
Cosmos Divider - Lord of Mysteries

A man reincarnated in a strange and unknown world. The moon was red and he had a sword that seemed about to break in his hand. And the sword... did it speak? Follow the story of this man on his way to become the best swordsman in a world of terror and madness. I do not own the cover, I have no problem if the author wants me to change it. I'm still practicing English, so it would be good for you to correct any mistakes I make. Other websites: -Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/308708 -Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97000/paragondaoofbs/

ParagonDaoOfBS · Book&Literature
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65 Chs

Extraordinary Ability

Chapter 16: Extraordinary Ability

William and the clown eyed each other carefully. William already expected that this Beyonder would be able to evade his previous attack; after all, he was pretty sure the man was a Sequence 7.

However, the clown himself did not expect to see William perfectly fine after the explosion, much less letting go of such a horrible aura.

'Is that a Sealed Artifact? I have never heard of an Artifact that is an invisible sword.' The clown did not want to act rashly, because he had already seen the physical strength that his opponent had. His Beyonder powers only reached his full power with proper preparation, and the only attack he could use was Air Bullet.

As the clown organized his thoughts, William glanced sideways at 2-049.

They kept a few meters away, so as not to enter the puppet's range. He looked at Debris and then at Klein.

'I don't know what Debris has done, but somehow I can see this clown even when he's invisible.' He felt that he had stopped looking with his eyes and now saw through his spirituality. Actually, it was more like his spirituality expanded through his sword, and it did something that allowed him to enter this state. 'Also, Klein seems to have made a momentary connection with that gray mist, allowing him to regain control of those strange threads.'

Debris in his hand trembled.

'You shouldn't get so excited, Debris. The others will wake up soon. This is an important battle.' He mentally communicated with her.

"I know, I know." Debris answered her, though she didn't seem to quell her urge. "I'm glad, because you haven't used me before, and I can finally show you how great I am."

William didn't say anything else but a small smile appeared on his face. He held the sword in a seemingly basic position.

The clown decided to attack in order not to give him time to prepare, so he held up a finger. William also did not want to give the enemy room to devise strategies to harm him, so he ran towards the clown with almost impossible control over his sword.


The sound of a gun came from the clown's finger. Normally, a Beyonder would have tried to dodge or block the attack, but William could see the spirituality, and he had seen that it was a feint.

Sure enough, nothing hit him. The clown was surprised, his strategy had been to fire the real attack after William lost his balance trying to dodge.

But he didn't lose his cool.


This time the shot had been real. William swung his sword with precision and speed that almost exceeded the human limit.


William had been slightly stunned by the strength put behind the shot, even if Debris was perfectly fine, without any bruises. Luckily for him, the clown had also froze for a second because he couldn't believe what had just happened.

His Air Bullets were invisible. He could understand dodging them because he just needed to get out of the way, but William had blocked his shot with something as thin as a sword.

In the end, they both recovered at the same time, but William was faster in close combat.


The sound of the cut did not resonate too much. The clown's head flew off, but William still didn't relax. Both the head and the body began to shrink, soon becoming small paper figurines.


Another shot. William turned calmly and blocked the bullet again. This time he didn't stagger, because he expected the force behind the blow. The clown was only about ten meters away, with an illusion of invisibility hanging over him.

Unfortunately for the clown, that trick would not work on William. In less than a second he had reached it again and slashed upward.

The clown blocked it with a cane he had drawn, but his hands trembled at the force of the cut. William continued without stopping as he went with the flow of the earlier attack and brought Debris to his shoulder before delivering a thrust that pierced through the clown's heart.

Still, he turned into a paper figurine.

'He doesn't seem to have much experience in close combat, but I also don't have a surefire way to finish him off due to that weird substitution technique.' William thought deeply of a way to win the match, but he had nothing until he caught a glimpse of Klein, who gave him an almost imperceptible nod.

William smiled inwardly but didn't let it out so as not to alert the clown. A flame appeared in the Secret Order member's hand.

"That is not an illusion." Debris warned him, but William could see it too. "Although it doesn't seem like a very powerful fire, it will probably only cause severe burns at most.

The clown released a fireball, and William avoided it by jumping to the side. So, his spiritual vision of him caught something.

'Is he connecting himself with that fire?' He clearly saw a line linking the clown to the flames left over from the previous attack. 'He's going to teleport!'

He understood what that meant, but this left him with a doubt.

'What the hell is this ability that I can use with Debris?' He could see how 2-049 affected his prey, see where someone was about to teleport to, see through illusions, and who knows what else? 'This is not normal. It seems as if I was cheating. Is it some kind of clairvoyance?'

Debris giggled proudly.

"Thanks to you seeming so close to digesting the potion, I've obtained this ability." The sword explained.

William realized that it was true that he had digested a good part of the potion. It was probably because he risked hitting the monster in close combat to prevent it from letting out his scream, which would have damaged the entire team. Somehow, that had counted as protecting.

However, he was beginning to realize that Debris was by no means simple. Not in the sense that she was a powerful Sealed Artifact, but rather that she seemed more like a real entity. He wondered what would happen when he reached a great enough power, would Debris run away? That in itself didn't bother him that much, but he wasn't sure if she meant well for the human Beyonders.

"Don't worry, Darling." Debris's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Even if I wanted to escape sometime, not only did I get stronger but also my connection with you. That's why I said I'd be linked to you forever hehe."

It let out that perverted laugh that William was already used to, and that calmed him down a bit.

'Okay, so let's focus on defeating this clown for now.' He again pointed his perverted sword in the direction of the enemy. This could sound as bad as the mind of each interpreted.

This is a minor spoiler in case anyone is mad that William shouldn't have the ability to knock out the other Nighthawks. Don't read if you don't want to spoil yourself:

It wasn't William who knocked them unconscious.

ParagonDaoOfBScreators' thoughts