
Gundam Part 2

"That.. that.. is true. But it didn't happen." Amuro countered as he stood up. "You first response can not be to kill."

"Of course it can." Titan shrugged and the Zaku mimicked him. His Pather Power already having linked the Mechanical Operating System with a section of his mind. Something new he picked up. "I won't lose sleep from killing someone who almost could have killed me."

Comms: Stand down Commander Nebula.

"Well, crap. You finally pulled my file. How nice of you." Titan said back amused a little. "It is just Titan now. Dishonorably discharged from Federation services." The Zaku did a bow to the direction of White Base.

Comms: Be that as it may, I am sure you can let this go.

"Maybe. We can talk later. There is company coming and I hope it kills that flyer pilot first." Titan then attached the gun to his side. "Such nice upgrades."

"What!?" Amuro moved forward and turn to the direction Titan was now facing. In the sky a red mobile suit was coming down at high speed. Behind it was another mobile suit. The red was Char the Red Comet in a custom Zaku. The other was a heavily modified purple Zaku. It was designed for melee the way it lacked armor and had additional thrusters.

"I want to fight the Gundam!" A voice said over all comms. It sounded childish just a little. "You take the other one uncle Char." Several rockets launched towards them both.

Titan sent a psychic blast directly towards Char. Small and indistinguishable to the naked eye. The rockets from the purple Zaku missed. Much to the shock of it's pilot.

'What was that!?' The purple pilot looked at Char. 'That does not belong here. Another User or a free Companion? Dad did say this place had someone's soul shard hear already. They can not ruin my fun!'

*Boom!* It exploded in his hand. The sudden blast threw him off a little. The suit rocked to the side. *Tink, tink!* something was rattling around inside Char's suit.

"The flyer didnt get a shot off. So how did my gun explode?" Char was asking himself that as he didnt notice the noise in his suit till it was to late. A flash grenade went off in front of him where Titans suit stood. "Ugh, a timer. But why waste it." Looking away, he felt something odd.

"Amuro is mine!" The purple suit shot off towards the Gundam. 'A better match up then fighting another User.'

"Fine. But be careful!" Char then zipped forward towards Titan. "You are the one responsible for destroying our forces. You will pay for that."

"Hahahaha. You are shitting me right? I get to kill Char Aznabelle. The man who abandoned his sister for revenge!" Titan laughed over open comms. "Oh, it must be my birthday!" Reaching down he grabbed the remnants of the legs of a destroyed Zaku. Running forward, it looked as if he would be using them as clubs.

*Thruum!* Titan had engaged the boosters to shoot forward faster.

With a chuck, he threw both legs at Char who dodged them easily with a tilt to the left then the right. Titan had reached for his last grenade he had during that time.

System: Intelligence Check 31 Pass

*Bam!* Titan and Char collided. He timed it just right based on the thrusting speed of both suits. Char's suit was more durable, he recovered quickly. Grabbing his Heat axe he was getting ready to swing down.

"What is that!?" Before he had the chance to respond, his main camera was destroyed. Titan had smashed his hand inside it. "Cheap tricks won't work!" Char finished the strike and struck the Zaku. He tore it in half with the swing. "To easy."

*Beep, beep, beep!* His mobile suit started to go off. A warning of a breach in the suit. A check would reveal a very large hole appeared in his suit. Big enough for a person to enter.

"What is targeting me?" Char looked up to see the flyer shooting at him. Pointing his spare gun up, he did not expect it to go off the way it did.

'I love magic. Coupled with Lin Kuei training, this is to easy. Makes it more fun!' Titan felt danger and hurried up to complete his objective. 'I wonder how things will turn with this guy dead?'

*Schlk!* A stab wound appeared on Char's left arm. Titan stood behind him without making a sound. The opposite arm went for the throat but a force stopped it.

'Damn! The Will of the World is already interfering.' Titan grumbled a little mentally. 'Char is getting stronger to turn the tide! But I will not pass up this chance easily!'

The blade moved up the arm cutting a few tendons.

"When did you get inside?!" Char was suprised. He opened the cockpit and made to get out. Titan was already going for another strike. But Char was doing a feint. He flipped Titan out of the cockpit in one fluid motion. 'This pilot is something else!'

*Chish!* The hatch closed before Titan made it to the ground. Char spotted a smile on the man's face. It unnerved him.

