

It has been half a year since that day, the day I woke up in the middle of nowhere. Im inside a thick forest inside a mountain, I have tried my best to try and find any settlement nearby, but there is nothing to be found except for wild animals. Of course, for a man who is living in a civilized country, I couldn't survive in this danger, living alone inside a mountain with wild animals and poisonous insects that might kill me around me. But for some reason, I know how to craft or make something just by thinking about it inside my head. My right hand also has this tattoo, making my right hand touch something, and it will turn into something I think of. For example, if I touch a rock and think of a rock knife, that rock will form itself into a knife, but reasonable enough, it doesn't have a wood handle. Making me to be able to craft anything just by thinking about it with the right materials.

KLUX · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Road? no... WTF!???" And here I thought I was on the road of something since it looks like a road! But it was not mtfcker I was in the middle of a fcking war!

shit, shit, shit calm down me, I thought to myself as I lay down on the floor, two armies are right in front of me, no I am in the middle of the two armies fighting! Oh god, what should I do!?

I tried to crawl my way out as the two armies were busy fighting, Thank god they didn't notice me, I thought to myself, as I continued to crawl on the two armies I can now see the exit! I mean the flat ground where there are no armies fighting.

As I was already close and there were a few of them, I ran myself as quickly as possible, they are not fighting with guns nor horse, they are just fighting with swords, is this some kind of play? what the hell.

I got myself a few meters away from them when I remembered something important! The fcking teleportation device is still there! My god, how am I supposed to go back now! I lay down and look for my teleportation device. "Fck, it's already broken." I have no choice but to scape without my teleportation device.

As I was running for my life, I found a forest. "Yes! thank god." I quickly get there and hide myself from the two opposing armies, I catch my breath hiding on a large rock "hah, hah, hah, That was one of a hell experience."

"What should I do now... the teleportation device has been destroyed, and I can't go back. What I only have with me is my clothes, some gold as I assume I would trade for money, and this revolter for self-protection..." Sighting as I have the bad luck I have ever had.

I looked down and saw my right hand who had the tattoo, I smiled "heh, Haha... HAHAHAHA! how can I be so stupid! no matter where I am, if I have this power, I can survive!" laughing like a maniac, I wasn't feeling down anymore.

I explore the forest, but again, no matter how far I have been, there is no sign of any settlements, It was already afternoon when finally! I have found a road! this time, it was in the forest, so there shouldn't be an army here.

There are also traces of wheels... but it's too thin judging from the equipment of the soldiers earlier their sword are bronze... and they only have lethear armor.

I don't think the civilians of this current world are supper low or not even compared to the world war 1 as they don't even have iron sword, so this might be a carriage? I don't know, I should just follow it, it might lead me to a city or town.

As I followed the road, after just half an hour, I found a village... or so, I should say, but It was empty, I went further to inspect when I saw dozens of people who have their hands tied with rope.

And a fat looking businessman, this thing triggered me, Slavery!?? What the hell! angrily, I keep my calm and go to them, 5 man immediately surrounded me with bronze swords.

I know I can kill them easily, but if I were to get wanted in this world, it would have much risk, I still don't have a strong force, I should keep my profile low.

So I raise my hands up and talk, "I came here to not fight! I came here peacefully to talk about business!" The soldiers look at each other as they don't understand what I am saying.

The fat with a good looking clothes came, "&@%@&@%@*&*^" As you can see, I still don't understand their words, but the soldiers lower their swords.

The fat man came to me "#*#*#*# Business?" Oh, it gets what I am saying, "Yes, yes, business! thank god someone knows how to speak English." As I nod my head, the fat man leads me somewhere. It is where their "goods" are, Slaves, and dozens of them.

"&#^#&#;#" I still can't understand what he is saying, but some of the words are understandable. What he is saying is I should pick which one I like, most of them are beautiful women but there are also strong looking man.

"I want to buy them all." The fat man laughs. "Hahaha, all? @%@%#^#@" Maybe he knows that I might not have money, I get a piece of gold from my pocket, and show it to him, his eyes got big and start treating me generously.

In their language, "Hey! give this young man a special treatment! Judging from his clothes and that gold, I don't think that this man is just an ordinary man!" "Yes, sir!" the soldier said.

"^#&#*#&#" ^#&#!" I still can't understand, The fat man came to me, "All?" and he starts to point out the only recommendations he has, "all," and I point everyone, including the dozens of people in the back with their hands tied.

The fat man smiled and had a hand sign 👌meaning money, As I looked at all of his slaves, it was more than a hundred, I'm not stupid for the era of bronze gold is the most precious thing, I show him a 5 pieces of 1 cm gold piece.

He seemed to be happy and shoke my hands. His soldiers then came with stuff, such as tents and clothes, "Free," the fat man said, I thumbs up and smiles. He also smiles, lowers his hat, and bowed to me. "Goodbye," he said "Goodbye" I replied

As I watch them go away, I look at the slaves I brought, "How... the hell am I supposed to fed you now?" Agh, fck I bought them on a whimp! I was so careless! Now, how am I supposed to feed you all.

"Hais, first of all, I should free you all." Then one of the recommendations slave talk "I wouldn't do that If I were you, master" I look at her in shock.