

Axel and Alexa whose father was killed 10 years ago were now living in the wild. They were waiting for the moment they could activate the gift that they received from their father that would help them in this Cosmons Taming System Era and also taking revenge on the one who killed their father. This era was Cosmons Taming System Era where people now were using system that they got for taming Cosmons or Cosmic Monsters. In this era all people could become a Cosmon Tamer and could get a Taming System by sacrificing their first contracted Cosmon. Hello This is Chaoz, the writer of this Novel. You can comment if there are some errors and also I am a new writer. I hope you can enjoy my novel. Thank you.

chaoz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

34. The Titanic Venom Panther Power

Vincent could not hold his excitement when he saw the rating of the Cosmon that he got. He could not wait to contract it directly. Vincent was already a Diamond High-Level Tamer, but he only had 1 Diamond-level Cosmon. His Diamond-level Cosmon even only had a B-Rating. There was not really a wild Diamond Cosmon making his Cosmon very relax, attaining B-Rating.

The only way that he could meet Diamond-level Cosmons or above only by venturing to a high-level rift. Even then, the high-level rifts were few making them scarce. But when he saw the Cosmon that Alexa brought, he could feel that the Cosmon was very well trained.

Alexa then proceeded to bring the Panther to Vincent. She then told the Panther to form the contract with Vincent. Panther then proceeded to move toward Vincent. Vincent directly poured his droplet of blood to the Panther's head to form a contract.

After the blood touched the Panther's head, a thin line connecting the Panther and Vincent before disappearing, it was a sign that the contract was successful, and Vincent suddenly shouted happily. After he contracted the Panther, their feeling was connected.

Vincent could feel what the Panther felt. Vincent was shocked when he felt an intense bloodlust from the Panther. He didn't realize that this Panther had a very strong bloodlust. He was pleased that the Panther was not a coward but very brave.

Alexa then said to him. "We still have time before we begin the Auction. How about you test the power of the Panther. You need first to know his power right before you can use it in the future. You can fight it using the Cosmon you have. This Panther is already trained, so you can fight it without commanding it to understand its abilities fully."

Vincent, hearing Alexa suggestions, directly agreed with her. he also wanted to know the capabilities of the Panther. He was then beginning to summon one of his strongest Cosmons. Vincent actually had Cosmon Space ability making him can store his Cosmons.

A portal then appeared in front of Vincent. A huge Cosmon then proceeded to come out from the portal. Its size could be said to be more than half of the Panther true form. The Panther actual species was big, but this Cosmon was just the normal one, but it was so big.

Alexa after saw the Cosmon, directly checked the data of the Cosmon in front of her. The one big Cosmon that came out from the portal.


Cosmon Species: Supreme Shadow Bear

Cosmon Level: Diamond Middle-level

Cosmon Grade: ELITE

Cosmon Element: Dark

Secondary Elements: Shadow

Cosmon Rating: C

Evolution Ways: 3

Skills: Shadow Claw, Shadow Stomp, Berserk, Shadow Blade, Etc

Profile: A Shadow Bear that has been reign supreme in his flock. The only difference between

Supreme Shadow Bear and Normal Shadow bear is that Supreme Shadow Bear is more powerful in every aspect, and usually, the flock level is at the Platinum level at best.


Alexa, who saw the Cosmon, understood now why the Cosmon had a C-Rating. In the profile, it was said that The supreme shadow bear is usually at the Platinum level at best, and when it rose to Diamond level, its power had increased. However, His power is still different from other Diamond levels Cosmon, except he evolves.

Another reason that made its rating low was the lack of enemy, making it have a few Cosmons to train or spar. Because of that, he became rusted.

Even though its rating was at C, his level was still at diamond level, and the gap between Diamond and Gold was far. The Panther will have a hard time facing him. However, the Panther will not feel afraid of it because he ever met a much scarier enemy.

"This is my Diamond level Cosmon. The supreme shadow bear. Although his rating is only B, it is still a Diamond level Cosmon, and it is my strongest Cosmon. This will be a good one to check all of the Panther abilities." said Vincent after bringing out the bear.

