



Ayo, it's the M.O.B. (What?)

Menace On Beats, bitch (Slump God)

Mob ties with myself, coexist (Waterrr!)

Mobbin' solo, solo like Han, no Chewie

Chewin' on these thoughts, they taste gloomy

Me, myself, and I, triple threat like Jordan

Remorseful for the times I left my mind on read

Read between the lines, my soul's an open book, unread

X might X me off, but I'm still breathin'

Coexistin' with my vices, advice is just a crutch

Crutch on these beats, beat the odds, I'm clutch

Clutchin' at my chest, heartbeat's a dubstep drop

Trap door to success, I found the key and now I'm in it

Minute Man with minutes, winnin' infinite innings

X gon' give it to ya, but I'm givin' it to myself

Relationship's a Rubik's cube, I'm color blind

Trying to solve it, but the sides don't align

Misaligned chakras, Naruto, I need balance

Mobbin' like Escobar, but I'm Pablo with the pen

Picasso with the flows, I'm off the deep end

Deepened in the trenches, hentai with the clips

Tentacle my enemies, leave 'em twisted

Write your name, watch 'em drop, that's some Kira type shit-"

Arell leaned back in his studio chair, nodding his head to the beat as Ski's verse transitioned into his own.

"Demon time, but I'm Angel Dust, no PCP

PCPeace of mind, I'm tryna find it, personally

Lilo taught me ohana means family, even when we're scarred

Stuntin' activist, pacifist, but these labels want a narcissist-"

He focused his attention away from the sound of himself rapping, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips as he thought on Stokeley's verse. He was good—raw talent with a unique flow that set him apart, the same with Jahseh and Jarad. He was excited to work with them, and he wouldn't have to wait long as they would be coming on tour with him along with Post, and if he had it his way, Kentrell and Cochise could come along as well.

Arell's mind drifted to the events of the past few days. Freestyle had just debuted at number 78 on the Billboard Hot 100. Not bad for a track that wasn't even supposed to drop yet. Though it would have surely charted higher if they had went along with their original plans but either way, the song was generating buzz, and Arell could feel the momentum building.

The only negative was the fact that Rihanna My Type had been leaked, of course it had, even if he paid the hacker, who's name he now knew as they had quite easily sold themselves out with a single line 'Send me Who's This Girl', there was no guarantee that they would keep their word. He didn't want to but he'd have to face whatever consequences came about from Rihanna My Type being in the public ear.

As much as it would please him to confront the hacker himself, he simply couldn't as he was far to busy. From organizing performances with the team, to creating designs, to publicity plans, he had far to much on his plate as of now, luckily for him, he had nothing to worry about as Rihanna My Type and Freestyle were the only good songs they had gotten there hands on and his songs were safe as he took them all off of the storage website he had been using the day Pharrell instructed him to.

For now he'd leave it to the authorities.

Something else soon drifted into his swirl of thoughts and that was just how famous he now was, last night's trip to the amusement park with India had put things into perspective of just how much his life had changed. The constant approaches from fans, the whispers and pointing, the requests for selfies, they were becoming common now, he couldn't walk for 30 seconds without someone approaching him.

Arell closed his eyes, letting his mind wander back to the previous evening. The scent of cotton candy and popcorn filled the air as he and India strolled through the park, their fingers intertwined. Despite the presence of his security detail maintaining a respectful distance, there was an intimacy to the moment that made Arell feel grounded.

India took a lick of her strawberry ice cream cone, her eyes sparkling in the glow of the carnival lights. "Can I ask you something?" she said, her tone casual but with an undercurrent of curiosity.

"Shoot," Arell replied, taking a bite of his own chocolate ice cream.

India hesitated for a moment, then plunged ahead. "Why didn't you sleep with Miley Cyrus? Or any of the other women who were throwing themselves at you before we got together?"

Arell nearly choked on his ice cream, caught off guard by the directness of the question. He coughed, buying himself a moment to gather his thoughts. "You don't hold back, do you?"

She shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Just curious. I mean, most guys in your position..."

Arell nodded, understanding where she was coming from. He was silent for a long moment, carefully considering his words. "It's not that simple," he began. "I mean, yeah, the temptation was there. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. But at the end of the day, it just felt... empty, you know?"

India raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue.

Arell sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I was raised with certain values, certain beliefs. And even though I've questioned a lot of things over the years, some of that stuff still sticks with you. I guess I just realized that hooking up with random women, no matter how famous or beautiful, wasn't going to fulfill me in any real way. I've made a few bad decisions." He paused remebering that moment with Becalis and Hennessy and even his initial meeting with India. "But generally that's my mindset towards it."

They approached a bench near a colorful carousel, Arell gestured for India to sit, and they both settled onto the wooden seat.

"It's like this," Arell continued, searching for the right analogy. "Imagine you have this really expensive, beautiful vase. It's one of a kind, priceless. Now, would you just let anyone come along and handle it carelessly? Nah, you'd treat it with respect, right? That's how I see myself, how I see my body and my relationships. It's about self-respect."

