
Contracted wife

" let's get married , and divorce under six months " Lisa heard Aiden voice behind her . "What ! Are you crazy ?" Lisa was dumpstucked she couldn't believe what Aiden just said to her . Meet Lisa a crazy girl and a writer of romance on internet . She was swindle by her friends Young -ae and Chin Mae , who sold her properties to support their unborn child Joon woo a popular musician in kkorekorean . He has stolen the heart of many girls not only in American but the whole world , he has fallen for his best friend but she couldn't return the love . What happens when Aiden ask Lisa for a contract marriage to make his best friend jealous . How will she live with someone she can't stand for a second ? How will a popular star and a commoner live together ?

Authoress_Sonnia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Suicidal Mission

" Sis got up it's morning already ." Lisa heard her sister annoying greetings

 She has been writing all day and slept late but her sister refuses to understand .

Standing up she yawned while walking to the door. She opened the door and found her little sister smiling at her. She scoffed,  her sister frowned at her reaction but changed it quickly .

" What do you want?" She was ready to shut the door and go back to sleep but her sister came in between the door tucking her blonde hair behind her ear .

" Sis Aiden, is cutting those trees at the park today " Her sister smiled she knew that will definitely get her out of bed her love for trees .

" Oh no l almost forgot " Lisa ran back inside her room today. She has planned to stop Aiden, a popular celebrity. He wants to cut down some trees at the park and the government thinks it's cool. She went into the shower and let it run down her body .

Coming out of the bathroom with a towel on her body , she went into her closet running her hands around her clothes . She is not a fashion type of person , all her clothes are quite simple . She put on matching white clothes with a yellow scarf  . Walking to the mirror she combed her waist length stripy hair . She was the only one different from her family , She was pale almost as pale as vampires, her lips were dark red . People usually mistake her for a Vampire and isolate her except her two best friends .

" Sis aren't you ready yet?" Lisa heard her Little sister's voice from downstairs. She quickly wore  her scarf running down stairs but nearly slipped , she held onto the rails panting . She kissed it running straight to the  Kitchen .

" Sis, what are we having for breakfast ?" Her little sister pulled her head out of the fridge  chewing on some snacks. Lisa stood at a kimbo glaring at her sister . She still had this habit of  eating before breakfast   since their parents were  alive , no efforts were able  to change her .

" What did mum tell you when she was alive ?" Lisa took the snacks from her hands and put them back into the fridge . Her sister nearly cried after her best friend was taken away from her and put back into the fridge .

Lisa went ahead and prepared pancakes for breakfast both ate  and went their separate ways after kissing each other  goodbye .

Lisa quickly took a cab to Graceview  Park alighting from the cab. She stared at the park as the crowd already filled the place .

" They must be here for Aiden , no one here is concerned about the trees' ' She said aloud, dragging her bag behind her . She brought out some signs from her bag and chains . She set up the signs around the trees and chained herself up . She has always been shy and couldn't speak up for herself but she won't let  anyone cut what mother nature has given us  .

Lisa was still calculating in thoughts when the crowds began to cheer and yell Aiden's name . She chicken out , she thought she had the courage but seems she forgot it  at home before coming here .

Before Lisa could change her mind Aiden was already standing before her . She stared down  at the floor ,she refused to look up .

" Are you against my project huh?" She heard his cold voice. It sounded as if he was mocking her . Lisa swallows, something about him makes her tension build up. She has seen him on  TV but not in reality , but here he is  right in front of her .

" You can't talk ?" She heard his voice again with her eyes focused on the ground . Lisa felt his cold hands on her  face  , lifting her face as soon as they eyes met she forgot to breathe . A Demi God was right in front of her. She had seen him on TV but he's way stunning in real life .

He had Raven black which looked like it was combed with hands away from his face. He was muscular and built with a muscular jawline. She thought such creatures existed on TV .

" What's your name ?" He stared down at her ,  his eyes were hostile making her want to shrink and disappear .

"L..Li...Lisa ." She stammered , he smirked, running his hands around her face . She pressed her lips she wants to stop him but her body stopped working this man must be using some kind of spell on her  she concluded .

" Lisa." He trailed her name  off  .She liked the way it sounded on his lips. She faced down but he lifted her head up to face him . 

Lisa couldn't look at this handsome God any longer she feared she might pass out from shock .

The wind blew past them and her scarf fell off making her hair  visible . Lisa quickly bent and picked up the scarf to cover her hair but he held her hand . She looked around nervously and found the crowd staring at them curiously . This wasn't what she expected when she came here . She thought her courage would help but it seems they disappointed her today . She stared at him as he ran his hands through her hair , his hot air fanning against her face .

She's meant to stop him but she couldn't it seems her body has stopped working at her command .

"Am gonna call you stripy if we meet again " He let go of her hand she nodded , her own body looking foreign to her . She wondered how this man had such an effect on her .

" You're the only person to challenge me , Where are your friends I don't see them around here?" He looked around and she was the only one here with chains around her body . For some reason she kind of amazed him .

" The..... The.. They are not ..... They are not here." Lisa wondered when she became a stammer .

" Since you actually want to give up your life for these trees which sounds stupid by the way . I will let it be but as a punishment you have to deal with these angry mobs ." He winked at her before leaving. That's when she realized the angry mob was marching  to her slowly .  And she swallowed