
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (9)

Through the isolation glass, everyone saw Cliff sitting on the hospital bed being fed food.

Cliff had been in a coma for at least two months before and now, under Lu Jingqian's treatment, he could sit up and eat in just a few days. Kraut and the military doctors he brought were all stunned and kept looking at each other, unable to imagine how Lu Jingqian did it.

Renold asked someone to open the glass door and entered. He sat next to Cliff and talked to him. Cliff still looked very weak and spoke very slowly, but in such a short time, to have him in this state was nothing short of a miracle.

Lu Jingqian turned to Kraut and said, "Now you can rest assured, right? Engineer Cliff is not dead and his condition is improving. If you still don't feel reassured, during the time you are suspended and writing self-reflection, I can have his recovery records sent to you every day. As for his treatment records, whether you are the Vice Director or not, I'm afraid you don't have the right to view them."


Kraut glared at Lu Jingqian fiercely because of his sarcastic words, his eyes almost spitting fire. The other military doctors were really curious about how Lu Jingqian managed to improve Cliff's condition, and why they didn't show any happy expressions despite their success in helping Cliff recover.

Lu Jingqian did it intentionally. He told Bernice that the best way to retaliate against Kraut and his team was to make them puzzled, but anxious to know their progress. Then, when they were entangled in wanting to know the process, even thinking that they were intentionally hiding the true situation and delaying time, he would let them see Cliff's improvement as a direct blow.

However, Lu Jingqian did not anticipate that they would be so impatient, even wanting to break in. With Kraut's intelligence and ability, the forces behind him still chose to put him in the position of Vice Director, which was really confusing for Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian was sure that Reynold would not let Kraut go, or maybe he would not let anyone who had bullied him go.

Kraut could only honestly write self-reflection, modify it more than ten times in a row, and apologize several times before the Director was satisfied. Then the Director let him make a self-reflection in front of everyone at the hospital-wide meeting. Finally, all senior management members raised their hands to vote on whether he could continue as the Vice Director. If more than half of the votes were in favor, he could continue as the Vice Director.

With the efforts of his family and the continued support of the forces behind him, Kraut kept his position as the Vice Director. But because of this incident, he had lost face and could no longer maintain his arrogant attitude in the hospital. He and his team became more low-key and honest.

During the process of treating Cliff, Lu Jingqian also developed several new drugs. Cliff's health was getting better and better, he can already handle some simple tasks for a short time. If his condition continues to improve, he will be able to recuperate at home under the care of his personal doctor soon.

With Lu Jingqian's successful treatment of Cliff, as promised by the Director, their team didn't have to wait until the end of the year for evaluation and was already named the best team of the year. They were prepared to receive preferential treatment. Although the best team is evaluated every year, not every year will a team be selected for this honor because the best team must have had no work or research mistakes for the whole year and must have made significant breakthroughs. Therefore, most of the time, the selection of the best team is vacant.

Recently, the members of Bernice's team have been walking around the hospital with a sense of revenge for the previous humiliation, although not as arrogant as the members of Kraut's team. They suddenly became passionate and full of effort.

While treating Cliff, Lu Jingqian also successfully developed a drug to treat the virus in Reynolds. As long as he is injected with the drug every day and his treatment progress is checked and recorded on time, he will be fine.

With some free time, Lu Jingqian also completed all the unfinished research work that Bernice's team had applied for this year.

Bernice felt lucky as if he had been blessed by the hand of God. He had never been so excited for decades. After seeing Lu Jingqian's abilities, he decided to give him greater challenges.

There are some very difficult research projects in the hospital that are designated as special research projects, which have not been successfully researched for many years. However, with the development of technology and medicine, some research that was impossible years ago may now be successful with effort. The hospital team can apply for research funding and various special resources.

To avoid a team occupying a special research project for too long, the hospital has set a research deadline for each team. If they fail to complete the research within the specified time, another team can apply, and the previous team must share their research findings with the next team.

Kraut's team had several special research projects that expired, so Bernice applied for all those projects and personally led his team to the special project research room. They took away all the research results from the special project during this time, as well as the computer records and equipment records.

They watched as Bernice's team came like an invasion, opening their database, taking away all their record from the computers directly, as well as the equipment and instrument recorders.

Seeing Bernice's team taking away everything like a raid, the members of Kraut's team were naturally very uncomfortable. However, they had done this many times before, so now they could only be angry but not speak up.

Some people dare not speak up, but some people dare to express their anger.

