
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially not the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs


{A Day Later}

(Katsuo POV)

As I headed towards the simulator with the elemental trio in tow, we bumped into Alaria and her manager, an elf with a grey beard, sharp eyes, and a face carrying the marks of experience, laughter, and perhaps a few creases of worry or wisdom. Like every manager I encountered, he wore a sleek suit. I didn't even want to know what he did to earn the job as a "manager." My manager was a thrashing dark knight of doom, and Alaria's was possibly a wizard who could one-shot a dragon.

"Hey there, Alaria! And Mister Manager," I greeted, my tone shifting from cheerful to respectful.

The manager looked amused at my change in tone, which Alaria didn't quite get.

"Hello, Katsuo. I suppose my introduction is long overdue. My name's Elyndor," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. I immediately shook it.

"Greetings to you too, Mr. Elyndor. My name is Katsuo," I responded.

"I see you've already absorbed the Blightlord's core and ascended to a Master Core. Quite impressive, young man," Elyndor noted. I flinched slightly, and noticing my flinch, Jade, ever the faithful guardian, stood in front of me, ready to defend. Kai and Dem also readied themselves.

Elyndor chuckled. "No need for alarm. I come in peace," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Yeah, right," I muttered under my breath. "That's what they all say before they turn you into a frog or something."

Alaria laughed. "Elyndor is harmless. Mostly. Although he does have a few tricks up his sleeve."

Elyndor smirked. "Tricks? I prefer to call them talents."

"Tomayto, tomahto," I quipped. "So, what brings you two here?"

"We were just heading to a meeting," Alaria said.

Elyndor nodded, amused. "Quite the formidable trio you have there. I must say, it's not every day you see a lightning bunny, an earth golem, and a fire sprite working together."

"Yeah, they're pretty cool. Except for when Kai decides to zap my bed in the middle of the night," I said, shooting a mock glare at the bunny, who looked unrepentant.

"Or when Jade makes a mess with his earth constructs," I continued, glancing at the golem, who looked slightly sheepish.

"And let's not forget Dem's tendency to set things on fire when she gets excited," I finished, as the sprite gave an innocent smile.

Elyndor laughed. "Sounds like you have your hands full."

"You have no idea," I said, shaking my head.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Katsuo. Good luck with your training," Elyndor said, giving a polite nod before he and Alaria continued on their way.

As they walked away, I looked at my elemental trio. "Alright, guys, let's get to work."

We continued towards the simulator.





As my trio of elemental madness battled hordes of skeletons in the simulator, I went to a corner to train my body and keep up with my newly ranked Mana Core. Now at Master Core - I, I could output much more Mana toward my elemental manipulations.

I started with Fire Manipulation, creating a blazing ring of vibrant-blue fire that danced around me in a five-meter radius. Next, I focused on Lightning Manipulation, emitting bolts of blueish lightning at the unfortunate skeletons already engaged with Jade, Kai, and Dem.

Switching to Air Manipulation, I gathered the surrounding oxygen to fuel my fire. Fire needs three things to function: heat, fuel, and oxygen. With Fire Manipulation, generating heat was simple. Fuel came from my Mana, which I could convert to an elemental property, and oxygen was supplied by Air Manipulation.

Lastly, I worked on Earth Manipulation. Several constructs floated near me, constantly changing into more complex shapes as I challenged my imaginative skills. An easy task, thanks to Infernal Clarity.

Now for my Summoned Swords: twenty ethereal blades hovered around me, each coated with quadra-elemental properties. The result was a mesmerizing whirlwind of death and destruction, with my elemental powers combining in a symphony of chaos.

I watched as my elemental companions and I decimated the skeleton army. Jade, ever the stalwart protector, smashed through bones and armor with ease. Kai zipped around, zapping skeletons with glee, while Dem unleashed fiery blasts that turned them to ash.

As I directed the ethereal swords, they danced through the air, slicing through the skeletal warriors with precision. Each sword carried the combined might of fire, lightning, air, and earth, making them devastatingly effective.

The simulator room was filled with the cacophony of battle—the crackling of flames, the sizzle of lightning, the whoosh of air, and the crunch of earth. My companions and I were an unstoppable force, a harmonious blend of elemental fury.

By the time the last skeleton fell, my elemental companions were visibly tired. Jade plopped onto the floor with a heavy thud, Kai snuggled up against me, and Dem perched on my shoulder—her favorite spot, apparently. Despite their exhaustion, I still needed to train my swordsmanship.

Carefully, I scooped them up and inputted a bed into the simulator, capable of accommodating the three of them. Once they were settled, I gently laid them down and watched as they drifted off to sleep.

I grabbed Sanchomo and etched it with Sword Essence, coating the blade with a blue ethereal energy. Fixing my gaze on a target dummy, I Shunpo'ed towards it, delivering a clean vertical slash that split the dummy in half with ease.

