

It has been half a year since that day, the day I woke up in the middle of nowhere. Im inside a thick forest inside a mountain, I have tried my best to try and find any settlement nearby, but there is nothing to be found except for wild animals. Of course, for a man who is living in a civilized country, I couldn't survive in this danger, living alone inside a mountain with wild animals and poisonous insects that might kill me around me. But for some reason, I know how to craft or make something just by thinking about it inside my head. My right hand also has this tattoo, making my right hand touch something, and it will turn into something I think of. For example, if I touch a rock and think of a rock knife, that rock will form itself into a knife, but reasonable enough, it doesn't have a wood handle. Making me to be able to craft anything just by thinking about it with the right materials.

KLUX · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"You can... undertand me?"

"A little, but yes,"


"The language you are using to communicate unknown to use, but some of the words are the same. That's why the slave trader understood you earlier,"

"If so... then how are you able to communicate with me? I don't think you can communicate with me just because I said a few words,"

"It is true that it is physically impossible, but I am "Blessed" using my powers. I can able to communicate with you"

"Blessed? hmm... I am curious about this that makes you communicate with me immediately just after hearing me talk, but it is getting dark, and I need you guys to prepare the tent for you to sleep in"

I came closer to her and untied her rope, "Untie the others, After that tell them to prepare the tent and food that the slave trader provide, then come to me I want to talk to you"

"As you wished," and so the girl untied the recommendations first, and they all untied the others. She told them to prepare the tents to sleep in as the house here are broken and can't sleep in.

As I am waiting inside one of the tent they had prepared, the girl came. "I have come, master," "Take a sit," I said she sat down the floor as we currently don't have the luxury for chairs.

"Tell me, first, why shouldn't I freed you all? isn't it nice for all of you to go free and reunite with your families and friends?"

"It is true, but we are slaves, Master might not know, but once you have the title of slaves you can't go back anymore. Once a slave is freed, people are allowed to do anything to them."

"Because they are slaves, they have no rights whatsoever,"

"... Okay then... so, do all of you have family members or friends that you can stay with?"

"..." She was silent for a moment and started to talk, "We lost the war, our clan our family is no longer with us"

"I'm sorry about that..."

"It's fine,"

"I came from the far away land, so I don't know what's going on here. Can you tell me what you mean by clan?"

"Clan is composed of multiple families or households who claimed descent from a common ancestor"

"I know what clan means, but do you have kingdoms or empire?"

"There are indeed kingdoms or empire, but that isn't it. In this land, war is often or almost common thing where they conquer one after another. The clan is where it is like a fortress we live in and protect the land and it's People, but we lost the war losing everything we have."

"I see... so societies became more complex and territorial disputes arose, conflicts and warfare became more frequent"

"Correct, often engaged in warfare for various reasons, including resource competition, territorial expansion, political dominance, and control over trade routes"

"I get it now, so can you tell me about this blessed thingy?"

"Let me explain. It is believed that a benevolent deity or higher power bestows blessings upon select individuals. These blessings grant the recipients certain abilities or attributes that enable them to excel in specific areas, but they are not overwhelmingly powerful or godlike."

"The reason for this limitation could be rooted in the concept of balance and the desire of the deity to maintain harmony in the world. The blessings are intended to provide individuals with a slight advantage, enabling them to make a positive impact, but they are not meant to disrupt the natural order of things or grant them absolute superiority."

"For example, a person blessed with enhanced healing abilities may possess the power to heal wounds faster than an average person, but they cannot instantly heal fatal injuries or cure all ailments with a single touch. Similarly, someone blessed with heightened intuition or foresight may have an enhanced sense of perception and make more accurate judgments, but they do not possess infallible knowledge or omnipotence."

"The limitations placed on the blessed individuals' powers serve to highlight their humanity and encourage them to use their abilities responsibly. It also prevents the blessings from becoming a source of unchecked power or leading to arrogance. The recipients of these blessings are entrusted with their powers to be a force for good, contributing to the betterment of society while understanding the value of their limitations."

"This concept maintains a balance between the divine gifts bestowed upon the blessed individuals and their place within the world"

"So... what are your power?"

"My power is to see what the potential of a person"

"Hmmm? what do you mean?"

"I can see the power of a person whitin just looking at it, from a single gaze I can see what is that person is good of"

"Then what does that have to do with you able to talk to me?"

"As I can see what they are potential, I can also have their knowledge -" She wasn't even finished her sentence when Lee immediately pointed his revolter at her.