
COTE: Husband Hunt

SuperDemon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Club Interview

I sighed after confirming my suspicions. As I thought, it is not an ordinary school. They will not go that far to not even allow us to make contact with our parents if it was ordinary.

Oh well, it looks like I will have to get into Class A somehow to keep getting good amount of money. I will think about it later though, right now, I have to conduct the interview.

As soon as the clock struck 4, Horikita entered. I just hope she doesn't want to join to get revenge on me somehow.

"Please take a seat."

She gracefully took a seat which I got from a nearby club.

"Please state your name, and reason for applying to join this club."

"Horikita Suzune. I want you to train me in martial arts."

"I see. Anything else? Like interest in learning Sanskrit, reading Veds, or something like that?"

"Well, I would like to read Vedas as well. Afterall, they are the oldest known scriptures."

"Hmm, good. Are you already learning some martial art?"

"Yes. Judo and Akido. Will that be a problem?"

"No. Both of them are inspired by Kung Fu, which is inspired from Kalaripayattu. Even if you don't learn the moves, it will help in making you more flexible and strong.

Now my last question, why are you so intent on martial arts if you are already learning two? Is it revenge for what I did to your relative-"

"Thats not it!"

She shouted, flustered.

"Umm, it was just impressive. I have never seen him lose. And he lost so easily, so..."

"Okay. Thank you for applying to this club, I will inform you the results over email. Can you send the next person inside?"

Without even saying a 'thank you', she left and another girl entered.

"Please state your name, and the reason you want to join."

"Huh?! What are you saying? I don't understand English!"

"Oh... Just wait a second."

I took out the translator on my phone. It had text as well as voice.

"Please state your name, and the reason you want to join."

"Oh? Ibuki Mio. I want to challenge you to a fight!"

"... Do you have any interest in another things? Like learning Sanskrit, Yoga, reading books like Ved-"

"Hah!? I can't do well in Japanese, and you want me to learn another language? I just want to challenge you to a fight!"


I stared at her to see if she was serious.

And she is completely serious. Looks like I made a mistake by that demonstration. I should have just showed how to make lassi in stomach like Ramdev Baba.

Sigh. I didn't consider that the world has so many weirdos.

"Thank you for applying to this club, I will inform you the results over email. Can you send the next person inside?"

"I don't want to join this stupid club. I just want to fight you!"

"Then please leave."

"I am not going back before a fight!"

"... Can you please leave? You are wasting my time. If you want, I will meet you on the 31st on the football ground."

"Deal! Don't chicken out!"

And she went away. And by the way, it's April.


"Kukuku! I am the same as that toddler. So, wanna fight?"


"Kuku, I will be going, for now."

"Umm, I don't particularly want to join... but I want to go out with-"


"Whatever. I don't particularly care. Nagumo ordered me to join, so if you want a peaceful high school-"


"Actually, the evil power sealed in my hand-"


"Fufu~ You sure look frustrated, Adishree-chan."

This time, a real life loli a walking stick came.

"Fufu~ I think it is rude to stare like that."

"I was just thinking on how to teach you to defend yourself with the stick. If you don't mind me asking, how serious is your problem? How long can you stand without the support? Do you have any other health complications as well?"

For a moment, she looked surprised. But then fufu'ed again. This school does have people with weird laughs.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Sakayanagi Arisu. I have read many books, but not Vedas. I would like to learn them in the original language."

Finally someone who has interest in them. So she is chairman's daughter? Well, who cares?

"I see. So about physical-"

"I am sorry about that, but I won't be able to do anything physical. I have a weak heart."

"Okay. I am not a doctor, so I would not let you do anything physical. Thank you for showing interest in this club. I will inform you the results through email. Can you please send the next person?"

"Fufu~ I will. See you later then."

"Bye Sakayanagi-san. Take good care of your health."

"You worry too much."


"How dare you beat my Horikita-kun!"


"I don't want to join."

"So why did you apply!?"

"So I will get to see a cute girl like y-"




































"Finally finished!"

I sighed in relief as I was done with the interviews. Most didn't have any interest in joining.

I worked through the list and only found 7 members that can join.

Sakayanagi: 1-A

Horikita: 1-D

Karuizawa: 1-D

Sakura: 1-D

Kito: 1-A

Hoshima: 2-D

Kiryuin: 2-A

Sakayanagi has genuine interest in learning, Horikita is curious, Kito wants to learn yoga and stuff, Hoshima wants to earn private points by joining club, Kiryuin because she seemed to be an OP character who found me 'interesting' and...

Karuizawa and Sakura said that they have encountered stalkers and want to defend themselves. Plus watching their behaviour, I think they have some trauma as well. Karuizawa was trying to hard to look confident, and Sakura wasn't even able to make eye contact with me and I was only able to pick up what she said because of the mic in my translator.

Well, it's not like I want them to be good at what they do in the club. I just need them to be punctual. If I can somehow help both of them, I will be happy.

Though there is one thing that caught my attention. Some  of the second years were ordered by Nagumo to join. And they seemed not too interested and were able to somehow blabbering their boss's name without any concern.


Anyway, I have to find more about this school, and impress everyone tomorrow, especially my potential husband.

Hehehe~ That delicious body~
