
Convict to King

Arell Rose, finds an unexpected path to redemption in a mysterious RAPPER System that grants him a host of different abilities and challenges to overcome. The system's main goal? to create the best rapper alive. Can this troubled teen navigate the obstacles thrown in his way and truly become a legend in the music industry?

AmSincere · Movies
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63 Chs


Arell woke up early the next morning, a restless energy thrumming beneath his skin. "Loyalty Ties" played on repeat in his mind as he stretched and yawned, a thought struck him – his phone. Grabbing it from the nightstand, he unlocked the screen, eager to see the continued world's reaction to their debut track.


His breath hitched as the screen illuminated the room. Social media notifications flooded his feed, a dizzying array of likes, comments, and retweets. He tapped into Twitter, his heart pounding in his chest. There, prominently displayed, was a tweet from ATL Buzz itself, praising the raw emotion and storytelling in "Loyalty Ties."


A grin stretched across Arell's face. This was it – validation from the local music scene. He scrolled further, his smile widening as he saw countless tweets, lauding the song's authenticity and flow. One tweet in particular caught his eye – it was from Kamilah, the same person who'd initially sparked his interest with her retweet of his freestyle video. Her tweet was simple, yet powerful: "'Loyalty Ties' is on repeat. Keep grinding, Arell!"


A surge of warmth washed over him. Complete strangers were connecting with his music, their words a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward. Changing apps, he glanced at the view count for the YouTube video – it had skyrocketed overnight, surpassing his wildest expectations, before going to bed it had been at a meager two hundred, now, it had climbed to a view count of three thousand.


Suddenly, a chime resonated from his phone screen, pulling his attention away from social media. It was the system interface.


[Congratulations on a successful launch, Host!] [Update: Increased Social Media Presence and Buzz (1 Month)]


A satisfied smile tugged at Arell's lips. The system, definitely seemed to be working in his favor. He glanced at the clock – it was still early, but the excitement buzzing within him wouldn't allow for a lie-in. He remembered the "Basic Workout" reward the system had provided and a determined glint lit up his eyes.


"Alright Arell," he muttered to himself, "let's see if this workout plan is any good."


He rolled out a yoga mat in the living room, the morning sunlight streaming through the window. Following the on-screen instructions, he launched into a series of stretches, feeling a satisfying looseness course through his body. Push-ups, squats, and lunges followed, each rep fueled by the adrenaline of his newfound success.


Sweat beaded on his forehead as he pushed himself past his usual limit, the system's encouragement echoing in his head. "Building the physical resilience to match your musical prowess, Host!" It felt strange, but undeniably motivating.


By the time he finished the workout, Arell felt invigorated, his body buzzing with a different kind of energy. After taking a quick shower, Arell felt ready to tackle the day. Suddenly another chime resonated throughout the air.


[New Quest: Capitalize on the Hype]


Arell stopped short, his brows furrowing in curiosity. Tapping the notification, a detailed message unfolded on the screen.


Description: Leverage the positive buzz surrounding "Loyalty Ties" to expand your reach and solidify your presence in the local music scene.


Secure at least two interviews.

Schedule a performance at a reputable venue.

Increase social media following by 30000.


+1 Creativity

+10 Performance

Improved Music Equipment


[No Punishment]


The challenge was daunting, but the potential rewards were undeniable. A spark of determination ignited within Arell.


With a renewed sense of focus, Arell quickened his pace towards the studio.


Reaching the studio, Arell found himself alone. As usual Geoffrey happened to be absent, but Arell figured he'd at least shoot him a message to keep him in the loop. He pulled out his phone and tapped out a quick text.


"Yo Geoff, think you can land some interviews? Hit up some venue contacts too, gotta secure a gig at a good spot. Let me know what you cook up."


Hitting send, now, it was time for Arell to tackle his part of the quest.



He booted up his computer and dove headfirst into strategizing his social media growth. He revisited his profiles, highlighting the recent praise for "Loyalty Ties". Engaging with fans who commented was crucial, so he fired off thoughtful replies, expressing his gratitude for their support.


