
Coven of the Round

In the aftermath of a mysterious fog that engulfed Earth, Jiang, a low-rank soldier, patrols the base with his partner, Smith. This base was not where Jiang was assigned, so he is unhappy with being forced to survive with these strangers. After a few weeks, Jiang and Smith encounter a strange storm and are transformed by it. As he gets used to his new abilities, Jiang finds that the base has strange secrets all around. Especially when he discovers that there are others like him. His future incarnations would all carry his blood, memories, and abilities to implement his will throughout the ages. This would mark the beginning of the bitter struggle between humanity and the vampires. A story with generations that tells the fall from modern times to when kingdoms would rise again. Disclaimer: All characters and events depicted in this novel are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Parallel Fantasy Earth, I deliberately made some terms vague.

GreatRedDragon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Wolf Attack

With nothing much to do, nearly everyone decided to take a nap. Lieutenant Ma was not as tired and volunteered to stay awake to keep watch. Jiang was the only other one up at his point, and decided to do something else.

"Lt., I'm going to take a look around."

"I'll join you, the back door is secure so it should be fine."

They both quietly got up and went to the front of the gas station convenience store. Most food and snacks were already taken but there were some unpopular items that were avoided altogether.

"Hmm, off brand cola that's no longer carbonated and a bunch of trash. "Hippo Pills" will help with virility, what the? Who in their right mind would buy these?"

"Not even when the world ends would anyone take them." Ma laughed as he showed Jiang the dates on the mysterious product.

"These were made 3 years ago and are good for another 3. The amount of chemicals would probably kill the virus if they were both in your body at the same time."

The two rummaged through the scattered remains of the store some more before grabbing their choice of snacks and sitting. They rested their backs against the front counter and faced the windows, overlooking the foggy surroundings.

"You know Jiang, this is some shit. I passed medical school and now the world just ends. I hope my parents are doing alright."

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure doctors like you are one of the most important people now. I'm surprised the medical commander loaned you out to us, but yea I hope my family is doing good too."

"I was the newest arrival, so I guess I got the golden ticket for this mission."


All of a sudden, something ran up and hit the glass real hard in front of them. The glass thankfully didn't shatter but they could see cracks starting to form. Jiang and Ma nodded in agreement and jumped over the counter, they then kneeled with their rifles aimed over the counter.

"Something's been following us. Looks like it's finally too hungry." Jiang frowned as they had seen the shadow retreat back as soon as it impacted the glass.

Shooting was almost a definite no, it would shatter the glass and let the fog in. They needed to rally the others first.

"Lt. you're gonna have to wake the others and get your masks on. We need to form a firing line before it breaks in! Go! I'll watch the front!"

Ma quickly nodded and ran back towards the room everyone was napping in. Jiang was grateful that Ma so readily agreed, sometimes people didn't like listening to those of lower ranks.

Once Jiang was sure that Ma was out of the front area, he walked to the door and opened it. After rapidly closing it behind himself, Jiang placed his armor and rifle near a nearby abandoned car.

He ran a little ways ahead so that the others would not be able to see this battle unless they ran directly into it.

"Come get me! I'm over here!" Jiang raised his arms outwards as he realized the foes were not human and that they were in fact circling him on four feet. Some were going clockwise and some were counter clockwise, but they were all getting closer.



Before Jiang knew it, they all started to pounce on him. As they were all biting and tearing into him, Jiang noticed something.

"System, these are!?"

<Yes, Host is correct, they are also infected. But it appears they are not of similar origin like the Host.>

<Blood Cursed Wolves: (Blood-Starved): Increased aggression and bad temperament due to hunger for blood>

"Time to get to work then!"

<Blood Suppression>

Jiang could visibly see the fear reflected in the desperate wolves' eyes as he saw the glow of his own eyes reflect off them.



Jiang immediately slammed two of them onto the floor, heavily damaging them and leaving them immobile. He then elbow dropped the ones that were trying to bite his legs.

After that, the wolves backed off and started to circle him again. There were still about eight wolves left from what Jiang could see. It looked like they were adapting to the fog by using their keen senses besides their sight, only Jiang had the privilege of sight in this place.

For their second attack, the wolves pounced again but slower and with more of a rhythm to constantly deny Jiang any attacks.

"Come on, all of you need to get a little closer." Jiang impatiently gritted his teeth as he defended by raising his arms in front of his face. When the wolves once again got into a close circle, Jiang finally put his plan into action.

<Blood Claws>

Although the claws were more like sharp nails, they still sliced through the top layer of the wolves pretty easily. Of course, this meant Jiang had to use them as more of a puncturing weapon instead of a slashing one like Smith did.

"Arraagggh!" Jiang slashed and punctured everything thing within reach as fast as he could. He turned in to a cyclone of red death as finally some of the wolves gave up and started to run towards the gas station.

Jiang finished off one biting his leg and was about to chase after the ones that ran when…

Suddenly a much smaller black wolf leaped from behind a car, jaws outstretched aiming for Jiang's face. This was no matter for Jiang and he simply waited for it to get close enough, his right hand was ready. It was going to be struck with Jiang's full force, or at least it should have been.

"Aaawwwooo!" Another wolf came out of the fog and leaped on his back, changing the trajectory of his attack.

"Aaaiiee!" The smaller wolf howled in pain as Jiang's claws scratched it's right eye. There were now four long wounds over it's right side side of the face. In anger, it started to bit in to Jiang's side and started to drink some of his blood.