*Thuum!* Using his boosters, Char shot away quickly. His arm throbbed in pain not affecting Judgement just yet. A dark substance coming out of it. He was poisoned. As well as infected with indoctrination.

"Charla we are falling back!" He said over comms in a panic.

"Ok!" The child pilot yelled back. She gave Amuro a kick to the chest shooting off. Seeing Char flying a little funny, the pilot scanned the ground and saw Titan moving up. "You dare hurt my Char!?" She pointed her gun and opened fire draining the entire thing as she flew off.

Titan didnt stay put when he fell. The moment he stood up, he already gathered his energy to run off. When the gun fire rained down, he jumped behind the legs of his suit. Circulating his magic, he made the legs stronger to take the damage.

*Tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat!* The shoots rained down following him till he was undercover. To any observer, it would look like the suit took all the damage.

System: Mission Complete.

Task 1: Choose a side in the conflict. -Federation

Task 2: Participate in the conflict. -Fought usuing a Zaku

Task 3: Engage in a fight with a World Pillar. Had a fight with Amuro Ray and Char Aznabelle.

Task 4: Outed the secret of Char over comms.

Lluvia: The rewards are excellent but I turned most of them into stat points instead. However, I made sure to keep the High Pull you received. You also received a crap load of points. Good job honey.

'Thanks. I think I should head to the next place.' Titan walked out of cover now that it was clear. 'I let the body take some damage and a few burns to not arouse to much suspicion. They should give me some medical time.'

Lluvia: Sounds good. I will make sure the body gets ample recovery time. I was able to get the problem resolved. So did the others in their own way. When you head back later we can discuss it.

'Alright.' Titan took a breath as his mind and soul transitioned back. He left a little bit of his soul to stay in this body and moved to the next destination. 'I wonder how strong a soul shard can do on its own with all the power I have?'


Zeon Ship outside of Colony-


The ship was breaking away from Side 7. Having lost most of their forces and accomplishing almost nothing. The Colony took small damage and the Zeon forces took a beating they would not live down.

Currently, in medical, Char was receiving treatment. The arm was salvaged but the nerve damage was extensive. Once the room cleared out, Chara stood by his side checking it over.

"Does this have to do with something like yourself?" Char asked her. He was tired but still lucid. He was a Main Pillar that was allowed to remember certain things. Such as Users' and Companions' influence on things. But his personal history was not allowed. "He knew about my sister. Said I abandoned her."

"Haaa..." Chara sighed tiredly from the banter already. She didn't think Char would be such a drag. Her checks provide he was infected by a powerful substance. Not enough points to her name to buy a cure. "Yes, he is like me. But way stronger. Even stronger than my dad."

"Then we need to be ready for him next time then." Char said simply. Calculating his next move quickly. "The Zabi family still needs to pay for what they have done."

"That we agree on." Chara left the medical room to head to her private quarters. The room lit up with magical seals as she made a call. "I have a problem."

"What is the problem Valencia?" Her father Noir asked. Behind him, a few Soul Reapers were busying themselves with things. "Did you blow the place up or something?"

"No. Another User made contact. And he was stronger than me. A lot stronger." Valencia said deadpan. "Everything showed black and in question marks. I am pretty sure he has his personal power awakened to. The way he did things was scary. Even the Will of the World barely protected Char."

"Maybe should have done a different setup then? Char is not that great since he kind of gets his butt handed to him by a rookie. And they both are Newtypes. So really just comes down to skill. You would think he would have the advantage with him being an ace and older." Noir received a file from a Soul Reaper. Something that needed to be taken care of really quickly actually. "Your objective is what matters really. I think you can do well despite what is going on."

"What about the User?"

"I rather you stay away from him of course." Noir showed concern. Which was different when talking to his people. "If it is in all black, that means you stand no chance. It is stupid to try to defeat him. I rather you not experience death because of pride."

"Yeah, I understand." Valencia nodded. "If I come across him again, I will try to leave it up to Char to deal with. The power of a Pillar should boost him up more still. Talk to you later father."

"Be safe and hunt well." Noir closed the screen and turned to those with him. A few he could send to help her but she wanted to do it on her own. 'I will not bail her out. I wouldn't do it for the others and I can not do it just because she is my daughter. She wants to prove herself. This is the best way how.'