
COTE: Husband Hunt

SuperDemon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


(Ayanokoji PoV)

I suddenly feel the need for ice-cream. I tasted vanilla the last time, so I will get chocolate this time.

I locked my door and went to the convenience store. But suddenly, I heard some suspicious noise.

Is it the famous horror genre?

I turned to the tree from where the sound was coming. And to my surprise, the transfer student was plucking leaves, branches, and even slicing the bark of the tree.

"Oh Ayanokoji-kun! You are going to buy ice-cream?"

She said in butchered up language, but I could translate it. For someone who didn't know Japanese before, she has learnt very much in a week.

Wait..., How did she know that I am going to buy Ice-cream?

"Yes. What are you doing here at night?"

"Umm, wait."

She took out her phone, most likely to translate.

She said something in Hindi, which I could understand. I have been taught some of the most spoken languages, like Madarin, English, Hindi and Spanish. I also know Korean, French, Italian and some more languages.

"I was collecting materials for experimenting. I have heard that this tree is called Japanese Neem, so I was wondering if it has anti-bacterial properties and many other uses like Neem. Don't report me, I have already taken permission from Chabashira-sensei."

Japanese Neem, Ailanthus altissima, also known as 'Tree of Heaven', is an intrusive species which is known for being able to survive harsh urban conditions. It also produces chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants around it.

But despite being called 'Japanese Neem', it doesn't have much medicinal value than Neem. It mainly has only religious importance here.

"It doesn't have much medicinal value. You should look for other trees."

"Oh? You seem to be knowledgeable about this? Do you want to help in my research? Maybe we will get extra marks in biology by it."

"Sorry, but I am not that knowledgeable. This tree was just present in my neighborhood so I know about it."

"Really? Aww! Anyway, can you help me to carry these things to my room?"

"It's late. If people will see us together, they will misunderstand, and it will make my life difficult."

"Late? Isn't it just 9pm?"

"9pm is late."

She blinked several times, shocked, and repeated.

"9pm is late?"

Now that I think about it, I don't know.

"I think so."

But I would like to be not in too much limelight due to rumours.

"So, can I go?"

"Would you mind answering a question? Is the rumour that you are going out with that rude girl, Horikita, true?"

"No. We are just acquaintances who happened to be seated next to each other."

"So, since I am sitting in front of you, we are also acquaintances?"

"I would say yes?"

"Then, can we exchange contacts?"


Getting my number, she muttered 'step 1 complete' in Malayalam.

Okay. First she knew that I was going to eat ice-cream and now this. I am staying away from her for the time being. I need to figure out her intentions.

Is she a threat to my peaceful life-chan?

Only time will tell.

"Goodbye then, Ayanokoji-kun!"

And she left.

Well, I am just a normal student, I know not to dream about going out with a rich exchange student like her unlike many people.

I also left. Ice-cream-chan is calling for me.