
Could we be compatible?

The world is filled with mystical and mysterious human/looking creatures, some are majestic and some are evil. Those who want to stop evil are brave but also stupid if they try to stop the true evil that lurks behind the mask. A exstinct species of big called ‘The Angel Asmur Butterfly moth’ a very dangerous but yet helpful species that was used to fight along side humans in war as weapons because of their magic capabilities and strength in physical combat. Strange things will happen along their journey as the new era begins for this extinct creature as she tries to find her way to find out who she really is.

Mitch_williams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 2

13 years later!

"Come on Tiger or well be late to see the new student the president was non stop talking about! He said she's one of a kind" Pow yelled while running in the direction to their school while tiger was continuing on with his steady walk even though he could've used his wings to get there quicker but his friend can't do leaving would be a no blow.

"Slow down" Tiger said not raising his voice since he likes to stay chill and calm like a ninja would anyway not breaking out of character. But a strange feeling that something bad is about to go down with the new student today.

"But I want to see them" pow said before stopping for Tiger to catch up even though he hates communicating most of the time.

"Yeah but I don't want to be early either" tiger responded not wanting to be not too early or too late in case something interesting happens nearby. Pow rushed over to tiger instead with some important intell.

"But, I heard from the stories and gossip going around school,they're apparently a descendant of the extinct species know as 'Angel Asmur butterfly moth'" pow said catching tigers attention since that type of species was closely related to the tiger moth species in many ways but were way dangerous that any other poisonous bug or insect despite not being poisonous at all.

"I rather keep that secret pow, or the black market would send some highly trained ninjas after them to sell off to the black market" tiger responded knowing about the true dark side of the world and the mysterious disappearances of some rare species that are trying to come back from endangerment.

"How do you know that?" Pow asked curious on how he knew that type of stuff even tiger was well known for helping and sneaking about around enemy territory.

"I'm a ninja, what do you expect?" Tiger replied being a bit sarcastic since he was training pow to become a great ninja too like himself but it's hard work.

It took them about 10 minutes to arrive at school seeing that everyone's attention were drawn to something or someone walking to the school doors and gossiping about it but it mostly was rumours since the species they were said to be were highly known for their powerful use of magic and capabilities to copy the looks of other species no matter who or what they are they'll be able to pull it off.

"I think we should keep out distance from the new student for a little while before confronting them" tiger suggested being a bit more cautious than pow since he would mostly likely head straight in to introduction with the new guy or girl. Tiger wanted to keep the attention of him for now in case the student gets picked on and not wanted to get into that type of situation with a bully even though he could easily beat them up but that'll be too much and would scare the new student.

The bell went as everyone went to their classes but tiger was more concentrated on finding the student with the description he heard from some friends who bumped into them. It was obvious that the student was going to the principals office or the substitute principal for their timetable. A bad feeling grew in tiger's stomach knowing something bad was going to happen soon, so he headed off in the direction of the office where the student will definitely be.

"Where are you going tiger? We have maths" pow asked wondering why his friend was walking in the opposite direction of the class they're supposed to be in right now. Tiger turned his head a little only allowing pow to see a little bit of his face.

"I'm going to the principal's office" tiger replied looking away from him before walking forwards to find the student.

"Wait for me!" Pow yelled rushing after tiger not wanting to be in the class without his buddy.

Footsteps were heard in the distance but they weren't a teacher's footsteps they seemed to belong to a student especially one that was heading further and further away from them, so tiger began to go into sneak mode staying out of sight as pow tried to keep up following the student seeing the office stopping in place.

Tiger's PoV:

The student I was following knocked at the door she seemed to be quite young and elegant looking but that was expected of an ancient extinct species, especially with the white hair she had it seemed was so white it seemed to be as elegant as the snowflakes that fall from the sky in winter breeze before slowly dancing down landing on the ground. I couldn't see her face but her wings showed who she was since they are the only thing that can show a persons personality and species but I could be wrong.

"Come in" the principal's voice finally answered after minutes of silence knowing that something was up but I couldn't really put my finger on it. She was seemed grabbing the hand allowing herself in not closing the door fully behind her which was kind suspicious but it'll make it easier for me to go in incase she was in danger but right now all I could do is stay in this corner and wait silently fir the perfect opportunity to strike.

"What's the plan?" Pow whispered as I melted my eyes on the door as the two talked about something and then about what type of species he thinks she was depending on her wings which was kinda making me mad but I kept my cool. "Tiger?" Pow said again as I looked at him with the corner of my eye seriously, shutting him up before looking back at the door.

"Vibrations? Someone must be coming from the corridors" I though to myself as the the vibrations I was feeling began getting stronger the closer the being grew helping me find out where they're coming from... west corridor. But the vibrations were in a pattern like the being had more than two legs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...6, 7, 8.

"Pow, we are gonna have company, keep quiet this time" I spoke to pow as I looked at my left seeing a slider looking leg then more emerge from the west corridor seeing a black widow but why would their be one at our school....unless.

"Why is their a black widow here?" Pow whispered scared for his life since they are very poisonous type of spiders and could kill anyone with a bite or prick with their legs or nails if they wanted to kill someone and leak poisonous fluid to the part of their body that allows them to strike and infect their victims.

The girl seemed to be in distress since the principal hasn't given her timetable so I guess I will be grabbing that before going anywhere today. I wanted to enter the office without catching anyone's attention not hurting anyone with Poison by the black widow that was now outside of the principal's office slowly opening the door with one of its arms before squeezing through to enter. I got closer to the door so I could actually hear the conversation even better than before since the spider closed the door fully this time.

