
Chapter 14

I picked up the phone, 

"Hello. Alexia, have you finished your work? "Jack asks in a low and weak voice, and my mind just goes blank and wants to hang up.

"I’m sorry, I am in the middle of......" "Then I'll pick you up right away to go see a movie."

"I..." Before I could answer, I saw Calvin holding his phone. In my room, there's a picture of us kissing! How did he get his hands on this photograph?

"I'm sorry, but I'm unable to attend the movie due to an earlier commitment." I promptly declined Calvin's invitation after seeing his dark face. Jack falls silent for a time, and I realize my rejection was a little too harsh. To disguise my anxiety, I quickly hung up the phone.

"How did you get this picture?" I extend my arms to rob his phone once more, but he raises his arms higher, and I fail.

"How can you have this picture?" I stretched out my arms to rob his phone again. He raises his arms higher. Of course, I failed.

"Your roommate sent it to me when I awoke that morning. "Don't worry, I erased her contact information once I received the photo. " Calvin tells me that he didn't save Anti's contact information on purpose.

What makes me feel at ease? "You removed it!" I sneer.

"Then you should dine with me," Calvin grins as he accepts the food bought by Warren.

"Warren, why are you still here? Go home and eat, then disappear from my sight. "

Warren gives Calvin an enigmatic smile before turning away.

"Come here, eat." He took my hand and sat on the sofa.

"Come and eat." "After this, I'll erase the photos," he says as he takes my hand and settles on the sofa.


He instructs the waitress to prepare the dishes, which are my favorites.

"I'm full." "I just can't have even one bite," she adds as he tosses me another piece of meat.

"Give that to me," Calvin automatically places his dish in front of me and requests that I place the stake in it.

I quickly blush and feel compelled to hide under the table. I lower my head, full of jumbled ideas, unable to figure out what he is thinking.

Why don't you eat more? Isn't that good? " Calvin inquires, his eyes gleaming, and a shiver runs down my spine.

"Can you tell me why you're doing this?"

"What did I do?" I asked, looking up at his well-built chin. Calvin looks at me with mesmerizing eyes.

I asked him seriously. I think he wants to sleep with me, I believe.

We come from an entirely different world. Even though I have never been short of money since I was a child, we are far poorer than he is. So, I just can't seem to persuade myself to fall for me. Legendary should have a plot like that.

"Can you tell me what you're thinking?" Calvin grins, then laughs loudly. I looked at him, a curved smile spreading across his handsome face.

"I'm not going to sleep with you unless you beg me to." His blue eyes sparkle.

My mouth twitched. And quickly end the meal.

"Have we met before?" When I suddenly raise my voice to him, Calvin comes to a complete stop and stares right at me, as if he is expecting an answer from my eyes.

"Is it possible that you are my long-lost father? Or my little brother? " I'm only kidding, but our age difference does not conform to these expectations.

"If you dare to speak nonsense, I'm going to break your ribs," Calvin makes an attempt to wave his wrist towards me, but I manage to get away.

"Daddy," I scream at him as I stare at him. His cheeks were flushed, and I could see it on his face. It's actually rather funny.

"Dad, Dad." 

"What are you doing being so naughty?" Calvin looks at me, and I make a sneering face at him.

"You!" Calvin couldn't bear it. He stretched out his hands and hooked Alexia's neck, then pushed me around the corner, then pressed a kiss on my chin.

"Now, you should know that I am not your Daddy, and Daddy would never kiss you like this," Calvin says with a grin.

"You bastard," I say as I turn my head away and remain silent for a while.

"Angry? I'm sorry, but it's too late. I'll send you back. "

"I'm going home." I gathered my belongings and left. I become even more irritated when I see Calvin's ambiguous smile.

In the car, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Yeah, it's so difficult to be a girl.

"Does it hurt? Calvin poses this ridiculous question, "

"No, not at all, then you guys should experience it too!" I hope he feels it too.

"Okay, I will be on your side from now on." Calvin pats my hand softly.

What? What exactly does he mean? No way in hell. My eyes feel heavy and I become drowsy all of a sudden.

"Go home and rest early." He doesn't resemble the Calvin he used to be. Is he falling head over heels in love with me?

"Why are you staring at me?" Calvin softly pats the side of my face.

"No, Dad!"

"You! If you dare to address me as Daddy once more, Kiss will come after you again. " Calvin's smile becomes a little stiff.

I hurriedly sat down, not daring to say anything else because I knew he was serious.

He invites me to dinner at his office for the next few days, and I begin to feel more at ease with him, as if he were a familiar friend. And the food he cooked was absolutely delicious. Yet, I am gaining weight as a result of his teasing me like a pet. He seemed to enjoy seeing me upset. However, I will not allow him to succeed. Anytime he teases me, I respond by making him angry.

