
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Before the Tournament

The day of the beginning of the tournament was just around the corner and every participant of our Empire were gathered together.

There were 10 people standing next to each other, including me and unexpectedly, even the guy we already know from earlier, Alberto Derivian, who has also reached the Middle 3rd Order.

But before that, you wanna know the thing that I learnt a few weeks ago, after I visited the Emperor with Kiara?

There was no need for me to join the adventurers guild or anything like that, I could easily bypass the guards stationed at the gates of the capital with my father's help...

But my dad didn't help me there whatsoever... you know why? 'Cause he wanted me to meet Kiara in the way that Adam and the Emperor planned out before hand ..

Why the heck would they even do that? Well I agree that if they would have introduced us just like that.. I guess we wouldn't have ended up there where we are right now, since we have lived through a lot together... I don't know what our relationship would be like right now, if we haven't met the way we did.

Did I basically lose my time in all this?

Well basically... if you want to blame someone, blame Adam or gramps... or even better, blame the author, but not me, nah nah nah, I have nothing to do with all that bullshit...


Wait.. what did I just say ...before.. the not blaming me?


ah... it don't matter, if I don't remember it means it isn't important.

Anyways, after I learnt of this bullshit, I went out of the capital with the 'help' of my father to hunt for more cores. This time I went to the far North, where the Tivaria and Laxoca borderlines meet, of course it would take me at least a month to reach there so I wouldn't go that far, not to mention, why would I even go that far..

I didn't manage to evolve into the higher 3rd Order..

Why you would ask?

Because I couldn't find anything higher than lower 3rd Order, and that was only 2, all the other creatures I met were either 2nd or 1st Order.

But still, now I can perform way better with my elements.

Even though my control over the elements might be very good, the understanding of them, is not that much. Which isn't bad, since you only need good imagination and enough control.

Since I already have control, I just needed the imagination which came to me naturally while fighting.

The Control over the Elements that I get after I evolve is a huge cheat that came with the system or so I think at least. Since everyone has to train to get the control.

Yeah and that is another Topic...

I basically wasted like what? 10 years?

By training... even though it's not Bad ...

Nah it's bad..

Okay... just, let me forget about this trauma of mine that I acquired not that long ago after learning of all this.....

Depression INCOMING!

Nahh just jokes, but FOR REAL THOUGH..

[You really like to talk to yourself, don't you Kiran?] Krásue said with a smug on her face, which was definetly there, I JUST SENSED IT.

'Oh and by the way, is it normal that nearly all my stats go up equally after evolving?' I asked the demoness, 'I have a feeling the others don't evolve the same as me.. since some are fast but their body isn't strong or the other way round for example.'

[Basically] Krásue used a word often used by me myself.

'What do you mean?'

[Normally, everybody gets 10 stats on 1st Order, 100 stats on the 2nd Order, 1000 stats on the 3rd Orde, and so on and so on. An the stats distribute themselves according to the person and their style of fighting, for example in the first order 6 go into speed 3 into vitality and 1 into strength.. You on the other hand, ... are strange to say the least all your stats gets the amount... but I thought you figured so I didn't say anything till now, and even though at first it surprised me, I just got used to it..] Krásue explained while I just stood in place and blinked.

'Say...Krásue,... am I the main protagonist?' I asked out of the blue.

[Uhh, no? I would rather say you are some kind of a reincarnated Divinity since that weirdo goddess of Fate was watching you... but god's do not reincarnate, only revive or reconstruct, so maybe you are the main protagonist as you say] Krásue chuckled.

After the hunting session I came back to the Capital and went straight back to the mansion to sleep. Kiara was nowhere to be seen since she said she will stay at the palace due to some things she has to sort out or something.. I am not sure, she didn't explain much.

Before sleep I once again went into the so called 'SSS' world (Subconscious Spirit Soul) and went to chat with Krásue.

She had created a huge Mansion that was definetly bigger than the one belonging to my parents.

We were sitting on a sofa created by Krásue with a single thought, which was possible only in that world.

We always chatted and even played something like different card or board games that were also created with thoughts and from the memories Krásue received from me.

This time though, we were just in each other embrace. Krásue had made her wings and horns disappear so that it would be more comfortable, because once she had nearly poked my eye out with them, though this was just a spiritual body and it might sound like you can not feel pain, your senses are heightened to the extreme, be it eyesight, smell, hearing, touch, taste and in this situation pain.

So she decided to make them disappear as to not hurt me. I protested of course, since I actually liked her real appearance. But yeah, she didn't listen..

She was holding me tight in her embrace and had buried her face into my chest, while I petted her black hair with my eyes closed.

Of course, everything, including her giant breasts and even my tall standing dick behind my pants were rubbing into each other. Simply put, she was sitting on top of me while I sat up too and we hugged each other with our bodies touching.

Krásue felt my little soldier down there rubbing into her and looked at me, "Oh? You quite healthy down there, what do you think our lovely Kiara would say after seeing us like that? Don't you think she would be upset?" She said with a smile that hid some kind of sadness.

I naturally sensed the sadness since our minds are connected and understood that that cheeky smile was actually fake.

"What would she say? Although I do believe she might be a bit upset, but she herself said she didn't mind me having more wives" I looked her straight in the eyes with a serious look.

"Oh? You want me as a wife now?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Well... I didn't mean that... but.." I simply didn't know what to say, I couldn't even be honest, since I truly never thought about this.

"But what?.. look... although we might be friends or something of the sort.. we are only like this since we are connected, we saw each others lives and out of nowhere started to want to take care of each other since we felt all the emotions and thoughts of each other as well... I really like you as a person... but, that's just that. And I am part succubus, so I naturally attract everyone and make them become lustful.. so I understand your reaction you don't need to explain yourself, and uhh.. I don't know, think of me as an older sister.."


"what?" Krásue looked at my blank face.

"What is even inside your head? What nonsense are you spouting? I understood nothing what you just said... older sister? lust? explanation? What??" I felt like my head was about to explode.

"Krásue.." I looked at her with a serious expression.

"wh-what?" She blushed but still had a serious look

"Lust? sure I feel it, actually who wouldn't, you are definetly one of the most beautiful women out there, but the thing I feel the most is protection, I have the feeling of protecting you from any harm that might come to you. And I am sure you know this yourself, since we are.. connected"

"..." she just looked at me with her pink eyes.

"And, you think I don't know how you felt and what you did when I and Kiara were back in the Motel?" I grinned.

"-Huh??" She looked shocked, "It was just... uhh... I just.."

"You wanted me yourself, so why are you blaming me for wanting you" now I was sure.

"You-" Krásue began to say something but was interrupted with a kiss.

'My first kiss' she melted.

"Your first?" I asked not exactly understanding.

"Well.. it's difficult to explain.."

I went in for her lips once again ignoring what just happened, since I don't know yet and she doesn't know how to explain it doesn't matter right now.

I will update when I can, since I am busy with my life and things like that right now. And I guess there will be a juicy next chapter, dunno though.

Thanks For Reading!

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