Next, he considered creating short freestyle videos, a strategy he'd toyed with before. The idea of showcasing his raw talent and keeping his audience hooked was appealing. He grabbed his phone and started brainstorming concepts, a playful smile tugging at his lips.


As the day wore on, Arell found himself completely immersed in the creative process. He drafted a few catchy hooks, made a few beats, his mind buzzing with potential verses. He even considered collaborating with some of the local artists he'd discovered on his social media feed earlier. Building connections within the Atlanta music scene felt like the right move.


By nightfall, a pleasant exhaustion settled over him. He took a step back and surveyed the day's progress. A satisfied smile spread across his face. He hadn't secured everything yet, but a significant start had been made.


Pulling out his phone again, he scrolled through his social media feed. The positive response to "Loyalty Ties" continued to grow. He saw comments raving about the song's authenticity and flow.


But amidst the sea of praise, Arell's attention was drawn to a notification from the system interface. With a curious frown, he tapped on it, revealing the message:


[Roulette Function: Cooldown Next Spin Available in: 29 Days]


A frown creased Arell's brow. A month of cooldown? That seemed like a long wait. He wasn't sure what kind of rewards the roulette offered, but the element of surprise piqued his curiosity. Shrugging it off for now, there was more pressing business at hand. The social media buzz surrounding "Loyalty Ties" demanded his attention. He glanced at the clock – the afternoon sun was already dipping towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the cityscape visible from his window.


Disconnecting from the glow of the computer screen, Arell felt a pang of hunger gnaw at his stomach. The creative fire had dimmed for the moment, replaced by a craving for something more substantial. Pushing back from his chair, he stretched, the satisfying pops echoing in the otherwise silent studio.


Leaving the music and unfinished ideas behind, Arell ventured into the kitchen. His friend's usual mess wasn't present, rummaging through the cabinets, he found a half-empty bag of rice and a can of beans. It wasn't gourmet, but it would suffice. While the meager meal simmered on the stove, the scent of cooking beans filled the air. As the minutes ticked by, the golden hues outside the window deepened into a fiery orange, bleeding into an inky purple.


The memory of the robbery flickered in his head, a sour note in the melody of his success.


With a sigh, Arell decided to grab his meal to-go. He grabbed a bowl, ladling out a steaming portion of rice and beans. But before heading outside, his steps faltered. He stopped by the door, another, more primal instinct flickered in the back of his mind, the city outside thrummed with a different energy after dark.


He needed the familiar weight of protection.


Arell strode purposefully towards his bedroom the, reaching his room, he flipped on the light, the sudden brightness momentarily chasing away the shadows. He knelt before the nightstand, his hand reaching in as he retrieved a worn leather case, its contents a familiar comfort.


Inside, nestled in crimson velvet, lay his Glock. He hefted the weapon, the cool metal a reassuring weight in his hand. A quick check of the chamber – full. With practiced ease, he holstered the Glock in his waistband.


Returning to the kitchen, the rhythmic gurgle of the simmering pot had ceased, replaced by a contented silence. He grabbed his bowl of rice and beans, the warmth radiating through the ceramic a comfort in itself. Hunger gnawed at him, but it was a familiar feeling.


He exited his apartment, the worn steps creaking under his weight. The building hallway was dim, the single flickering bulb casting long, distorted shadows. He quickened his pace, the silence oppressive. He reached the heavy door and pushed it open, stepping out into the cool night air.


The parking lot, bathed in the twilight glow, offered a meager patch of concrete serenity. He disregarded his usual spot closer to the building, opting instead for a space bathed in the weak light of a distant streetlamp. He approached his Subaru Forester, reaching the car, he settled onto the hood, the paint cool beneath his touch. He popped open the bowl of rice and beans, the steam rising like a silent prayer into the darkening sky. The first bite was a burst of flavor, a welcome distraction from the tension that coiled within him.


As he ate, his gaze drifted upwards. The city lights twinkled like scattered diamonds on black velvet, a stark contrast to the inky void above. He ate slowly, savoring the warmth of the food and the quiet solitude. The city's symphony of sounds – car horns, distant sirens, the thrum of bass from a passing car – provided a strange kind of background music.


Despite the tension, a sense of peace settled over him.

Didn't know what else I could write about.

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