
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Father in Law

-Some other day after chilling at the Kraftfull Families Mansion all the time.

Kiara and I went for a walk in the capital, we were holding hands and talking about whatever came to mind, not bothered about the glances that other people were giving us.

There were many expressions on the people's faces, for example, Astonishment, Envy, Lust and many more to name.

The thing that almost everyone thought looking at us was something like: 'What a perfect couple' or 'What am I doing wrong that I don't have such luck to be with a woman/man like that… The Gods don't care for our measly existences..'

At the moment we were talking about our childhoods and tried to compare them a little. Our childhoods were nothing alike, but at the same time very similar. The thing we both agreed on was that Adam, even though caring, is cruel and unforgiving with his training...

Suddenly I sensed an immense Aura exiting a man standing in front of us that was directed towards me and not affecting other people, but the aura was gone just as fast as it had appeared, "Your Highness" The man nodded at Kiara.

I have never seen the man in my life, and I wasn't sure if he was hostile towards me or not.

"Kiran Kraftfull" He also nodded at me.

Nah but really who the hell is he.. ruining our date... some suitor maybe?.. nah he a bit old.. so who is he then...

"Jack?" Kiara asked the man who was still looking at me curiously.

"Oh, right, sorry, I was lost in my thought there, The Emperor is calling for you to see him" He then looked at me again, "Both of you"

"Right now?" I asked.

"No, tomorrow.. of course right now!" Jack replied, not forgetting to agitate me a little. He was kind of mad at Kiran, but also held huge respect to him since he scored a princess with... interesting abilities so to say.

Jack then turned around and disappeared from the place he just stood moments ago.

"Who is he?" I turned to Kiara

"The First Guardian, Jack the Ripper" She replied before starting to go towards the palace.

"Jack... the ripper?" I asked, 'I have a feeling I have heard this somewhere before..'

[Indeed you have, he was a famous serial killer back on planet earth] Krásue told me, since she saw my memories, she naturally knew these kinds of stuff.

"Yes, Jack the Ripper, he is an assassin, the best assassin in the world actually, and since he likes to always rip the whole body of the target that was killed, he was named Jack the Ripper" She explained.

"That's a.. weird hobby.." I said while frowning a bit, 'What kind of assassin even does that... the heck?'

We reached the Palace where the guards let us in.

I followed Kiara to the throne room where the emperor awaited for our arrival.

"Kiran! My boy! How much you have grown up already!" The Emperor appeared in front of me and hugged me after seeing me enter the throne room.

I tried to escape but couldn't... would my grandpa also behave like this?...

After he separated from me, he looked at me again, "The same expression as always, can't figure out if it's an expression showing disgust, or is it that your eyes are naturally dead looking" He laughed.

"No its because I am seeing you again, It's awful to meet you again, old man" Even though I said this and the Emperor always annoyed me, I found him as a grandpa figure, he was always nice to me, well at least at the times that he visited. But when he did visit, he would stay at our mansion for a week or so. Once he even stayed for a month. That time was when my dad challenged him and was defeated practically easily.

"Ah yes, that's my Kiran, Hahahaha" He laughed again, but then stopped and looked at Kiara.

He grinned at her when he saw her look the other way, "So? Kiara? My lovely daughter? From what I see, my recommendation was successful?"

Kiara didn't reply anything, and just stood there, smoke coming out of her head. Nobody knows if it was from anger or from embarrassment.

"Anyways Kiran you can call me Father in Law if you want, since... well you know it yourself" The 'Father in Law' said.

"Gramps" I said with the same expression as before, "And how do you know what I know? Also stalking? Damn your family is really a bunch of stalkers" I said to both of them.

"Sigh" The emperor sighed and went to sit on the throne, "Let me tell you the reason I called you both here"

Kiara and I looked at each other and then walked towards the old man.

The Emperor told us about Kiaras Mother, and about her current situation, plus he told us how to save her.

I was surprised that Kiara didn't know anything about this.

"So my mother isn't dead but locked up?! AND YOU ARE ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW?!" Kiara shouted at her father.

"Don't shout at me, that was your mother's idea, she told me to tell you that she is dead, you can ask her then" The Emperor panicked when he saw Kiaras furious face, he, himself being her father, has never seen her so angry at something. Not to mention me, I was surprised by her sudden outburst, but it wasn't that shocking, since she was told that her mother is dead, but now she learnt that in fact she isn't dead and locked up somewhere.

While Kiara and the Emperor were talking, I heard Krásue speak to me.

[After you acquired that physique, I thought that little girlfriend of hers has blood connection with the divine beast god, The Divine Phoenix, whose descendent is the lightning phoenix, but it seems to be that this lightning phoenix is actually of demonic origins... and has no connection to the divine phoenix...Interesting, not to mention she also was a candidate to demon realms throne..]

'Whats so interesting about it?' I felt that the information that I got to learn today, was just too much for me.

[The descendants of the Divine Phoenix, the lightning phoenixes are way weaker than the demonic origin one, I can't really explain to much since I don't know that much about them myself, I only know which one has more potential and naturally stronger] Krásue explained

'Hmm… so isn't that portal the exact one that we are trying to find?'

[Most probably] Krásue replied

"Anyways, after one year I can meet my mother again, I can't wait" Kiara said after arguing with her father, which seemed as if not the first or second time already.

After chatting some more the Emperor told me when we were about to leave, "I saw you in the List of participants of the Empire for that tournament in a few weeks, good luck there"

"Yeah it's not as if I had a choice, my mother would have dragged me there" I said.

"True... she likes to show off, indeed a proud woman, but its strange that she lets you go out, not to mention joining a tournament where you will compete against others, isn't she overprotective?" The Emperor sat there thinking.

'I guess there is a story behind that as well huh... before she didn't want me to train or fight, but after I acquired the system... she stopped nagging my father and even pushed me out to train...' I thought

[...] Krásue didn't particularly care about kirans mother right now, she was thinking about the Phoenixes that she met while in godhood.

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