
 Chapter 15


Alexia’s POV


Arriving at home, Annie has not yet returned. She seems to be having her time these days because she goes out early in the morning and returns late at night. I asked her sometimes but she says that she’s busy with school.


I’ve been wanting to send a message to Calvin but just wasn’t sure how to start a conversation or what to say to him. Should I tell him that I lied to him about tonight?

Actually, things turned out to be pretty eventful up to this point, I haven’t attended our college reunion tonight for some reason, that the one I was dating Jack, turns out to be gay. I will never try and contact Jack again, but thinking about it, I don’t have to explain it to him. I fumbling over the situation right now, I’d be lying if I say I didn’t like him nor didn’t care about him. But why would I care about it? I’ll just leave it alone for now or just forget about it.

I scurried to my phone and find my mother in my contacts and tell her that Jack was gay. My mother was furious on the phone and told me to stop seeing him ever again. After all, I’d expect her to tell me the same. I am finally free from constrictions.

A notification popped up from my phone and it read that I have a message from a stranger. Just when I was about to check on it, another message popped up. Anni sent a text message.


Anni: Alexia, asleep already girl? By the way I’m home, maybe you want someone to talk to? Just come right up.

I climbed up the stairs and found my way to the living room where Anni was already sitting on the sofa, she looked flustered. I wonder what’s…

"Okay, I’ll be frank towards you, Alexia, do you know that Jack Williams’ been looking for you?"

"What are you talking about!?” Annoyance came out from Alexia’s mouth as Anni mentioned the scumbag’s name.

“He came to me and he asked me for your contact information. Obviously, I respect privacy and didn’t give him it. But he seems to have found a way to reach you.” Anni eyeing on Alexia surprisingly.

I am a little flustered, the thought that he would have stopped pestering me, came askew. Why was he bothering me again? I remembered the message, I opened it immediately and it was actually him. Without second thought I immediately blocked his number from my phone and never again should he mess me up.

"Alexia!" Anni pats me, and I smiled

"It's okay."

“Jack said he just wanted to clear out the misunderstanding you both are into. But in order to do that he wants to see you in person.”

I just couldn't help but burst out laughing.

“Misunderstanding!? I saw it with my own two eyes and I’m sure as heck that it was real. I was not roofied to be called a liar!” He’s actually pitiful.

"He said he was also a victim." Anni also doesn't believe what he said,

“Okay, let’s stop talking about him at the moment. I will tell you stuff that had happened to me today.” She replied.

I told her that Jack was unfortunately gay, the world is toying with me. At some point, I have crossed all of the strangest things when it comes to dating, but fortunately I am not bound to no man anymore. “NO” further relationship development with him.

Before heading to bed, I checked my phone for messages. Sadly, there is no news coming from Calvin. I felt a little blue about it and slept the night away with little regret.

The next morning and I still haven’t received any messages from Calvin. Though I don’t want to sound desperate, but one message could lift my spirits today.

Since it’s Saturday today, I don’t have kids to tutor drawing. So, I went shopping in my spare time, a leisurely walk could help with my enthusiasm. Pampering will help this tattered soul.

"Where are you?" Calvin sent me a message so sudden. I always feel like he’s always on to me, lurking in his car, somewhere.

 "I'm in the ACE mall."

“Wait for me there, I’ll be there in 5 minutes tops."

He really did arrive five minutes later, he’s in his casual wear which is completely different from his day-to-day suit. It really was a sight for sore eyes. He looks liberated not that I am complaining with his look but compared to his sophisticated suit it’s nice to see him like this too.

I murmur softly while looking at him, "As a matter of fact, I didn’t attend the class reunion that night."

"I know, I saw it" Well, it’s not surprising to say the least that he knew where I’m at, at that time.

"I saw you from the office." Calvin adds.

"Sorry!" I didn't expect him to see me in the office. Needless to say, I am already caught red handed before I could make some excuses.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Calvin wriggles his eyebrow, the expression quite perplexed.

"Well, nothing!” I chose not to tell him about what happened that night.

"I guess you’re asking sorry for dating other men when I am already here in front of you?"

"..." Alexia pauses.

“How about let’s head to the movies. I think there are a lot of great pictures showing at the moment.” People around us were staring at us, especially the ladies at the parking, were gawking at him.

“Come on, why don’t we go inside already.” I was grabbing Calvin’s arm and walked away. I wasn’t expecting him to hold my hand as well. I tried to break free from his clutches but fail.

At the cinema, as the lights turned out and the movie began, Calvin was about to reach my hand, but I quickly moved away.

Then he looks around and presses a kiss on my cheek, but I lowered my head, that’s why he failed.

A moment later, he cusps my hand to his chest, loathe it there for a minute and I felt his warm body on my fingertips. A mere second later, his lips caught into mine. Okay, he succeeded with his plans to make a move on me. We forgot the people around the cinema and felt like time passes differently.

When I got out of the movie theater, the feeling that I felt was deliberately wanting to stay away from this man, “That wasn’t supposed to happen, I have a boyfriend!” I told him a story of a boyfriend that doesn’t exist.

"Break up with him!" Calvin commands me domineeringly.

I didn’t put much thought about what he says. I took out my mobile phone and was shocked that I have a lot of missed calls. There were also messages but was recalled.

Alexia, it’s Johnny, let's meet! I have something important to tell you, give me a chance.

"Give it to me!" Calvin snatches my phone.

“Will you go meet him?” Calvin stares right through with bamboozled expression that you can’t tell if he’s serious or constipated.

No.” Why would I want to go and meet him! I already freed myself from burden. I won’t suffer anymore!



Calvin's P.O.V

I looked at Alexia, I know that she’s in pain and I suddenly blamed myself.

I should have been a little gentle and think about what she thinks.

