
Courage to Love

Lianne, a socially awkward girl due to her Asperger's, had never been in love before. She just found 'love' to be something overrated and troublesome. Boys were too troublesome. She just liked living a normal, low-key life. Away from the scheming of people and to just live the way she wanted. By herself. However, what would she do when she meets someone who decides that he wants - very much - to have her in his life? Though he is everything she wanted in a guy, he was also one that had everything she did NOT want in a guy: scheming, troublesome family and flocks of women wanting to bed him. Exactly the type of life she hates and has always been avoiding. What should she do? Did she have the courage to love him anyway? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kai, the typical rich and playful CEO couldn't help but be fascinated by the woman he came across by chance at the airport. There was just something about her that caught his eye and he fell in love at first sight. Kai was used to women flinging themselves at him due to his power and money, even though he was often mocked for his looks. It wasn't because he was ugly. On the contrary. He was beautiful, far more than most women. He had always been surrounded by scheming people and he had never thought of finding anyone in his life. He held people at bay, he schemed against them to protect himself and he used them to get what he wanted. Love? An alien concept. So when he fell, he fell hard. But what is he to do when the one person he does want, doesn't want anything to do with him? He can tell she has feelings for him but she just didn't want to get entangled with him. Could he convince her to give him a chance, to show her how he can love and dote on her? To let her open her heart and take the chance. Did he have what it takes to give her the courage to love? NOTE: There is a 2nd ML and a 2nd FL as well. Most seem to like them more than the MCs. hahaha!! [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everyone. First, DISCLAIMER: I don't own Book Cover. I took the image off Pinterest. All rights go to the proper artist of this image. If you're the owner and do not want me to use it, just dm me in discord (PsyberRose#3292) and I'll take it down. This is my second novel and a spin-off from my first novel. You don't have to read the first to follow this, but it's more fun if you do. heh. New Life: A Second Chance To my old readers, welcome. I hope this novel will be as enjoyable as the first. To my new readers, welcome. Author only writes and publishes in Webnovel. Please support me there. Thank you. [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose

PsyberRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
284 Chs


Lianne entered the bathroom after brushing her hair in the bedroom.

She went to the sink and her eyes went wide open upon seeing her reflection in the mirrored cabinet above the sink.

That hickey was so obvious.

Her face flushed a bit when she remembered when he had given it to her. It had been such an innocent beginning, too, with him peppering kisses on her neck and all. Well, she had *thought* it was all innocent and all at first.

After all, it was not a kiss on the lips.

And he hadn't touched her anywhere 'dangerous' … though she had started to feel rather heated up just feeling his lips on the nape of her neck. Then her collarbone.

If he hadn't jolted her out of her being caught up in the sensations, Lianne wondered just how much she would have let him do.

If he knew just how easily she was like putty in his hands, Lianne knew that he would certainly be more pro-active in such intimate actions. Or aggressive. Or more shameless.

With a slight growl, Lianne opened the cabinet and stared at the contents inside. Then, towards the wastebasket under the sink.


As expected.

Kai had thrown away everything that was 'male' stuff and placed his inside i.e. shaving cream and disposable razer. His own brand of shaving cream was inside, with an electric shaver.

Lianne shook her head but let his stuff remain.

It wasn't like Zero would be coming over anymore now. Not that he used to come a lot, but since she's with Kai now, she couldn't have him drop by at night. Kai could be here.

Lianne patted her cheeks, thinking that she was already accepting Kai to be an integral part of her life and adjusting accordingly. They may not be living together but she was sure that Kai would want to drop by whenever he could.

It's only right that her apartment should have his stuff as well.

Lianne went out after washing her face and brushing her teeth, to be greeted with the scene of Kai washing the dishes.

"I should do that," Lianne said as she went over, "You cooked, so I should wash."

Kai stepped aside as Lianne went to the sink. She noted that it was only the skillet left to wash, and she reached to take it. Kai plastered himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Kai!" Lianne hissed as she tried to focus on the washing.

"Yes?" he said softly in her ear as he ran his lips over her earlobes.

"Stop that," Lianne hissed through clenched teeth as she rinsed the skillet.

"Stop what?" Kai asked as he kissed her neck.

Lianne somehow managed to finish washing the skillet and with her still wet hands, she pushed his face away, "I'm done. Let's eat, cuz I'm hungry."

Kai twirled her around and she saw the smirk on his wet face as he said, "So am I."

"For food!" Lianne said, pushing his chest, knowing full well what this perverted man was thinking.

Kai tilted his head and wriggled his eyebrows before swooping down for a kiss, "An appetizer," he said upon her lips just before sealing them.

Even though Lianne thought that Kai was being shameless, she didn't stop him because she, too, was becoming rather shameless.

His kisses were light and sweet, and she didn't mind them.

In fact, she quite enjoyed them.

But she couldn't let him know that, right?

So many things she couldn't let him know because his shamelessness would just go up a notch.

When he finished tasting her thoroughly, he gave her luscious lips one final kiss and lick before saying, "Dessert later."

"Breakfast doesn't have appetizers or dessert," Lianne pointed out.

Kai smirked, "We do now."

Lianne rolled her eyes, "Isn't it enough that you gave me this hickey?"

She pointed at the deep red mark on her neck. For an answer, he unbuttoned several buttons on his shirt, pushed it aside a bit, and tilted his head, "You can give me one, too then."

He pointed at a spot that would be half-hidden by his collar. It would only be visible if he either tilted his head, or turned his head - and if he didn't button up his shirt to the top. Thinking that Kai normally wore ties to work, Lianne figured … why not?

She should mark him as well, right?

Since Kai was taller than her, he leaned forward. His arms were beside her and his hands rested on the sink behind her while he offered his neck to her. Lianne bit her bottom lips and then grabbed his shirt as she lifted her head and placed her lips on the spot he had shown.

Kai closed his eyes as he relished the feeling of her lips on his neck, the bite, and the suction. She did it once, then again after looking at the spot.

On impulse, upon seeing his slightly exposed chest as she had grabbed his shirt, she started giving him several kisses and love bites along the way. They would all be hidden under his shirt anyway.

She found the sensation and the feeling of his skin upon her lips rather addicting, too.

That, and the fact that she could feel how fast his heart was beating, and hear how laboured his breath was getting.

The fact that she could invoke such strong feelings in Kai gave her a sense of accomplishment and power that she couldn't quite explain, which made her keep on doing what she was doing.

Kai, in the meantime, was gripping the sink very, very hard as he held himself back from pushing her onto the top and taking her right there and then.

His little Angel was such a vixen.

"There," Lianne said finally, patting his chest then buttoning up his shirt, "All done."

Kai looked down at her with his desire filled eyes and Lianne gulped, seeing that.

Oh, dear.

Did she perhaps overdo it?

Happy Malaysia Day to Malaysia ... tomorrow, that is. Sept 16 is when Peninsular Malaya joined with Sabah & Sarawak to form Malaysia. A little bit of history lesson.

Thank you for the votes and comments. Please review if you haven't.

Thank you and stay safe! Covid-19 is still out there, and the fires making the sky an apocalyptic orange/red isn't helping either. Stay strong everyone.

PsyberRosecreators' thoughts