
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Competition (Part 8/15 - Public enemy)

The Next Day, Feng Zhen, YinYing and the duo left the inn, and went to ask Qingyu for directions to the venue of the Emperor's Competition.

Even if Feng Zhen didn't ask Qingyu, with the constant movement of the crowd towards a certain direction, he could predict the directions.

After arriving at the venue on a carriage, Feng Zhen stepped out of the carriage. When he got out of the carriage, he was greeted by a sight to behold. The rising sun in the blue sky, the crowds, and the place the competition would be holding, he was marveled, the place looks more like a gladiator's arena, with several seats surrounded the stage; the stage is so wide that more fifty people won't be able to fill it.

"Big Brother Feng, what are we doing in this place" Xi Yingyu asked, as she came out of the carriage.

"You two would be participating in the competition" said Feng Zhen with a smile.

"What?" the duo shouted simultaneously.

"But Big Brother Feng we aren't that strong to participate, We don't even know how to fight" said Xi Yingyu with a puzzled expression.

"Yes Big Brother Feng, didn't big aunty said that only those with Energy Refining Realm cultivation and above, can participate" said Xi Shoukang as he stared at Feng Zhen.

After being with Qingyu for sometimes, the duo started calling her big aunty.

"You are not going there to participate in the competition, you are going there to participate for the selection" said Feng Zhen.

"Selection, Big Brother Feng what do you mean by selection" Xi Shoukang asked.

Then Feng Zhen explained what he meant by the selection. Afterwards, they entered the competition venue and Feng Zhen took the duo to the registration point to register. During the registering, the duo were asked to place their hands on a crystal ball, which in return displayed their age and their stage of cultivation. When Xi Yingyu age and stage of cultivation were displayed, it wasn't too eye catching because some participants had such stage of cultivation.

After registering, Feng Zhen noticed that the duo were placed in the same badge 'D', when he saw their tokens. Later on, Feng Zhen and the duo found their sits and sat down, while waiting for the competition to begin.


Few hours later....

Looking at the stage, Feng Zhen saw a young lady supposing to be at his age with rosy cheeks dressed in pink garment; the young lady had a mesmerizing beauty; She walked gently into the stage with two middle-aged men behind her.

'Hmmm! She looked like someone I had met before' thought Feng Zhen as he gently rubbed his jaw.

'System, check her status'

Just the system was about to scan Ge Ronghui status, the necklace Ge Ronghui wore vibrated a little before if flashed light, then dim.

[ Ding! An error occurred due to the use of an artifact.]

'Huh! Why the hell is she wearing an artifact'

[ Ding! Does the host want to, (1) View status by Brute Force (2) View status by analysis...]

'Just forget about it, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble' thought Feng Zhen.

"Wow, isn't that Miss Ge Ronghui"

"Yeah, look at her, she looks like a goddess. Marry me Miss Ge Ronghui" shouted the middle-aged man beside Feng Zhen.

"Shh! Don't let Ge Xuan hear you, haven't you heard that Miss Ge Ronghui is the junior sister of Ge Xuan" said a middle-aged man behind Feng Zhen.

A lady beside the middle age man that was behind Feng Zhen hastily said, "Huh! That's not possible, How can that cold enchantress be the elder sister of Miss Ge Ronghui"

"Shh!! Lower your voice"

It wasn't until then did Feng Zhen finally knew how the young lady on the stage was related to the person he had met before.

'So she is the younger sister of that witch' thought Feng Zhen as he subconsciously shivered.

The subconscious shivering of Feng Zhen didn't escape the precept of Xi Yingyu, as she stared at him.

'What could actually make Big Brother Feng shiver like that' thought Xi Yingyu.

Just as Xi Yingyu was about to ask Feng Zhen about why he shivered, the entire crowd became dead silent.

'Huh! What happened' thought Xi Yingyu. Suddenly, she heard a deafening cry from afar.

*Screech* *Screech*

She turned left and right in search of where the cry was coming from, but there wasn't any trace, Then she raised her head and looked up. What she saw made her speechless, She saw a 20 ft long bird covered in flames hovering in the air.


Suddenly, the entire crowd burst into an uproar.

"Ahhh!! Isn't that the Phoenix Pavilion"


Some people in the crowd were shouting as though there wasn't tomorrow, some even fainted due to the excitement.

The whispering, murmuring and shouting, got Feng Zhen annoyed, so he closed his ear with his hands.

'Damn, I thought my ears was going to explode' thought Feng Zhen.

"Just what the hell is this Phoenix Pavilion" muttered Feng Zhen.

Immediately Feng Zhen muttered that, although there were a lot of shouting coming from different locations in the crowd, the words Feng Zhen muttered didn't escape the ears of the people close to him.

"Did you just say you don't know about the Phoenix Pavilion" said the middle-aged man behind Feng Zhen.

Suddenly, the entire crowd turned silent as they stared at him.

"Who is that guy"

"I don't know"

"He must be a fool not to know the Phoenix Pavilion"

"Look at the way he is dressed"

"He might even be a criminal"

"Yeah, Maybe he isn't a criminal, maybe he's an assassin"

"Oh! Yeah, Assassin's always hide their faces"

"Where is the guard, they should send this man out of this place"

"Yeah! Guard"


Just that little muttering, Feng Zhen had become a public enemy.

"Big Brother Feng isn't a bad person" said Xi Shoukang as he stood up.

"Yes! Big Brother Feng isn't a bad person" said Xi Yingyu as she stood up.

"Oh no, look at those kids. It looks as though they as hypnotized"

"Yeah! Maybe, this man is really a bad guy"

Hearing the whispering, murmuring and complains of the people, Feng Zhen couldn't take it anymore, so he stood up and cubbed his fist, "I'm very sorry everyone, it's because of my lack of knowledge"

When they heard Feng Zhen words, some people nodded their head's in acceptance, while some still held grudges.

"Big Brother Feng, the phoenix is among the top five sect in the entire Moonbright empire" whispered Xi Shoukang to Feng Zhen.

"Yes brother, there is a rumor saying that the Phoenix sect has a saint cultivator" whispered Xi Yingyu to Feng Zhen.

"During the time of war against the Tarrin Country, the top five sect fought really hard to protect the Moonbright empire. That's why no one dare provoke the Phoenix Pavilion" whisper the middle-aged man behind Feng Zhen.

'Why the hell is he talking to me as though we are friends, isn't he the one that cause me to become a public enemy. It should be better if I leave this place until all this useless introductions is finished, I can't stand it anymore' thought Feng Zhen as he looked at the man with a helpless expression.

Then Feng Zhen stood up and told the duo that he would be right back, before leaving.