
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Competition (Part 7/15 - Motivated)

'Oh, That kind of item might be useful in some certain situation. Anyway, what I really need is the {Blessed Incense burner} and the {Blessed Incense}'

Xi Yingyu hastily opened her eyes and said excitedly, "Big Brother Feng, Big Brother Feng, I broke through. Now, I'm a level 2 Initialization Stage cultivator"

"Oh, You broke through, you're a genius Yingyu" said Feng Zhen.

"It's all thanks to you Big Brother Feng" said Xi Yingyu excitedly.

When Xi Shoukang heard that Xi Yingyu broke through, he became depressed.

Upon noticing the expression of Xi Shoukang, Feng Zhen smiled and said, "Shoukang, don't feel depress, okay"

Although Xi Shoukang was still depressed, he still replied "Okay"

Then Feng Zhen bought the {Blessed Incense burner} and the {Blessed Incense}, and brought them out.

Then Feng Zhen lightly placed the {Blessed Incense} on the {Blessed Incense burner}, immediately he placed them together, the {Blessed Incense} started producing smoke.

[ Ding! Assisting the host, the host should tell the duo to start cultivating.]

Just as the system instructed, Feng Zhen told the duo to continue cultivating. Although, at first the duo found it difficult to breath much less cultivate, but after a few days they got accustomed to it.

1 Weeks later.....

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for leveling up the {World Creation Body Origin Technique} to Level 5...]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for leveling up the {Grandmist Force Technique} to Level 7...]

[ Ding! Xi Yingyu has broken through the Seventh stage of Initialization Stage...]

[ Ding! Xi Shoukang has broken through the second stage of Initialization Stage...]

Xi Shoukang hastily opened his eyes and said excitedly, "Big Brother Feng, I broke through. Now, I'm a level 2 Initialization Stage cultivator, heh-heh!"

But what Xi Shoukang heard next killed his excitement, "Big Brother Feng, I broke through. Now, I'm a Level 7 initialization stage cultivator" Xi Yingyu said excitedly.

'System, isn't there cultivation a bit to fast' thought Feng Zhen in amazement.

[ Ding! If the host is thinking that the cultivation of the duo is fast, what would the host call his own speed of cultivation]

'Tch! Forget about my own speed of cultivation, you're basically a cheat' thought Feng Zhen.

Looking at the depressed expression of Xi Shoukang and the excited expression of Xi Yingyu, Feng Zhen shook his head helplessly.

"Shoukang, you shouldn't be depressed that your speed of cultivation isn't as fast as your little sister"

"But Big Brother Feng, As a Big Brother to Yingyu how am I going to protect her, if the speed of my cultivation isn't as fast as hers" said Xi Shoukang with depressed expression.

"Then you work hard, if she cultivates 2 hours a day, you should cultivate 10 hours a day, if she cultivates 10 hours a day, you should cultivate 20 hours a day. Remember Shoukang, it is not how fast a person runs but how well he runs"

"But-" said Xi Shoukang, but before he could finish his speech he was interrupted by Feng Zhen.

"Shoukang, I want you to listen attentively to this story I'm about to tell you" said Feng Zhen.

In response to what Feng Zhen said, the pair nodded their head as they stared at Feng Zhen.

Then Feng Zhen sat on the bed and started patting the kitten that was lying on his lap.

"Long ago, there lived a born blind boy who lived in a very small village, the blind boy only lived with his mother. Whenever the blind boy ask his mother about his father's whereabouts, his mother would tell him to forget about his father. One day the boy was admitted to a school where people are trained to be hero's, the day's of the blind boy in the school was so tragic that the mother had to sacrifice her life by turning into be a monster in exchange for the sight of her son"

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Boohoo! Why was he blind and why did his mother sacrifice her life by turning herself to a monster, just to give him back his sight" Xi Yingyu started crying. While Xi Shoukang kept staring at Feng Zhen, as he continued listening to the story.

'Huh! Why the sudden emotions' thought Feng Zhen as he shook his head helplessly.

"When the blind boy recovered his sight the first person he went to look for was his mother, but after searching for about a year. He couldn't find his mom, that was until he was told by a person who led his mother to where she turned herself to a monster in exchange for the blind boy's sight. The blind boy cried for days, he felt pain, grief and the worst of all he felt angry. He was so angry that he went to challenge the Monster that turned his mother into a monster, but on reaching there he saw the Masters of the heroes school being slaughter like pigs by the Monster"

"Boohoo! The boy can't go there, if he goes there he would die" Xi Yingyu kept crying, while Shoukang kept listening.

"Of course the boy couldn't beat the Masters of the heroes school, much less the monster, so the boy went in training. He kept training with a little rest, after about a month he still felt that he still wasn't strong, he felt as though something was holding him back" said Feng Zhen.

"So what was holding him back Big Brother Feng" this time it wasn't Xi Yingyu that spoke but Xi Shoukang.

"His eyes" said Feng Zhen.

"Hmmm!" it wasn't just Xi Shoukang that was surprise, even YinYing and Xi Yingyu were also surprised.

"Whenever the boy sees with his eyes, he always remembered that his Mother turned into a monster just to give him his sight. One faithful day, The boy intentionally used a knife and blinded his eyes"

"Ahh!!" Xi Yingyu screamed in surprise.

"Huh! Why are you screaming" said Feng Zhen as he closed his ears.

"After blinding his eyes, the blind boy started training so hard that the Masters of the heroes school started observing him. Three years later, the monster left it's layer and started killing people around the cities. The heroes school sent different masters to kill the monster, but none of the master could even defeat the monster, much less kill it. When the blind boy saw the monster, his only thought was to force the monster to return his mother back to human. With that in mind, the blind boy fought the monster for about two days without rest, some people started admiring him, some people cried, some felt their blood boiling with passion to become stronger"

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Big Brother Feng, why were some people crying" Xi Yingyu couldn't help but ask.

"I know why, they all felt bad on how they treated him because he was blind" said Xi Shoukang.

"Exactly Shoukang" said Feng Zhen with a smile.

"After fighting with the Monster, the blind boy came out victorious. Although the blind boy didn't get his sight back, he still got his mother turned back to human, and they lived happily ever after. Shoukang do you understand the moral of this story "

"Yes. Even though the boy was blind that didn't stop him from his quest to turn his mother back to human" Xi Shoukang spoke passionately.

"Exactly Shoukang, Even though the boy was blind, Even though the boy was born from a small village, Even though the boy is a bastard, he still trained hard, he worked harder than his peers. Shoukang, The reason the blind boy could defeat a monster the masters of the school of heroes couldn't, isn't because he was stronger than them, but because he had a stronger purpose. Know this Shoukang, when you fight or do something for the people you love, you will realize that there is a hidden mystery behind love"

After saying that, Feng Zhen stood up from the bed and said, "Be prepared, tomorrow we are going to the Emperor's Competition", Then he left the room.