"You have applied for all the specific projects, where do you have the manpower and time to do so much research? This is simply an act of seizing special funds and resources! Have you no professional ethics left to delay research progress for your selfish motives? !"

The team leader of the specific project research group from Kraut's research team said. He was heartbroken that their hard work was shared by Bernice's team. Moreover, all the specific research projects were taken by Bernice's team. Although they could continue their research, without the support of specific funds and special resources, it would be difficult to make progress and more time-consuming.

"We are just doing the same thing you did before, back to you." Bernice calmly asked back, "You're doing this is reasonable, but when we applied for all the specific projects, we have no professional ethics? Are your standards the same when it comes to people and things?"

Kraut had been holding back his anger, but because of the previous incident, he dared not vent his anger so easily. Although he was angry with Bernice's attitude and actions, he had done the same thing himself. Now, no matter how arrogant Klaut was in front of him, he could only hold back.

The most urgent person besides the team leader of the specific research group was probably Yalin. He had just joined the specific research group and had fought for a project to conduct research specifically. Now that Bernice's team had taken away all the results, it will interrupt his research without the support of resources. He had hoped that Kraut could do something, but after the incident last time, Kraut had no air of arrogance left. Even if the other party bullied him, he remained silent, making Yalin anxious and angry.

"Thank you for sharing your results. To ensure that your hard work is not wasted, we will work hard to complete more projects." Bernice finished speaking and left with his team, leaving the Kraut team to stew in their anger.

"Vice Director, are you just going to watch them take all the specific projects and do nothing?" Yalin was almost furious. He had hoped to raise his level and obtain the right to use a level one laboratory next year by completing the specific project this year. Now that research was suspended, even if the Bernice team could not complete all the research on his basis when they applied for the project again, it would definitely not be completed within the year.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Although Kraut's face did not look good, it was because he was angry with Bernice's attitude. In fact, he was not too worried about all those projects being taken by the Bernis team. "Do you think that by applying for all the projects, they can complete all the research projects? Have you forgotten why specific projects are specific projects? If it weren't for the difficulty of the research, how could specific projects have so much research funding and special resources? Bernice and the others just want to take advantage of the opportunity to get some research funds. Just wait until they can't finish the research, we will apply those projects back again, and still get their research results back. In the end, we are taking advantage of them."

Although most people think what Kraut said makes sense, Yalin was still enraged. He doesn't care if other projects have been taken away, but if his project was taken away, he has to conduct research on another project of the same level.

"But he was only lucky once. Did he think he was invincible? I can't wait to see how he'll cry when he can't complete the research!" Kraut muttered to himself and then walked out of the laboratory."

Although Kraut's team always rushes to apply for the projects that Bernice's team has researched, they have never applied for all of the specific projects because it's simply impossible to research them all if they apply for too many. Even though they deliberately apply for more projects for specific funding, they prioritize the larger projects and never apply for too many at once because they fear that it will spread their team too thin.

The reason Bernice applied for all the projects, aside from intentionally frustrating Kraut's team, was also due to his own plans and arrangements.

He appointed Lu Jingqian as the team leader for specific projects and told him, "Choose the projects you think can be completed with confidence from the ones we've applied for, and I'll arrange for another team to research the rest. As long as the research we complete can achieve the proportion required by the number of applications, it's enough. We have some confidence in how many of the projects that Kraut's team applied for we can complete. As long as you can complete some of them, you can definitely achieve the proportion."

Lu Jingqian nodded and began to select from the projects. He transferred the information of the projects he thought he could complete to his own computer.

As Lu Jingqian transferred more and more data, Bernice felt that he had to speak up, "You might not be able to complete all these projects within the set time. Leave some for the other team."

"Hmm…" After thinking for a while, Lu Jingqian chose two more projects and said, "Then let's start with these. If I can complete these studies ahead of time, maybe I can help them finish the rest."

Bernice was still shocked by the number of projects that Lu Jingqian had chosen. It wasn't that he didn't believe that Lu Jingqian could complete them all, but he felt that with more time, he might be able to complete all of them. If he could complete all of these projects within the time limit, then he wouldn't just be a genius, he would be a god.

"When you're doing research, make sure you prioritize the ones you're confident in…" Bernice wanted to advise him to choose fewer projects but felt that it was better not to discourage his enthusiasm too much. "I'll arrange more people for your team. If there's anything you need them to do, just let them know. Also, be sure to rest. The General has complained to me more than once that you've spent too much time in the hospital."

"I understand, I will manage my time properly." Lu Jingqian said.