
Beginning Again.. Part 1

The battle between the Users had ended after a long Titanic battle. Azul cut the last of the fools down and destroyed the souls. This sent the person back to the Regular World (Earth) stripped of their memories as they sunk into dementia and hysteria. The last of the people needed to be dealt with which required Special Hunter Squads.

A User by the name of Marcel lead that Division.

Azul was then transported into the Avatar plane. The last time he was here, it was the separation of himself into two. His other half going by the name Orion now somewhere made things easy by cutting himself off from the emotional aspect of things that he needed to do.

Completely focused, he sent all the information to him on how to solve the problems. Having him do the heavy lifting. But it allowed Azul the(Paragon) to find the remnants with ease. The Commanding structure anyway to deal with.

As well as allow him to save the ones he cared about and free them from countless prisons. The information also freed tons of other Users who were currently in prison unjustly. Well after they served the sentence for the questionable things they did of their own volition that lead to the events.

"You have met my expectations Azul. You have exceeded them actually. The others and I want your help with something. It will give you a chance to start somewhere else." The Trickster was completely serious as he laid out his offer. "A lot of power was created from when you stopped Sovereign and took the place of the Shepard's and died. In Mass Effect 2 stopping the Human Reaper, sent humanity on a better path as well as in Mass Effect 3 turning the biggest threat into a galactic savior."

Another Avatar started to speak next. "Passing the control of the Reapers to your NetNavi Bass was an interesting move. And showed a level of trust we did not expect of you."

This Avatar was a more machine looking one. Went by the name of Digit. Those present were not aware of what happened with the Creator and a certain number of Administrators. As well as not knowing about Luminous and Orion (Azul Renegade) in One Piece.

An older Avatar spoke next. One dressed like a mage of sorts. "With the power of The Lich King, the souls of the departed were spared. It is a shame about the Shadowlands changing the World there. I think you and your Companion Jaina Proudmoore could have done much more with it. But she does well enough leading the different Planes in Magic the Gathering." Azul had know idea what his name was.

The tag above just said Old Timer.

"Hmmm, I suppose." Azul stood their rubbing his temples as he healed himself. The last User memory was disturbing, unlike the others. 'This boy was such an idiot. To think he absorbed three Administrators and thought he would be ok.' Pulling the two Admins' souls that were allies but corrupted out, he destroyed the third completely.

Reckoning smiled seeing the return of two of their people. To her, Azul her son-in-law did right by their family. 'I will have to increase my strength to make sure know one mess with them two. That daughter of mine has started to get to work focused.' She turned to look at the Trickster, her husband and sent him a message. 'We need to help our daughter and our son-in-law. She is starting to slip I think. The war changed her to much.'

The Trickster nodded mentally before continuing to speak. "Also taking the place of Tidus and damning your Soul to be destroyed with Sin was a dozy. I am happy you survived the last minute. That power can be used for a chance to save so many. You did it twice. Despite your misgivings. Even giving up all claims to the place and its power. The World even thanked you for it. Then it took Riku again as its Owner with Yuna leading the Fayth and Farplane."

"Copying you and sending you to a different set is the desire this time. A different set of Worlds." Reckoning spoke wanting to speed things along. "But we decided against that. You have grown powerful in a dangerous way. And your mind has developed oddly from it."

"Despite the War of the Users having nothing to do with you, you still joined to help your people. As well as help us take care of the more disruptive Users." A younger-looking Avatar named Luminous said. The first time the others really met him. Only hearing about him really. He gave Azul Deja Vu for some reason. As well as good vibes. "Glad you fought at the end."

"Easily done." Reckoning said smiling. She leaned into the Trickster for his support. A few other Avatars appeared. One, in particular, caught his attention. Galtana name tag was in black, level 99. She was still his friend despite what happened with her daughter.

"The world of Anime, Manga, and Movies is full of crazy. You can defintely hold your own against them." The Trickster said.

"The Users in those Worlds need someone to help them. But it will be a few in the beginning. Later on.. not so much." Reckoning said. "Whether you kill them outright, that is for you to decide. But try to help this User. His name is Noir."

"Hope he captures them and sends them to Rift prison instead. Or back home at least." Luminous said. "Thank you for your restraint the second time around. I studied what happened extensively."

"Will you do this?" Lluvia asked. "You will have your mental and emotional damage all healed. As well as your body. You might act a little different but your mannerisms will still be there." She grabbed his arm tightly.

Her biotic strands entered him. She wanted him to do this more than her father the Trickster did. Just to be able to spend a longer time with him from the start. As well as being the only Operator he would have. She had no idea where Mira went as well as Hilda. Alita was helping Jaina with the Horde of Dragon children.

"It will be just us from the start and a few of your Pulls awarded to you." She had a mischievous look in her eye, that Azul did not notice.

"Yes. I dont want you to have to go through this again. We can also have more fun there as well. That is what the Administration wants anyway." Azul stopped for a bit. Thumbing his elbow in thought. Trying to figure out if he needed to take the Operator test again. "I will still help if a World develops a problem. If it's worth it. As well as build my own forces to get ready for the inevitable problem that will pop up."

"That is good to know," Galtana said coming forward. "I am sorry about what happened with my daughter. I really am."

"Well yeah, so am I." Azul gave her a warm smile. He felt the biotic strands come off her. They were that of sorrow and regret for not stopping it. As well as something else. Something she had buried deep inside. "So I lose my stat upgrades and my inventory level.. what else do I lose? Again .. ugh."

"You will lose a lot more than that. It will be just you and your powerful soul mostly. Knowledge will stay. Skill level will stay. The breaking of the Soulbonds on yourself will create a lot of starting points and attributes. The level restriction will be removed for the most part." The Trickster said. "Wait.. you can keep some of your physical traits and mental ones. No sense in getting rid of that since they are ingrained in your soul at this point."

