
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


'The shitty Goddess is trying to trick me again. But I'm not falling for it, this time.' Eli was reassuring himself that he won't fall into one of the Goddess's traps again. Now that he was stuck with the high elf's and its superior complex, bringing no end to his troubles.

[Host. Goddess has offered 5000 MSP and 100 gold coins, in exchange for host getting Adventure job]

'God damn it! She's making the offer too good to refuse. Meh! I'll take the deal and drop the job title later on. Nothing could go wrong.' Eli felt that he could get one over the Goddess.

"Bonnie I'm choosing the adventures job title." Eli told Bonnie with all the confidence he could verbalize.

"All right then Eli it's your choice. You're going to come back here like all the rest to change your title. I was just trying to save you the gems. Now hold your adventures card, place your free hand on the crystal orb and select the adventures class" Bonnie gave Eli the instructions while giving him a deadpan look for not listening to her.

Eli, put his hand on the orb and selected in his mind Adventure job title. 'Whoa! I'm beginning to have a sensation of energy coursing through my body. It's beginning to make my body feel lighter and stronger.' He then looked at his adventures card to check if there were any changes on it.

+Darkvision: lv3

+Keen Senses: lv3

+Fey Ancestry: lv4

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep

+Trance: lv3

Don't need to sleep. Instead meditate deeply for 4 hours a day. 

+Longsword proficiency: lv3

+Shortsword proficiency: lv3

+Shortbow proficiency: lv3

+Longbow proficiency: lv3

"Well, I'm not too surprised that you have so many skills already. Most elves show up with the weapons proficiency, Dark vision and Keen Senses. But you're the first I've seen that's turn up with Fey Ancestry and Trance. You're a special case Eli."

Bonnie began to stare more at Eli, thinking of maybe giving him a chance to become her sugar daddy. But then again, his face wasn't so appealing, and she would wait for the next pretty elf that came with money.

"Congratulations on becoming an E rank adventure. You could take a look at the guild board post, to get any E rank quest or bring a D rank to your clerk for permission. If you can take on the quest." She then held out her hand to shake it with Eli.

"Thank you, Bonnie." Eli, slowly and shakily reached out for her hand and shook his hand with hers.

Bonnie giggled getting this reaction from Eli. Not knowing that he was fighting his urges, of pulling her towards him, to ravage her and put his superior seed in her. so that she could produce a high elf. He promptly left Bonnie's front desk before he would do something, he would regret and headed towards the Guild board, To see what questions they posted.

[Congratulations! Host Is receiving 5000 MSP and 100 gold coins. Private Account pocket space For currency has been opened for Hosts use.]

"System connect store any currency that I have inside the pocket space." Eli asked the system in thought, to not let anybody think that he was insane. like talking to thin air.


[Host can only store MSP, currency and treasures. No weapons, armor or any miscellaneous items can be stored inside pocket space]

"Cool. So, I have my own private pocket space to store all my currency. This will give me a chance to steal treasures and vaults." Eli thought to himself, while going through the quests that were posted on the Guild board. He picked a herb gathering of 5 moon light lilies for his first quest.

A halve drunk scruffy looking men came towards Eli's location. Taking a better look at that man was a dwarf. "Names Agnes. So, what side of the coin did you land on, Knife ear. The reclusive or the common."

"What are you talking about, and did you just insult me?" Eli was feeling his anger, rising, wanting to beat this ignorant dwarf halve to death.

"Ha, ha ha ha. Don't take it too personal Knife ear. It's not every day I get to meet a high elf. You lot are more protected, than the princess in a high tower. Just wondering which type you are and how you managed to get away from your people?"

"Names Eli. I'm the former and I managed to make it here by myself." Fighting his urges to strangle Agnes he reluctantly answered back.

"You are really screwed Knife ear. Heh! You reclusive types are the most problematic of them all, it's strange that you left your safe haven to become an adventure. That probably means you're trying to change your attitude, towards any other race.