Alexia’s just so pure and demure. She knows what she wants.

Alexia’s P.O.V

I suddenly lost my interest in shopping this afternoon. I just asked Calvin to drop me off at home.

In the car, that unfamiliar and disgusting number calls in. I hang up many times, but it still keeps harassing me. While we were at the car, there was an unregistered number flashing from my phone and it keeps on ringing. I hung up so many times, but it keeps on coming back it annoys me.

"It rang continuously since then. Why don’t you answer it already?" Calvin asks while driving.

"Um… it bothers me as well. I’m not going to answer this call." As I was looking at the called ID, it pisses me off. I turned the airplane mode on and shoved it inside my bag.

He stopped in front of our apartment door, while I was in the passenger seat, I saw a familiar figure standing at the staircase. I know him even if he changes appearances at all!

"Hey, have a great night!" I might have pulled Calvin’s arms too hard that he assesses me if there’s something wrong. He looked outside of passenger side’s window.

"Is that him?" Calvin saw my face turned pale. Calvin follows the direction of where I was looking, and he also saw the figure of a man standing on the staircase.

“Would you like to talk to him?” He seemed very upset when he asked me.

“No!” I replied aggressively.

Calvin ignites the engine even with saying a word.

I was confused as to where will Calvin bring me at this hour, but anywhere is better than having to stay at my apartment where that man standing outside might have ruined my day some more. He took me back at his house. This is the first time I’ve been to his house and it smelled wonderfully. His place dwells in the most expensive place in the city. I was still confused but just confided with his idea.

I asked for his permission to roam around his place, my eyes met with this very amusing painting that I find myself in awe. The painting it’s from a very famous artist, it might have been expensive.

“You fancy this painting?” Calvin smiled while asking Alexia.

"I loved it.” The painting itself worth more than my salary. This one cost more or less 5 million dollars if sold at an auction.

"If you want it, I could give it to you. Only on one condition.” Calvin looks at me and the tone of his drastically changes. He’s serious now.

“You know a woman just can’t sell herself for a painting where’s the dignity in that?” I tried my best being flirt.

"Then what else do you want?”

Calvin coming in strong in front of me, bent over, and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"You're kidding." I push him away, trying to stay away from him.

"You know that there’s no room for kidding at this moment.” He realizes that I was about to pull away from his grasp, but he grabbed me harder and riled me back to him.

“You know we are literally the sun and moon we’re two worlds apart. We aren’t meant to be together and we won’t last long!”

“How would you know it won’t last if we haven’t even tried it yet?” Calvin on his knees and looking at me wholeheartedly. As if he was a puppy, making an eye contact with me. His eyes were warm.

I shake my head and am about to tell him my story.

"Do you know why Johnny and I broke up?"

"Why?" Calvin asks curiously.

“We started as a childhood buddy and then became best friends since then. He was lenient in trying to pursue me, but I agreed only if he waits for a little while. After we took the SAT test, we finally took on another step from being best friends into in a relationship.”

For him, I gave up my favorite school, but within two years of dating, he was with my best female friend, and she was pregnant when I knew it. "Speaking of this story again, I seem to be back in the past, and it is really sad to be betrayed. I gave up my dream school for him. But being together within two years, he was being goody-two-shoes with my best friend Abby, and then she became pregnant.


A trip down to memory lane always triggers my trust issues because I was betrayed by my ex. It was really sad to be feel that kind of betrayal. Now I am hurt to feel that kind of pain ever again.


I hope that you understand and don’t ever fall in love with me. I really hate being betrayed in the end, I can’t tolerate any mistakes and I’m a bit stingy.

“Look me in the eyes while I’m going to say this. I am not in every way going to betray you.” Without a hint of reluctance Calvin replied, and I just smiled.

“Can I go to the bathroom?” I shoved him on the side and find my way to his restroom. I looked at my reflection on the mirror and start thinking. I admit that he has a very precious and strong aura of attractiveness, but I don’t want to give in so easily.

I washed my face with water and suddenly felt like a coward. I do defy Johnny but as he was standing outside on the stairs, I can’t contain myself and was shell-shocked for heaven’s sake!

"Hey, did you take a shower?" Calvin finds me in the toilet for more than 10 minutes and couldn't help knocking on the door and asking if I am alright.

“Um, I’m coming just finishing up.” I turned off the faucet, but because of my pending carelessness, my hand accidentally blocked the spout and the water went through everywhere. It instantly got my clothes wet.

"Knock, knock." He started knocking again, "You have a call."

“Can you bring it to me?” I was expecting my mother would call me, so regardless of how haggard I’d looked like in wet clothes, I still open the door to take the phone from him.

“Um, you’re… you…” He’s stammering. “Do you need a change of clothes?” He finds that the shirt I’m wearing was wet on my chest area, it protrudes and made an outline of my chest that can be visibly seen. He was flustered but he can’t seem to take his eyes away from it.

"What are you looking at?" I looked at him dead-ass, following his gaze.

"Hey!” I am shy, and I quickly cover my chest with towels.

“How about you should change your clothes. I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Calvin dismisses and also a little embarrassed.

"I didn’t bring any with me." The clothes are wet and soggy. It is making me uncomfortable.

" I have a dryer on the other room. How about you go in the master’s bedroom with me, since the dryer is there.” He took me into the room. While I was a bit shy, I totally get it because after all this room was still a private place, it’s only his place and he’s the only one should set foot here.

"Do you want me to wash it for you?" After Calvin adjusts the hot water,

"Move it! " I push him out of the bathroom. I can hear him secretly smirking outside, I feel like I'm going nuts, why would we meet in such an embarrassing moment!

When I was taking my clothes off, the door knob rustled and it turned over and it suddenly sprung open, “What are you doing?”