Next, I performed Rapid Slash, moving so quickly that the dummies were reduced to minced pieces in mere seconds. Finally, I unleashed a Judgment Cut towards an Adamantine Dummy, my slash slicing through it like a hot knife through butter.

With Sword Essence, my movements were clean, swift, and precise—like those of an assassin. Coupling that with my elemental properties created a devastating combination. I coated Sanchomo with a fiery aura and executed a series of blazing strikes, leaving trails of fire in my wake. Switching to lightning, I crackled with electric energy, each strike stunning and paralyzing the dummies as they disintegrated.

My Air Manipulation added an edge of speed and agility, allowing me to zip around the simulator room effortlessly, while Earth Manipulation provided raw power and durability, making each slash and thrust feel like an unstoppable force.

As I continued my training, I experimented with combining these elements. A fiery slash followed by a lightning-infused strike; an earth-empowered thrust paired with a gust of wind to disorient and overpower. Each combination flowed seamlessly, enhancing my overall combat effectiveness.

Time passed quickly as I lost myself in the rhythm of battle, the simulator room echoing with the sounds of clashing elements and my relentless assault on the dummies. The intensity of the training pushed me to my limits, but I could feel my skills sharpening with each strike, each movement becoming more fluid and precise.

Eventually, I paused to catch my breath, surveying the aftermath of my training. The room was littered with the remains of countless dummies, a testament to the progress I had made. I glanced over at my elemental companions, still peacefully asleep on the bed, and felt a surge of determination.

"One step closer," I muttered to myself, gripping Sanchomo tightly.





Finished with training for the day, I exited the simulator, cradling my three sleeping elemental buddies in my arms like a proud parent carrying triplet babies. Except, in this case, the triplets were potential weapons of mass destruction.

As I stepped into the hallway, I spotted Hank, John, Valerie, and Damysus. To my surprise, they were chatting with Michael's team, which included a young-looking guy, a tall dark-haired woman, and a gruff-looking man.

I would have waved hello, but my hands were full with my napping trio. Priorities, am I right? I mused.

We approached each other, and Hank clapped my shoulder gently, careful not to wake the sleeping "babies." "Hey, Katsuo, I heard from Damysus you've got some new additions to the family," he said with a grin.

"Yup, they're a bundle of energy—literally," I replied, making them chuckle.

"So, does this make you a single dad now?" Valerie quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I guess? I heard single dads are all the rage these days," I said with a smirk. "Anyway, what are you guys doing together?" I asked, addressing the elephant in the hallway.

"We just finished another mission—a co-op one," Michael explained.

"Huh, did John behave?" I teased the half-dwarf.

"Hey, I can hear you!" John huffed in annoyance.

"Yes, he did," Damysus said, patting the poor lad's head.

"Ah," I said, remembering something, "I never got your teammates' names, Michael," I added sheepishly.

The tall dark-haired woman stepped forward with a smirk. "I'm Astrid," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

The young-looking guy gave a friendly nod. "Finn," he introduced himself.

And the gruff-looking man grunted. "Garrick," he said, his voice as rough as he looked.

I nodded at each of them, trying to balance the introductions with the weight of my elemental trio. "Nice to meet you all," I said. "These are my, uh, kids—Kai, Jade, and Dem."

Astrid raised an eyebrow. "Interesting family you've got there," she remarked.

"Yeah, it's like a daycare for tiny, powerful elemental beings," Finn joked.

"Just wait until they wake up and start causing chaos," I said with a grin. "It's like having triplets who can set things on fire, zap you with lightning, or crush things with rocks."

"They sound like a handful," Garrick commented, his gruff demeanor softened by a hint of amusement.

"Trust me, they are," I replied. "But it's all worth it."

Valerie smirked. "Just remember, if you need any parenting tips, we're here to help."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, laughing. "For now, I'll just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts."

With that, we all shared a laugh and continued on our way, the camaraderie of our teams making the challenges ahead seem a little less daunting.

While reviewing my data sheets, a fascinating thought popped into my head: how did scientists discover all these elements in the first place? The journey to uncovering the building blocks of our universe is nothing short of a scientific adventure, full of brilliant minds, accidental discoveries, and a dash of pure luck.

Take Dmitri Mendeleev, for example. He didn't just wake up one day and invent the periodic table out of thin air. He meticulously organized elements based on their properties and even predicted the existence and properties of elements that hadn't been discovered yet. And then there are stories like that of Henri Becquerel, who stumbled upon radioactivity by sheer accident when he left a piece of uranium on a photographic plate and noticed it fogged up without any sunlight.

These discoveries often came from a blend of curiosity, creativity, and sometimes, sheer serendipity. Imagine the thrill of Marie Curie isolating radium, or the intrigue of scientists bombarding atoms to create entirely new elements. It's a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless quest to understand the world around us.

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