Like right now, you're actually talking to me without trying to kill me, your kind usually don't bother to talk to inferior life forms. That shows progress in your part and don't worry! I won't inform anyone of what you are. You're actually trying to change your temperament It's morally correct of you and preferable for the rest of us."

Eli this time didn't give out a fake smile but gave Agnes, a genuine grin and fighting back his tears. "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me Dwarf! Every single time I encountered someone that's not a high elf. I get the urge to strangle them to death. You're very thankful for accepting me of my misgivings." He was wiping his tears from his eyes as he finished speaking to Agnes.

"I saw that you took a gathering quest. You probably should go to the clerk lady and purchase the identify skill. It's a universal skill That helps you identify what an item is. All the merchants get that skill, and a few Adventures miss out in its advantages, to save up their skill points to use it to more useful skills in their mindset." Agnes was giving Eli a hand by giving him an easier way to finish his gathering quest. With a useful skill, that most ventures avoided.

Eli headed back to Bonnie to purchase the identify skill. "I see that your back, do you already want to change your job title already. This went faster than I thought." Bonnie was giggling inside her mind, thinking that Eli regretted choosing his job title, after talking to some other adventures and hearing how bad the adventurous job title is.

"No Miss Bonnie. I came to purchase the identify skill, if I can."

"We have no issues. That skill is usually sold for 10 gems, and if you discovered any new Unique skills. The Guild could make a copy of it and will give you 100 gems or more, depending on the skill."

Eli proceeded to give her one silver coin and Bonnie gave him back one large copper coin for his change. "Now that you paid for the skill, you'll need to place your guild card on top of the crystal orb, and I will transfer the skill to you." Eli proceeded to place his guild card on top of the crystal orb, receiving a sensation of relearning something that, he already knew.

"All you need now is one skill point to activate the Identify skill. Once you have a point all you have to do is, will the skill point to transferred to the selected skill." Bonnie looked over Eli's adventures card and came into an astounding discovery.

"Will you look at that Eli. You have one skill point to use, your one of the lucky few that comes with one skill point when they start out." She became more excited discovering that Eli was a very lucky guy. 'If his luck keeps going like this, I have to grab him for myself. But I still have time.'

Eli took the adventures card and willed the identify skill, to be activated. A rush of information came to him, making him feel like he was rediscovering an ability that he always knew how to use. He used the identify skill on Bonnie, which came up with a bunch of gibberish.

Using the skill on other items around her, it gave him Minimal information about them. Apparently, he needed to level up the skill to learn information about other objects or people.

"Agnes, do you know any inns that are not too expensive but won't get robbed, if I spend the night there."

"I know of one knife ear! It's pretty close to the Adventures guild. It's called The Flying Boar Inn, it's hard to miss, with it having a giant pig with wings for a sign."

'He was right. This place is hard to miss with that giant boar sign.' Eli entered inside The Flying Boar Inn and observed that the inn had a warm style to it. With a well stacked innkeeper running it.

"I like to rent a room for one." He talked to the innkeeper with a genuine face, not trying to disguise the disgust of others he always had. Because of Angus giving him a sliver of hope for his future.

"It's 10 gems per day. But if you want to rent the room for a week, I'll make it 100 gems. It comes with one meal per day."

"I'll rent a room for a week here's five silver coins."

"Here's the key for room 12. You can have your meal for tonight at supper or during breakfast time. It's your choice, hon'."

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 17 +2

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 15+1

Wisdom: 10




[Longsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortbow proficiency: lv3], [Longbow proficiency: lv3], [Darkvision: lv3, Keen Senses: lv3], [Fey Ancestry: lv4], [Trance: lv3], [Identify:lv1]

MSP: 5000

Gems: 100,250


Copper coins= 0

Big Copper coin= 1

Silver coin= 2

Big Silver coin= 1

Gold coin= 100

Big Gold coin= 0