The bear, after being summoned, directly gazed at the situation around him, and later, he saw the Phanter. The bear now ignored the Panther feeling that the Panther was at gold level but suddenly, its instinct directly telling him to be careful around the Panther.

The bear instinct never told him to worry about gold level Cosmon, but this time, it was different. This Panther was dangerous enough to alarm his Instcint directly. The Phanter power must be as strong as platinum level Cosmon he ever met in the past.

The bear directly took a cautious form. The instinct told him to be careful. Now the bear looked at the Panther warily. Vincent didn't know what had happened. Vincent didn't think that his bear had taken a stance against it. Vincent didn't know what was going on, told the bear to be ready.

The Panther was also taking a battle stance and also returning to its normal size. Its size grew bigger and bigger than the bear. It stopped when the Panther size was larger by one-third of the bear. The bear was shocked when he saw the size of the Panther.

The bear soon snapped out from its confusion and now clashing his paws, signing that he was ready. Vincent then directly ordered the bear to attack the Panther. The bear, without holding back, directly trying to punch Panther, but its attack left a crater in the place smashed by the bear.

The power of the bear was no joke. As expected from the Diamond level Cosmon, The Panther has faced Cosmon stronger than the bear, making the Panther fearless to the bear. The Panther was even dared to face it head-on.

The Panther's speed was also no joke. His rating was AA, making it way stronger than other gold-level Cosmons. The bear was not a speed-type Cosmon, so it had difficulty attacking the Panther, but the bear also has skills.

The bear directly used his claw and fang to attack the Panther. The bear's speed was also increasing every second. The bear used his paw to pounce on the Panther repeatedly and also increasing his speed every second.

The bear finally caught up with the Panther and hit him multiple times. One of the bear hits was enough to corner the Panther, but the Panther also had some skills. The Panther's speed rose, even more, beating the bear speed in a minute.

It seems that the Panther has yet to fully absorb the effect from the blood and know from what we see His power had risen to Gold Peak-level. It seems battling here helped it to stabilize it and rose even more.

The Panther using his super-speed, attacking the bear repeatedly using his claw and fang. Because he was bigger, His attack covered a lot of the bear's body, but the bear being Diamond level Cosmon, managed to block many of the attacks, and even some attacks were not damaging it.

The bear had a very sturdy body. The Panther attack was not enough to hurt him. The bear felt that the Panther attack had not damaged it very much, ignoring the attack, continued to rush back to the Panther.

The Panther saw that its move had not inflicted any damage to the bear got agitated. The Panther directly used his Phantom body skill, making the Panther become some cloud of smoke. All physical attacks would not inflict any damage to it.

The Panther, after using this skill, directly confronted the bear. The bear was seeing that the Panther was moving his way, directly preparing himself to counter it. The bear directly used his strong paw to hit the Panther. The bear Shadow claw managed to hit the Panther, but the Panther faded after it hit the Panther.

The bear was confused that the Panther was faded when he attacked it, but in the next moment, the faded smoke gathered behind the bear, and the Panther was directly formed and attacked using his shadow claw to the bear.

The Panther's shadow claw successfully injured the bear, leaving a scar behind the bear. The Panther phantom body skill greatly enhanced the Panther attack power making it more powerful. The bear that was a Physical type was struggling to counter it.

The Panther continuously attacked the bear, but soon the Panther lost his energy quickly because the Phantom body skill used a lot of energy. Soon The Panther's body became normal back, and the bear saw that the Panther had stopped using the Phantom body directly punched it with his skill Shadow power punch.

The bear was using all of its power to attack it, and the Panther that the bear punched directly sent to the arena wall, crashing it. The Panther lay down after hit made him immobilize for a moment. Alexa directly checked on the Panther and found that ut one had exhausted all of its energy, and the body was heavily injured, but after some time, it would be normal again.

Vincent who looked at all the fight could not properly contained his excitement. He did not expect tyaht the Panther was very powerful and managed to stand toe to toe when it is only at gold level.