

Liam could feel his body ache from sitting for so long on the train and he was honestly glad to be back home. It was not that he had not enjoyed the little time he had spent with his aunt and her family — he really did — but he missed Anastacia so much that it was almost unbearable.

He hadn't seen her throughout the previous day though she had called, and he was hoping to visit her that afternoon. Perhaps, they could have lunch together or even dinner.

The thought of seeing Stacia made him all warm inside and a big smile spread across his face. She was the reason he could think of home and smile, despite all that had happened. She was like an umbrella, ready to provide shelter and hope to him when he needed it. He was quite grateful to have her.

As he approached his house, a sudden feeling of heaviness welled up at the pit of his tummy and he sighed. He felt this way each time he returned home.