


"Seriously, where are we really going?" I asked while Arhes is pulling me outside my room.

He giggled. "I already told you for like a million times that it's a secret. I don't want to spoil the fun," he answered.

I wrinkled my nose. "Fine."

It's Saturday in the early afternoon. Earlier, I was just surprised when someone knocked on the door of my apartment. And I didn't expect to see Adelaide and Arhes standing on the doorway, a huge smile was plastered on their faces.

The former also handed me a box containing a baby blue dress and she strictly told me to wear it. I refused at first because I didn't even know who was it came from, but she urged me to so I didn't have any choice. They even told my brother to dress up as well.

"Now I know why sir Zyair is head over heels over you," Adelaide blurted out as soon as I stepped out of my room.

My cheeks heat up. I don't know how did she learn about us but I have a hunch that it's through Athena.