
Courage to Love

Lianne, a socially awkward girl due to her Asperger's, had never been in love before. She just found 'love' to be something overrated and troublesome. Boys were too troublesome. She just liked living a normal, low-key life. Away from the scheming of people and to just live the way she wanted. By herself. However, what would she do when she meets someone who decides that he wants - very much - to have her in his life? Though he is everything she wanted in a guy, he was also one that had everything she did NOT want in a guy: scheming, troublesome family and flocks of women wanting to bed him. Exactly the type of life she hates and has always been avoiding. What should she do? Did she have the courage to love him anyway? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kai, the typical rich and playful CEO couldn't help but be fascinated by the woman he came across by chance at the airport. There was just something about her that caught his eye and he fell in love at first sight. Kai was used to women flinging themselves at him due to his power and money, even though he was often mocked for his looks. It wasn't because he was ugly. On the contrary. He was beautiful, far more than most women. He had always been surrounded by scheming people and he had never thought of finding anyone in his life. He held people at bay, he schemed against them to protect himself and he used them to get what he wanted. Love? An alien concept. So when he fell, he fell hard. But what is he to do when the one person he does want, doesn't want anything to do with him? He can tell she has feelings for him but she just didn't want to get entangled with him. Could he convince her to give him a chance, to show her how he can love and dote on her? To let her open her heart and take the chance. Did he have what it takes to give her the courage to love? NOTE: There is a 2nd ML and a 2nd FL as well. Most seem to like them more than the MCs. hahaha!! [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everyone. First, DISCLAIMER: I don't own Book Cover. I took the image off Pinterest. All rights go to the proper artist of this image. If you're the owner and do not want me to use it, just dm me in discord (PsyberRose#3292) and I'll take it down. This is my second novel and a spin-off from my first novel. You don't have to read the first to follow this, but it's more fun if you do. heh. New Life: A Second Chance To my old readers, welcome. I hope this novel will be as enjoyable as the first. To my new readers, welcome. Author only writes and publishes in Webnovel. Please support me there. Thank you. [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose

PsyberRose · Urban
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284 Chs

Just Listen

"You," Kai said in a deep and hoarse voice as he leaned close to her, "Are…"

He gave her one lick on the lips, "A..."

He nibbled on her bottom lip and he brought his arm around her waist, "Tease."

He plunged his tongue into her mouth, capturing her tongue and sucking on it briefly before releasing it, twirled his tongue around and sucked again.

The kiss was so intense that Lianne felt weak in the knees and she grabbed onto his arms to steady herself. Kai didn't seem like he was going to let her off anytime soon.

Lianne's mind was blank.

This kiss was so much more intense than any that he had ever given her - even compared to the deep kiss in the lift. That had just been a slow, deep kiss while this one seemed to contain all the fiery lust and passion that he had been holding back.

And Lianne was right.

It was that sort of kiss.

After being constantly turned on from the night before, to the early morning teases, Kai could only show her how much he desired her from a kiss. They could not do more than this, and he had to settle it with just this, so he was going to indulge himself to the fullest.

He might regret it later, but for now, all he wanted was to taste her and feel her.

He brought her closer to him, feeling her soft body against his own, and continued the onslaught within her mouth. His hands started roaming the caress her back, then slid down and slipped his hand under her shirt.

All of Lianne's senses seemed to be in hyperdrive.

His touch and his scent filled her senses to the brim.

Feeling his arousal made her blush inwardly but she found she didn't have the strength to push him away.

At least, not for now.

He hadn't crossed the line yet so Lianne immersed herself in the feelings and sensations that he invoked.

After what seemed like a long time, they finally broke the kiss; with both of them breathing heavily. Lianne even felt an unfamiliar tingling sensation 'down there' that made her feel like something was missing.

Her heart was beating rapidly and it took her some time to steady herself as she hugged him tightly.

Kai, too, was using that moment to steady himself and calm down. He held her close, his eyes closed as he breathed in her unique scent.

He wanted nothing more than to make her his, to put that ring on her finger and have her with him always.

But the Shengs had to be settled with first.

Also, he would need to meet with her father.

Until then, he needed to protect her.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

After breakfast, Kai went to get ready for work. Lianne went to turn the sofa-bed back to a sofa, then went to her room to take her laundry. She entered the bathroom after making a slight knock, knowing full well Kai was inside.

He was, after all, dressed and decent - and he even had the bathroom door to the living room open. Kai smiled upon seeing her enter and go to the washing machine and started the wash.

She had also placed his working clothes from the night before and what he wore to sleep. Seeing her handle his clothes (and underwear) made him grin, feeling like they were acting like a married couple already.

Lianne came over to him and frowned a bit, "Aren't you wearing your tie?"

"Nope," Kai replied, putting the finishing touches to his hair. He made a mental note to get his hair care products to leave here as well, but for now, this is the best that he could do.

Lianne could see the love bites that she had placed on him and she pursed his lips.


If he didn't care that those were seen, then why should she?

Now everyone will know that he's taken, so it's a good thing, right?

Still, this would make the Shengs more vigilant.

She straightened his collar and asked him, while looking at his collarbone (and thinking how could something so normal looks so sexy??!), "What are your plans about the Shengs?"

Kai took her hands and kissed her fingers, looking at her as she brought her head up to look at him, "I��ll handle it."

Lianne rolled her eyes and sighed deeply, taking a few deep breaths to settle the agitation that spiked at his words.

"Kai," she said softly but firmly, "It involves me, too. Don't keep me in the dark."

"I -" Kai began, not knowing how to explain. He looked at Lianne and noticed how upset she was and yet, he didn't know how to appease her.

Not keep her in the dark?

It's just that … it's not that he was hiding things from her but … he didn't know how to begin. How is he to explain how the Sheng's were? How could he tell her the plans he had without scaring her?

Though he had told Kyle that he was confident Lianne could hold up if confronted, he felt that it was only after he had already smoothened the path for her.

Lianne was strong, but pure.

The Shengs truly were so evil and scheming.

He didn't want her to have to face it, truthfully.

He wished he could spare her from all the drama and ridiculousness but that would be a fantasy. He couldn't stop it but he surely could soften the blow for her.

Lianne saw the hesitation in the way he opened his mouth a bit to say soething, but did not, and she felt angry at him again.

Then she also saw the fear and worry in his eyes as he looked at her, and her heart softened at that.

How could she stay angry at him when he was just so worried for her?

Lianne pinched his cheeks hard.

"OW!" Kai said in surprise, rubbing the slightly reddish cheeks of his, "What was that for?"

"To wake you up," Lianne said.

She placed her fingers on his lips when he was about to say something, then said softly as she looked at him in the eyes, "No talking. Just listen."

"If you want to let this relationship to work, understand this," Lianne said, "I want to be able to stand side-by-side with you. I want to share your burden. I can't help you at work, but I certainly can help you deal with your family."

She stroked his cheek, thinking that his skin was really smooth, "I can be strong but only if I have you by my side. Just being protected by you without knowing what is going on won't give me the confidence to stand next to you."

"I don't have the background or the clout that the Shengs would want for your wife," Lianne said and Kai growled at that.

Lianne quickly closed his mouth again.

"Listen, okay, and stop growling," Lianne said with a smile.

Kai's eyes showed intense displeasure, but he did as she commanded and he pressed his lips together in a thin line. He wrapped his hands around her waist, feeling really upset at what she said.

It didn't matter what the Sheng's thought! He didn't need a political marriage to further the Sheng's. He didn't need that.

He just needed her.

Couldn't she understand that?

Thank you for the votes and comments.

Stay safe everyone! <3

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