

Anastacia raised her head as she locked her gaze with him.

"I know this isn't the right time to ask but when is the right time?" He chuckled again. He had been chuckling so much that morning and Anastacia didn't like it one bit. What was the essence of laughing when you clearly didn't want to? She would appreciate it if he didn't try to act strong before her. She wanted to comfort him.

She looked away from him, staring at his hand in hers. She knew she would have to tell him all about it if she really wanted to be with him but she just couldn't bring herself to.

What would he think of her when she finally revealed this clandestine she had been hiding for so long? Her sin which no one knew about? A sin that had haunted her so many times. How would he look at her when he finally found out that she was not who she appeared to be, that she was much viler than he thought she was?