. But what he had to do as an Everchosen did. The sickening glee on his face made her want to weep. She did not. The number of people he saved going from Sector to Sector looking for them was enough to wipe that away. 'It was good he declined. So many would have died if he came at that time of the beginning of the War. But why is a large chunk of him missing? Sending this to Lluvia now.'