

"Why will I?" He laughed, pushing his bang from his face. "I can never hate you because of that. I don't think you can ever do anything that will make me hate you." He told her and she felt butterflies forming in her tummy.

"That's a relief." She went back into his arms and he drew her closer.

They remained in comfortable silence for a while before she asked him what he intended to do now.

"Seeing how you went running this morning, you have not gotten a job yet."

"You're mean." He chuckled and she joined him.

"You're right though. But I believe I will be employed soon. The company I submitted my resume to yesterday seemed really impressed. I'm sure I'll be called "

Anastasia found herself frowning at that. "Why don't you come back? Your job is still secured." She chewed on her lips, not wanting to sound desperate but wishing he would agree.

"Secured? Didn't you employ that lady Robert brought?"

"No. Why would I?"