I realize I'm gradually falling into the ambiguous trap he's set up for me, but I just couldn't let myself out, and I know there's still a story in my heart that has no end if this story never ends.

It is difficult for me to start a new relationship.

These days, I seem to hide from everyone's sight and sneak into his office. I don't know if this incident has been discovered. I only ask that Calvin refrain from asking me to eat. It's almost time to leave the office.

"How is your relationship with the lawyer?" Andie was intrigued by my relationship with Jack. "It's okay," Jack calls before I can answer.

"Why does your face turn so ugly? Aren't you happy he called you? " I'm very unhappy. I'm only able to leave Calvin's workplace at 8:00 p.m. these nights. For several days, I've declined Jack's date invitation. Jack informs me that he is already waiting for me downstairs and that, regardless of the time I leave, he will meet me. I am considering it. It would be disrespectful to decline him so repeatedly, so I accepted his invitation.

Then I call Calvin and explain that I am unable to eat with him at night, but I am afraid to tell him I am having dinner with Jack. Instead, I tell him I am attending a college reunion, and he agrees. My heart bumped like a small rabbit as I hung up, filled with a sense of betrayal, but I consoled myself and had to convince my mom.


Calvin's POV

Upstairs, I see Alexia getting into a man's car. I dropped the file on my hand a little irritably.

Alexa's point of view

I am quite unhappy with Jack. After a few words, I excuse myself by saying that I am exhausted from work.

"Alexia," Jack comes to a halt and looks me in the eyes.

"Will you agree to be my wife?

And I no longer want you to work for this company.

I could make enough money to provide you with a nice life, "

I'm completely baffled.

"You know what Jack?"

Jack's expression becomes tense.

"No, I just want to say that I'm not going to leave my job." He sat silent for a few moments before restarting the automobile. He takes me to a really luxurious restaurant, but I have no appetite. Then my phone abruptly rings, and a familiar name comes across the screen. It's Calvin! I must lie again.

"Alexia, where are you?"

"I'm....I just finished dinner and I'm on my way home. "

I stutter myself to death.

I'm particularly guilty since I'm afraid he'll see right through me. Fortunately, he immediately hung up.

"Look, a limited-edition Bentley. I wish I could have one, " Jack says to me.

I looked up and was shocked. This is Calvin's car! Despite the fact that the car drove away immediately, I felt like I was going to collapse.

Then Jack invites me to watch a movie with him, but I refuse.

"I'm so tired these days, and I especially want to go home to rest," I said, rejecting his invitation.

Jack was still trying to persuade me when he got a phone call.

I grabbed my suitcase and dragged my swollen legs to the train station.

These days with Calvin seem to be the happiest of my life....

My phone rings again, and this time it's from Warren.

"Come to the garden restaurant, Alexia. There is an emergency! " Warren's tone is solemn, which surprises me. Was Calvin involved in an accident? I quickly hail a taxi and make my way to the restaurant.

When I entered, I noticed Warren standing in a mysterious area. I approach suspiciously and notice Jack kissing a man! Gosh! I cannot believe what I am seeing.

They kiss for a long time, and then I overhear Jack say that he is only interested in finding a woman to marry. He is not really fond of girls. Gosh! I'd vomit! I've had enough.

I rushed to see him. Jack is taken aback at seeing me, and he looks at me with grim eyes. "Why are you here, Alexia? Didn't you head home? " Jack reaches out with his hand.

I avoid it.

"You're gay and looking for a girl to marry. You've taken it too far. "

"No, no, before I met you, I was in fact gay, but I like you, and I believe that if we get married, I will have a happy and fulfilling life."

When he heard what Jack said, the boy next to him leapt to his feet, pointing at Jack and cursing, "What do you mean, are you cheating on me?"

"First and foremost, I must settle my business. Mr. Jack Williams, I believe we are no longer going to be friends. Please also be loyal to your boyfriend in the future and refrain from cheating. Of course, if I discover this in the future, I will end your existence. "

In my mind, I'm looking at Jack and wanting to punch him in the face. He is so disgusting that he defrauded me of my marriage.

"Don't worry about how good you are, all that matters are that you look good. With your family, no man will marry you at all. I am simply demonstrating my kindness by marrying you, and I have nothing against your mother. " Jack's statements made me laugh, and I'm glad I got to see him for who he truly is.

"Let's never meet again, Mr. Jack Williams!" I turned and walked away.

"Are you okay, Alexia?"

Warren inquires, but I am not depressed in the least. "I'm overjoyed, but my heart goes out to my mother. She is a wonderful person, yet she always sees herself as a burden. "

"You dated him because your mother liked him!" Warren's tone has a pleasant surprise to it.

"Guess?" I gave him a kind smile.

"You did that on purpose by allowing me to witness it!"

"Smart! I assumed he was wrong, but you were not fooled! " Warren stroked my shoulder.

"I appreciate it." I'm relieved and have stopped contacting Jack.