
Corridors of Secret

Shirley has finally moved into her apartment in a building filled with weird neighbours. She's ready to live her life and find her future, but she never expected it to happen so fast as she fell in love with her handsome supernatural landlord, a baseball superstar, Charlie Baker. She was frightened to give out her heart as he might just be a playboy. Having a vampire in the basement, a ghost, a couple of witches who run a phone sex business, a very intrusive caretaker, and a bunch of shapeshifters in the building, Shirley soon realizes what it means to have a Weird bunch of people when she begins to understand that even Charlie, is more than just a man. Will she be able to absorb the paranormal and find love? Will Leo, the Ghost, make peace with his past? Is Flinch, the Vampire, really Shirley's birth father? How did all of these uncommon people end up together in one place?

Pasilo · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Vault to Jugdement

Charlie gazed Shirley's brows knit in wonder.

"Look, we're about to have breakfast, but I'll come down and enable you deduce what to accomplish in a few minutes."

"Okay, but don't be lengthy. I'm scared the pipes might frost and burst."

"What's wrong?" Shirley inquired.

"Seemingly Aunt Dotty's missing and the rear door was left open last night. Uncle Steve's afraid the tubes might freeze since there's been no heat in the building."

"Crap. Now I feel guilty for dozing in guise of your nice warm fireplace."

"Don't. Just recall all the extras you'll earn from settling with me. Winters in Florida, a temperature regulated penthouse… You'll never have to suffer." He blinked.

A peek of eagerness hardened her spine.

"Let's move downstairs and check on everyone. We can reheat breakfast later."

Charlie sough. "Uncle Steve? Are you still there?"


"We'll be right there. See you in a minute."