India nodded slowly, processing his words. "I get that. But doesn't it get hard sometimes? I mean, with all the temptation..."

Arell let out a short laugh. "Trust me, lust is definitely one of my struggles. That's why it's so important to keep good company around me."

"What do you mean?"

Arell's eyes scanned the crowd, watching families and couples enjoying the park. "Well, if I was hanging around Kenny or Malik all the time, I probably wouldn't have rejected those women. No offense to my boys, but bad company corrupts good character, you know? It's not that they're bad people, but their influence... it's not always the best for me."

India's brow furrowed. "So you can't be around your friends?"

"Nah, it's not that black and white," Arell explained. "It's more about balance. Like, I love Kenny and Malik, they're like brothers to me. But I know spending too much time in certain environments can affect my judgment. That's one of the reasons why Geoffrey and I are so close. He's got my best interests in mind. He's not gonna encourage me to do dumb shit."

India took another lick of her ice cream, which was starting to melt in the warm evening air. "I think I understand. But it still seems hard to navigate."

Arell nodded. "It is. Look at it this way – say you're trying to quit smoking, right? But every day, you hang out with a group of people who are constantly lighting up. Even if you have the best intentions, eventually, you might slip. You might think, 'Oh, just one won't hurt.' But before you know it, you're back to a pack a day. It's the same with any temptation or bad habit. The people you surround yourself with, they have a huge impact on your choices."

A group of giggling teenagers walked by, doing double-takes as they recognized Arell. He gave them a friendly nod but kept his attention on India.

"So that's why, even though Kenny and Malik are my boys, I have to be mindful of how much time I spend in certain scenes. It's about protecting myself really and truly."

India was quiet for a moment, her eyes distant as she absorbed his words. Then she turned to him, her expression curious. "Can I ask you something else?"

Arell chuckled. "You're full of questions tonight. But go ahead."

"Why don't you like the industry? Or Diddy? You always seem... I don't know, wary when it comes to certain people or events."

Arell tensed slightly, his jaw clenching. He remained silent for a long moment, weighing how much to reveal. Finally, he let out a deep breath. "Look, India... there's a lot you don't see in this business. A lot of darkness hidden behind the glitz and the glamour, you know this."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "I can't tell you everything. Partly because I don't want to put that weight on you, and partly because... well, some things you just have to see for yourself to really understand. But I will say this – there are wicked people out there, and you'll find them in high places. People like Diddy... let's just say I have my reasons for keeping my distance."

India's eyes widened slightly, curiosity in her gaze. "That sounds... ominous."

Arell forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, don't worry about it. I've got good people around me, and I know how to handle myself. Just... keep your eyes open, alright? Not everything in this industry is what it seems."

As if on cue, a young couple approached, looking nervous but excited. "Excuse me," the guy said, "but are you Arell? We're huge fans. Could we maybe get a picture?"

Arell's demeanor shifted seamlessly, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Of course, man. No problem at all." He stood up, posing with the couple as India took the photo with their phone.

After the fans walked away, giddy with excitement, Arell and India decided to explore more of the park. They made their way towards a massive roller coaster, its steel tracks twisting and looping against the night sky.

"You think you can handle this one?" Arell teased, nodding towards the ride.

India scoffed, playfully shoving his shoulder. "Please. I was riding coasters before you even knew what a mic was."

They joined the line, the anticipation building as they inched closer to the front. As they waited, India's expression grew thoughtful again. "Arell... can I ask you something else?"

He laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "You and your questions, woman. What's on your mind?"

India bit her lip, suddenly looking uncomfortable. "I was just wondering... about the baby. How do you think the living arrangements will work once it's born?"

Arell's eyebrows shot up, caught off guard by the question. "Oh, that's what you meant. Well... it depends, I guess."

India's face fell slightly. "What do you mean, 'it depends'? You don't want me to live with you?"

Arell ran a hand over his face, realizing he'd stepped into delicate territory. "It's not that simple, India. Look, have you ever read 'The Meaning of Marriage' by Timothy Keller?"

India shook her head. "No, I haven't."

"It's a really good book about relationships, parenting, all that stuff, it's one of the books I'm reading right now. I think you should read it as well. After that, we can talk more about living arrangements and all that."

India raised an eyebrow, a hint of playful mockery in her voice. "Well, I guess I'll have plenty of time on my hands since you don't want me in the club."

Arell chuckled, relief washing over him at her lighter tone. "Don't act like I'm locking you up. We'll have plenty to read and do together."

The memory faded as Arell's legs grew restless, he had to wrap up his mock studio session now as earlier today Pharrell had texted cryptically about someone he wanted Arell to meet at the studio. Curiosity gnawed at him as he stretched and swung his legs out of his seat.

Padding down the hallway, Arell heard the distinct click-clack of nails on hardwood. Ares, his 15 or 16-week-old Cane Corso? He wasn't entirely sure, came bounding around the corner, all gangly legs and floppy ears.

