
A Quick Pause (not a chapter!)

So it turns out that I got a sinus infection to go with the cold, but a rather mild one. Just have to take medicine which makes me a bit woozy.

Unfortunately, I was also going to pause between Sunday - Tuesday because I'm buying a new computer so I can concentrate on writing. Just going to bump that up to now until Tuesday (but might be sooner because my workaholic brother has announced he's taking time off.... 9_9... uh, yeah...). ^_^

So, new chapters next week! Sorry about that! If I manage to write more, I'll post it. I know where it's going to go, but oh...Bruce is such a psycho on a normal day.... ^_^

(and is it just me? Every time I see that Amazon commercial with that snippet of Queen, I get the urge to run off to Youtube and watch very old Queen videos...)

Got sick...got small infection... but when it drains, it makes me cough... I'm so tired of coughing... Off to take some medicine and get some sleep before it wears off...

Tashadycreators' thoughts