
Contracted wife

" let's get married , and divorce under six months " Lisa heard Aiden voice behind her . "What ! Are you crazy ?" Lisa was dumpstucked she couldn't believe what Aiden just said to her . Meet Lisa a crazy girl and a writer of romance on internet . She was swindle by her friends Young -ae and Chin Mae , who sold her properties to support their unborn child Joon woo a popular musician in kkorekorean . He has stolen the heart of many girls not only in American but the whole world , he has fallen for his best friend but she couldn't return the love . What happens when Aiden ask Lisa for a contract marriage to make his best friend jealous . How will she live with someone she can't stand for a second ? How will a popular star and a commoner live together ?

Authoress_Sonnia · Fantasy
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2 Chs

More Trouble

" Oh no, I'm done here ." She searched her pockets for the Keys. Having found it she quickly tried to unlock it but it wasn't easy. The keys continued to slip from her hand . 

"Finally !" She released a deep sigh after unlocking it . She looked at the angry mob who were already close to her . Lisa took her heels and grabbed her bag . She ran past Aiden brushing her shoulder against his chest , her scarf fell off but she didn't realize it she ran past him .

He picked it up to give it back to her but she was gone , he looked around as his security guards were holding the screaming mob from running to him .

He smirked, sniffing her scarf .

"Sunflower. " He tied it around his arm entering the car . He zoomed off.

" Lisa , you booked one ticket to trouble town  ." Lisa ran as fast as she could but having a short leg makes it impossible for her to run faster or longer .

Panting her knees feel weak. She sat on the floor panting .

She saw Aiden's car  pass her by . She nearly screamed because they nearly ran over her legs .  She stood up after raining some curses . She touched her hair but her scarf was gone .

" Damn it." She had a facepalm that was her mother's gift on her sixteenth birthday . It was also her favorite scarf now she lost it .

" How  can it get any worse ?" She screamed not realizing she was causing a scene .She sighed picking her bag from the floor. She checked her phone .

"Sixteen missed calls!" She screamed again , she looked up and passers-by stared  at her in  awe . she giggled apologizing for her reaction .

" Soifa, what is it you want now ?" She whispers to her best friend .

" Hello ." She dragged her heavy bag along with her and she heard screams From the other end of the phone making her subconsciously pull the phone away from her ear .

" Sofia what happened , Did anyone harm you?" She tried to listen to the background if she could get a clue but was disappointed .

" Lisa came home immediately at your house ." Her best friend hung up .

What could be so important that she couldn't talk over the phone .

She took a cab home alighting from the cab . She rang the doorbell , she got no response. She was about to press the doorbell again when she felt someone yank her from inside .

She almost screamed Looking at who it was she placed her hand on her chest releasing a deep sigh . She felt her heart was about to leap out of her chest .

" Sofia why can't you just open the door like a normal human being ." Lisa stood up panting . She has three spare keys . One she holds , her sister's , and the one she gives her best friend in case she ever loses  hers  .Sofia rolled her eyes .

"Lisa, why didn't you tell me you were going to the park ?" Lisa rolled her eyes now she knows why she was called .

" The last time I remember you said it was a stupid idea you and Jake refused to come with me calling it a suicidal mission ." Lisa stood up from the floor dusting herself  . Her White dress was already ruined . She knew it was a bad idea to wear white today .

"But you didn't tell me Aiden was coming ?" Her friend dragged her to the couch switching on the TV .

Lisa couldn't actually believe she was on  TV . She didn't actually know it would get to the news . She averted her gaze to her best friend . Who nodded her head .

" It's all over social media , you are actually famous now ." Her bestie hugged her but Lisa covered her face with her two hands . 

This wasn't what she wanted . It's all  Aiden's fault . And her best friend actually thinks it's a good thing .

"Come on  now Lisa, don't be upset , the media might be mad saying you only did what you did to get  Aiden's attention but I know your best friend did it to protect the trees. " 

Lisa removed her hand slowly , her best friend nodded slowly . She hugged her friend  crying .

Her phone rang and she picked it up. It was her friend Jake .

"Jake, why aren't you here?"  Anger could be heard  from her voice as she tried to calm herself .

"Lisa, I am so sorry but I have something important to do . I heard what happened, are you sure you're okay? " His  Concern could be felt at the other end, '' Lisa sighed .

"Am fine , so tell me what are you working on?" Sofia gestures to her to keep quiet .

" Lisa, it's a surprise . I will call you later " She hung up the call .She looked around Sofia and already cooked the food . Of course Sofia just loves cooking and she loves eating them . She grabbed a plate chewing on the food .

"So the surprise Jake was talking about had no idea about it?  '' She averted her gaze to Sofia who nearly choked on her food . She passed her a glass of water which she gulped  the whole content .

" I have no idea what you're talking about ?" Sofia dropped the glass while watching TV . Lisa knew they were hiding something from her and she's going to find out .

Sofia can't look someone in the eye whenever she lies . This made her more suspicious .

" What did you do ?" Her sister banged into the house, her face red from anger and she sighed another problem knocking at her door .