"There's my boy," Arell grinned, crouching down to ruffle the pup's fawn coat. Ares' tail wagged furiously as Arell produced a treat from his pocket. "Easy now, sit."

Ares plopped his butt down, drool already pooling at the corners of his mouth. Arell tossed him the treat, which Ares caught mid-air with a satisfying crunch.

"C'mon, let's get you outside," Arell said, grabbing the leash from its hook by the door.

The morning air was crisp as they stepped onto the manicured lawn. Ares immediately set about investigating every blade of grass while Arell breathed deeply, savoring the quiet moment before the chaos began.

As they rounded the corner of the house, Arell nodded to Miguel and Carlos, two of his security team making their rounds. "Morning, guys. All quiet?"

"Si, señor," Miguel replied with a smile. "No problems."

Back inside, Arell showered quickly and threw on a fresh white tee and dark jeans. He gave Ares one last scratch behind the ears before heading out to his X5.

The gates swung open as he approached, revealing the winding driveway that led to the main road.

The studio parking lot was already filled when Arell pulled in. He nodded to a few familiar faces as he made his way inside, the muffled thump of bass growing louder with each step.

As soon as he pushed open the control room door, a wall of sound hit him. A hypnotic beat pulsed through the speakers, underlaid with a haunting piano melody. Arell's eyebrows shot up as he recognized the voice flowing over the track:

"I don't love people enough to put my faith in man

I put my faith in these lyrics, hoping I make amend..."

The song cut off abruptly as heads turned towards the door.

"There he is!" Pharrell's familiar voice rang out. He stood from his chair, arms outstretched. "Come on in, Arell. Got some folks I want you to meet."

Arell's eyes swept the room, taking in the faces. Dave Free lounged on the couch, giving a nod of recognition. Sounwave hunched over a laptop, fingers flying across keys. And there, in the center of it all, was Kendrick himself.

"Yo, what's good?" Arell said, trying to keep his tone casual despite the butterflies in his stomach. This was Kendrick fucking Lamar.

Kendrick stood, extending a hand. "Arell, right? Pharrell's been talking you up. Good to finally put a face to the name."

Arell shook his hand, hoping his palm wasn't too sweaty. "Likewise, man. That track you were just playing... fire."

A ghost of a smile played at Kendrick's lips. "Appreciate that. Still working out some kinks, you know how it is."

Pharrell clapped a hand on Arell's shoulder. "I've been telling Kendrick about the project we've been cooking up. Figured it was time for y'all to link."

Arell nodded, settling into an empty chair. "Yeah, man. It's been a wild ride. Actually, we're announcing the drop date later today."

Kendrick's eyebrows raised. "For real? That's what's up. When's it hitting?"

"Couple weeks," Arell replied. "June 11th, if everything stays on track."

"Damn," Kendrick chuckled. "Y'all don't waste time. We're actually setting up for our tour and doing some shows right now. Pharrell's joining us for some dates."

Arell's eyes widened. "No shit? That's dope."

Kendrick leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "You should pull up for the Atlanta shows. Maybe even hop on the European leg if you're free, maybe even the tour, Kunta's Groove Sessions."

Arell blinked, caught off guard. "For real? You sure?"

"Yeah, man," Kendrick nodded. "Why not? Always good to build with other artists."

"I... yeah, definitely," Arell stammered. "That'd be crazy. Thanks, man."

The conversation flowed easily after that, bouncing between music, tour life, and industry gossip. Arell found himself relaxing, drawn in by Kendrick's laid-back energy and sharp wit.

After about an hour, during a lull in the conversation, Kendrick's expression grew more serious. "Yo, can I ask you something?"

Arell nodded, curious. "Shoot."

"That whole situation with Lil Reese... what's your take on it now?"

The room seemed to grow quieter, all eyes turning towards Arell. He took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully.

"Back then... which wasn't even that long ago, I guess... I was just pissed. Indifferent, but pissed, you know?" Arell shook his head. "Now, it's like... it didn't need to happen. Any of it."

Kendrick hummed thoughtfully. "You think there's any chance of squashing it? Making peace?"

Arell's first instinct was to say no, but something made him pause. He could feel Kendrick watching him closely, waiting.

"I don't know," Arell said finally. "If he came to me, genuinely apologetic for everything... I'd try to forgive him. Can't promise I'd succeed, but I'd try."

Kendrick nodded slowly. "That's a mature perspective, especially for 19. You are 19, right?"

"Yeah," Arell confirmed.

"Word," Kendrick said. "It's good you're thinking about it that way. Beef can eat you up if you let it."

The conversation drifted to lighter topics after that, but Arell could sense something had shifted. There was a new weight to Kendrick's gaze, like he was seeing Arell more clearly now.

As the session wound down, Kendrick stood to leave. He paused at the door, turning back with an intensity that hadn't been there before.

"One more thing," he said. "What do you think about Diddy?"