
Episode 2: Beginning of the hierarchy

A/N: Ok so currently I'm working on multiple projects so I might not be able to focus on one of them pacifically. I might mess up some things so please tell me if I mess up things.


[Beginning of the hierarchy]

-(Episode 2)-

part 1





After about 5 years I was enrolled in a pretty normal kindergarten I guess but judging from my system, I'm really not going to be a hero so I'm kind of screwed.

Through my 5 years, I've learned a few things first the man that took me in... He's actually my real father.

My mother, Sarah was a very high tier woman having 15.7 level, while my father only had about 2.3 level...

I have a 2.1 level right now because I still have the time controllability, but for some reason, it won't allow me to use it.

But because I have the ability all my stats are 25% less powerful, honestly it didn't hurt me that much. It was kind of annoying a bit, but after a while, I grew strong enough to rival some normal kids.

It is very common for people to have 4.6 or lower levels, and it looks like people are already bullying the week...

"Hahaha! shut up dork"

A kid said as he smacked another kid.

I looked at them still pretty far away, I could hear the people already talking

"Oh my god what happened?" a girl screamed out.

"Huh what's happening?" another boy added.

"That guy smack another guy?" another boy answered with a confusing tone.

And I left...

Because people have gotten powers, they divided themselves into hierarchy Even the kids knew.

Surprisingly, I was part of the higher tiers I had a 2.1 level which was pretty amazing for a kid most of the kids only had 0.1 and up to 1.9 of course they were other kids that had a bit more like me making them considered as high tears in our kindergarten.

And all of this, I'm the first day of school great start.

As I was walking, I accidentally bumped into another guy making him fall over.

"Agh!" the guy screamed out as he fallen over


I look down to the guy I bumped into stretching out my hand to apologize, but he smacked it and looked at me with fury in his eyes

"How dare you!!" he said before he got up and looked at me

"Look I bumped into you by accident because I wasn't looking. I'm sorry"

I tried calmly explaining and tried to calm down the situation, but he didn't even listen as he screamed out at me

"How dare you, You dumb bitch!" the guy screamed out as he ran up to me

I pull out my hand, stretching it out to block the attack.

But than his arm started changing into a rocky shape before it hit my hand, which hurt it like hell and made me fall over.


[You have copied {Harden Lv.1} Your stats have been lowered by 25%]

[Your stats have been lowered by 50%]

"Ha! know your place!" The boy screamed out as you look down at Me

I quickly got up and started running at him, because of his confidence, he only smiled and harden, his arms more to punch me, but I quickly dodged him as a swings, and then I uppercut him making my arm harden.

[Because your strength has lowered by 50% you took 30% of the pain]

[Ability {Hardin Lv.1} nullified 100% of the pain you took]

The boy flopped to the ground as I looked over him, I knew that he would get up and start attacking me again, so I hardened my legs and kicked him in the chest one more time.

The boy cough a bit of blood, as He looked at me

"You DAMN F-"

And as he passed out, everybody around us started, whispering and murmuring about what had happened.

"Oh my God"

"Damn he's really strong"

"Both of them use the same ability"

"Did he copied his ability?"

I turned around and continued walking, taking a piece of paper out of my pocket and opening it to see my schedule.

"Ok so where is room... 143?"

As I continued walking through the halls, I seen a bunch of rooms... 120, 132, 140, 144 and right beside it was finally the classroom I was looking for.

I not at the door and waited for a few seconds before a green haired woman opened the door.

"Ah, you must be our final student"

A sweet soft voice rang out from the woman, and she opened the door fully letting me come in... I looked around and saw it was a normal looking class with rows of seat, most of the seats were filled, only about 2 or 3 seats were empty.

"You can sit next to Alex"

The woman said, pointing in a direction, and that's where I could see an empty seat right beside a yellow hair boy.

I walked and sat next to the boy, looking back at the teacher...

"Ok now that almost everybody is here... let's introduce ourselves, let's start from the top left to bottom, right"

The people introduce themselves a bit, getting out the name, their power level and their ability...

it was pretty normal until...

"Ok next" the teacher said we're looking at a purple haired girl

The girl stood up and with a loud and commanding voice, she said

"I am Avila"

She sat back down, the people are big confused, expected her to continue with her ability level and the actual ability, but she didn't say anything and the teacher continued with the other student.

After an another few, it finally reaches my turn...

"Good next" The teacher called out while looking at me

I stood up and looked at her

"I am... And my level is 2.1"

I sat back down, the teacher smiled, and said

"Good and next"

It was the boy next to me who is next...