
Episode 1: Mother?


-(Episode 1)-

part 2


I looked to see a couple of men chasing after us with a gun?

I heard footsteps well they were running, I was completely baffled on what the fuck was going on.


"Goo ga goo gaga"

Ahhhhhh! this is so fucking embarrassing. Why do I have to do this!

My mother looked down at me and smiled. "Don't worry sweetie. You will be free from this curse"

She sighed heavily, continuing to run her white hair going into her face...

[You have copied {Time Control Lv.100} Your stats have been lowered by 25%]

Huh?!?! Time fucking control?! what the fuck!

Before I could even think of what the hell was going on I just heard another notification.

[A similar ability has been used. Would you like to counter it? (Yes - No)]

Huh? Wait a minute I have a copy ability and I am currently being carried by my mother who is the closest damn my mother has time control abilities.

Well I guess I have to go with no and see where this will play out.

[Thank you for selecting no]

And in a blink of a eye, I was teleported with my mother to a complete different location. It looks like teleportation, but it was probably my mother stopping time and running away.

My mom placed me down at the door? Wait where am I now?

I looked around to see that I was in a dark neighborhood but it looked like a rich or at least middle-class neighborhood so wait what?

Wasn't I in the 46th's district? Was I mistaken? or did my mother take me here?

My mother looked at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead, before placing a ring inside of a necklace, and putting the necklace on me?

Ok this life was way more interesting than my previous one already.

My mother looked at me again before getting up and I'm guessing using her power to get out of here.

surprisingly, I didn't get another notification to allow that to happen, but I'm guessing it was because I wasn't in contact with her unlike last time where she was caring me.

But I did hear a doorbell ring, and after a few seconds the door opened with a man coming out, and looking around before finally spotting me.

"Huh? What's this baby doing here?"

The man squatted down to look at me, a clear, confused face look on his face before he finally moved his hand and grabbed a piece of paper that was on my belly which even I didn't know about.

The man opened up the paper taking at least 2 or 3 minutes fully reading it before looking surprise, looking back at me and looking back at the paper.


The man took the paper, and put in his pocket, he looked back at me and picked me up, he turned around and went in, while closing the door he walked through the giant building and I could see a beautiful furnished home with giant spaces, and I guess paintings?

"Well at least I know she's still alive but..."

The man looked back down at me, before sighing, and putting me down at the kitchen table, he turned around and opened the fridge, taking out a milk jug.

"Ah, do I have to buy a baby bottle? I'm sure the baby knows how to drink"

The man put the milk inside a glass cup, and he slowly took it and put it next to my face. Honestly, he was a dumbass. I don't even think any baby would try and drink it, but I guess I have to because I am bit hungry.

I started drinking the milk from the cup, and after while the man took the cup away

"Wow, I guess you're hungry little guy"

The man chuckle the bed before taking the paper out of his pocket again and looking at it

"Where are you, Sarah"


A/N: Hello everybody so this is A story that is already posted on Wattpad so please just go and search it up there because it will help both of us.