

Ryan could not stop staring even when she had sternly asked him to stop. His eyes lingered on her as she pushed some stray strands from her face, a sigh escaping her lips for the umpteenth time that morning. He knew what was bothering her but he didn't know how to help her.

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he heard a light knock on the door. Wondering who it was, he looked at the door only to gasp the moment Liam walked into the office, dressed as usual in his casual button-down shirt and jeans trouser.

"Liam," he breathed and Lindsey, who had made no effort to acknowledge whosoever that had entered, jumped to her feet, almost flipping the table over as she did.

"Liam!" She pronounced and Liam smiled slightly at both of them.

"Why are you two acting like you've seen a ghost?" He shook his head, walking to sit on Lindsey's desk as he had always done.