"Ah, right in time" the sub principle said respectfully inviting the widow into his office wanting to make business with them.

"Is this the girl? She kinda looks way better in person" the spider spoke making it quite obvious what they were actually planning for this girl.

"Just take her, she'll be worth allot of money" he said giving the widow permission to take away a student even though this might cost his whole career.

"Let me go!!" The student yelled shaking that she was actually trying to resist against a dangerous spider that could kill her in minutes. The spider was seen exiting the office with the student tied up in some strong type of rope while held by one of the spider ladies arms not paying attention to her surroundings.

"You should be glad that I can't kill you right now" she said to the student as she continued to struggle trying to get out of her restraints, she laughed at the student that she had captive loving the way she struggled.

"Pow" I said gesturing him to do a diversion as I try and grab the student from her grasp but what if she tried to strike him but that was be unlikely if he keeps his distance.

"I need to be as quiet and as stealth as possible" I though to myself as I hid in the shadows of the corridor near the arm of the spider lady that was holding the student. I gulped knowing that This would be tricky but it'll be worth the risk preventing the only last of her kind to go into extinction again.

"What a do you want kid?!" She aggressively asked pow catching her attention onto him as I was hoping that he won't mess this up, so I quietly flew up to the student since she was quite higher than I expected her to be before snatching her which was strangely a piece of cake before flying around grabbing pow before hiding in one of the closest janitor closets hearing the spider lady run past looking for us down the corridor.

I had my hand over the student's mouth preventing her from screaming or yelling before realising that I have forgotten the timetable I was gonna grab but oh well, I guess she would tag along with me in my classes. I looked at her seeing her intense glare to remove my hand which was quite intimidating so I let go.

"What's happening?" She asked quite mad about almost being obducted by some random stranger.

"I saved you that's what" I replied not wanting to answer anymore questions by anyone right now and go to class since we already missed so much of maths.

I freed her from the ropes that kept her bound as she stood up onto her two feet with a sigh not wanting to ask me anything either.

"Sooo, what's your name?" Pow stupidly asked as she looked down at him not knowing or really wanting to say.

"Damelza, and thank you" she said before looking at me filling out a folded piece of paper which shocked but how did she get that with eyes on her 24/7 in the principal's office? She left the janitors office I sighed with relief before leaving the closest too seeing her head in the direction I was supposed to be going for maths despite having 30 minutes left of the lesson.

"Should we go with her or skip?" Pow asked appearing by my side as I watched he walk away from me, as he hips swished from side to side while her hair flowed behind her as her wings stayed in place fading from blue to purple while having no plan of taking off anytime soon.

Damelza's PoV:

After school I was tired, very tired from working too hard in classes I hardly even knew existed since I was taught from home by my big bro but sometimes he would disappear for a couple of hours and then reappear with little splats of blood on his face but that would be normal since he said 'it's for the safety of you and this house protecting us from any evil magic that wishes to attack us' so I believed him but I was only 6 when that happened so I let it slide and continued with my life.

I flew back home so it would take less time but quite a lot of stamina but I wanted to go home and lay on the couch and sleep. I tumbled on my feet when I landed near the front porch due to my tiredness I still continued to walk towards the door planning to flop onto the nearest sofa when I enter through it.

"Why does the school have to be far away" I thought to myself complaining which was naturally for a teenager like me to not like school but it was worth the extra fill of knowledge. I managed to grab hold on the hand allowing to help myself inside as the door slowly opened revealing my brother who stood a couple of metres away from the door waiting tapping his left foot impatiently.

"Care to explain?" He asked holding up a piece of paper gently waving it showing that it wasn't anything good.

"What is there to explain?" I cockily responded remembering the sub principal attempt to try and capture me selling me on the black market due to apparently being the last of a ancient species which I don't remember being in the first place despite looking quite alike.

"Just go to your room" Ronald demanded with a sigh but I looked at the sofa dropping my bag and flopped over the back and onto the soft dreamy comfort below.

"I prefer to nap here" I said to my bro as he groaned and wondered off somewhere in the house or maybe the back garden since he likes to chill there most of the time and look at the sky no matter if it was covered with clouds or not.

The next day!

I woke up extremely early despite it being the last day of the week for school so I decided to make myself some early breakfast and chill in the kitchen/dining room since they're are joined together. I only new tiger for one day hardly knowing him at all but he seemed like a quite a chill guy and the little dude he was always with, especially with the way he rescued me from the crazy black widow lady giving me quite a suspicion about him and what he does for a living.

"Maybe he's like me a ninja but he technique is a bit different from mine" I thought to myself thinking about him wanting to know him a bit more.

As I was lost in thought a twig snapped bring me out of my daze looking at the back door that showed the back garden as the darkness stayed covering all the beauty and peace that once was shine upon by the sun. A unsettling feeling was put upon me when I began to feel eyes on me probably about 4 sets of them from the darkness but I kept my cool and continued to eat my foot as the eyes kept watching me from the distance, I wanted them to stop but I couldn't do anything at the moment since Ronald isn't here and 1v4 would be unfair in them and a helping hand would increase my chances past 100% of winning against them.

After I ate my breakfast I grabbed my plate and headed towards the dishwasher so it could do the hard work for me giving me the chance to evacuate into the living room that was beyond a closed door so I went through it and laid back on the sofa ignoring the shadows that watched me hoping that they would go away and watch someone else.