"There was enough power to create another to come with you. Well, Lettie anyway is coming. She has been storing power in case something like this happens again. Kasumi will also be coming. Other than that, no others. They are just not at that level since they decided to go towards the "Higher Worlds" and it would defeat the purpose to rely on them." Calamity said smiling. 'I like both of those women. I will give them a little power to make sure they arrive with you instantly.'

'Thank you.' Azul responded mentally back to her. 'You and your sister are something else.'

Her and Reckoning liked to play tricks on people. Even the other Avatars could not tell them apart. But Galtana, an Administrator that also rose to a high status could tell. Which made sense, since the three were all Administrators togethor at one point.

"Thank you aunty." Lluvia said looking up. "You are the best. I have close friends with me this time starting off. It won't be so lonely."

"Azul's head lowered as he looked at Lluvia. He gave her a smile and moved his hands through her hair. "I will not wait for you. As soon as you come and get me or wherever I start, I will head to you and break your helmet off and make you feel everything again if you try to pull any tricks understand? I will do my best not to make it to difficult."

Lluvia's eyes went wide and she felt the connection grow stronger between them. "Good... go..goo..od." She stammered from the influx of memories he gave her. Containing the countless search through the Sectors for her. A slight wince from certain memories of pain and suffering. "But I will be nearby.. so dont worry about it. Just your level will have to get up there quicker. I think I know a good way to do it."

"What will be Home this time?" Azul muttered.

"Huh?" Slightly lost from everything, she missed what he asked.

"Yeah, our Homeworld silly. The way I figure, we get to choose one ourselves right?" Azul looked at the others. "I might be forgetting something but.. let's get this going before I mess up."

"Wait." The oldest Avatar in the room said. He remained cloaked and invisible to Azul for the most part. "I use my authority to grant you the power of an Operator. A User will be assigned to you of my choosing. Be careful with her Azul. She is special, like you. You share a lot in common."

Creator: You passed the Operator test, so no reason to not have you do it. Unlike the Traitor Users that developed, you are more than trustworthy. And since you will not reside on Rift Earth, the others will not have a lot to grumble about.

The process was nice. But a lot of info. The amount of danger an Operator wielded was not the problem in itself. But combined with a User, it was a bit of a Malestrom. Only a total of 5 User Operators remained. 6 considering Azul now.

"Ummm.. so I have to share my points.. what a drag." Azul was to stunned to say anything more. It helped eased the situation for the Avatars mostly. Users promoted to Operator had caused a hell of a lot of problems. But a few remained and were in great positions. Those that abused the authority, were in deep cells in Rift Prison. 'Then again, the biggest mastermind was a User with the Pather ability like me. So their is that.'

Everything they had was set free. Companions and Followers were put on trial as well. If they were found guilty, they join in the cells. If not, they were allowed to have memories erased or just wait in limbo until someone purchased them from the store.

"No silly, you get separate points for that. You can, however, give some to the User and vice versa." Lluvia said as she pinched him. "Dont be like that. You have a lot of Operator points look and see."

"Wait, the one named Zelda." Galtana raised her hand and the Hyrulian woman appeared. She was in a state of stasis. She broke down and entered Azul into safety. "Her crimes were not her doing, as you said. The investigation finished while you were fighting. It will take some time before she wakes up. Her sentence.. was to heavy. I tried to get it reduced more but, it was outside my jurisdiction."

"I will look into it for you. If someone really went pass their authority they will pay." Another Avatar said. The commanding presence he shone was something else. He was the one that found a problem in a few of the laws getting broken in a Sector. The Administration board there were all sentenced to Destabilization. "I know how you feel about that, and I am in agreeance with killing them."

"Just try not to go overboard." Galtana said. 'I really hope things go well. I need a vacation myself. Where to go I wonder?' The idea of setting out into the stars sounded pretty good. 'Time to live a little for me.'

"Thank you." Azul gave the man a heartfelt thanks. Zelda had done a lot for him. "I will not let her become an operator again. Anything else is fine." He felt a weird sensation coming from Galtana. With a use of his Pather power, he helped clear her thoughts up. 'Try to remember what is important in life. No need to always worry.' She smiled receiving the thoughts and feelings.

"Sounds good to me to." Lluvia smiled happily. She liked Zelda but was glad no Operator besides her was still going to be there in the beginning. 'She can work on your psyche when she gets up. In case anything pops up.' They both came to the same agreement mentally. "Might be groggy getting up. But we can take care of that easy."

"Eh.. your right. She will be fine then." Azul looked over and couldnt believe the amount. He then looked at the way he earned them. They were during the time he helped guide a few Users as well as turn quests over to them while looking for everyone. "A good bit earned from the War still there as well."

Raising their hands up, the Avatars did various hand gestures. A mixture of various arcane and technology-based energies. Galtana and the Trickster did a fist bump and that was the last thing Azul saw. A warning echoed in his head.

'I also want you to save a few of the Users early on that you may come across. They will react to the World differently. You just have to pass a slight "Path" change on to them. Just to push them forward if need be. To many Users have been swayed to go outlandish outright.' The Trickster's voice was hard when he spoke. 'Please help them. Also, choose different routes between blatantly evil and assholish. While swapping to good-hearted and kind every now and then. The purpose of the User is still Growth. It is the benefits of the New Game++. A few hidden pieces in your soul will take care of a lot of things for you, dont stress that. So much distrust has entered your soul.'

System: Transporting User under System & Administration authority! Crossing boundaries. Removing name and redistributing design…