
Contracted Daddy, Tame my Mommy

"Sign these papers and become the contracted dad to my daughter." Aurora said as she handed the papers to Aiden making him raise his eyebrows at her. Her facial features contorted with anger, and helplessness. Aurora Brown. The President of Savannah Import and Exports. Inc. Co. Her company branches located all over the world. She could settle things with a snap of her fingers. Aurora is known for her beauty brains and Bravery. The whole world knew how she built the company alone after father’s disappearance and her brother’s death. She handled the company as she raised her daughter alone as a single mother. But she is in desperate need of a guy who can be a father to her daughter. Who can love her daughter the most as she does and that is Aiden. Aiden Kelly, the Arrogant and handsome CEO of Kelly IT Groups. PVT. LTD. He was known as the nation’s most wanted husband but a mysterious person to the world. But he comes across this fiesty single mother and falls for her. Aiden curries favor with Aurora’s daughter Savannah. Savannah the little girl, who likes this handsome uncle, starts helping him to tame her mom. "Are you sure about this?" Aiden asked. "As sure as you want to make me your contracted wife." Aurora answered making Aiden sigh. "I will be your contracted wife for you and act all lovey dovey in front of this world but you need to sign these papers that says you will be the contracted dad to my daughter and will love her the most in this world. That's it. You don't have to do much. But just give her the love she deserves." Aurora said. "Alright." Aiden replied as he signed the papers. ***** Excerpt... "Can you please bend down my Jim-dandy Daddy?" The cute little girl, Savannah asked with a sarcastic smile as she continued licking her ice cream. The tall man bent to her height making him look like her slave in front of her. The little girl slapped his face with her ice cream making him stunned. If it is some other one, he would have killed them. But she is his angel. "My angel, What did I commit this time?" Aiden asked. "I asked you to puncture my mom's car tire. Not yours! Stupid dad. Can't even tame my mom!" Savannah said before climbing the car as she waited for her mother. When this handsome man asked for a lift, Aurora turned him down ruthlessly and drove away. The handsome man couldn't believe that his IQ levels are lesser than a seven-year-old kid. He stared at the disappearing car in his speechless state as he booked a cab for himself with a sigh. "I will tame your mommy, My cute little angel. Just wait and watch." Aiden said. How the two people who hate each other so much get along with each other with the fake and contracted marriage while being engaged with a cute baby? Will the little girl be succeed in getting her mommy tame by her daddy? **** Mature Content. No Rape.

PayalSinghRajput · Urban
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255 Chs

15. I fell in love with a Monster.

"Aurora... Stop crying... I can't see you crying like this... It hurts me..." Cassie said as she cupped her face in her hands.

"My heart hurts, Cassie! How can he do this to me?" Aurora asked and Cassie nodded her head in yes.

"Why can't he believe me when I said him the truth?" Aurora asked as Cassie wiped off her tears.

"Can't he believe the girl he loves? Not even once?" Aurora asked and Cassie nodded her head as she couldn't tell anything to her.

"It's all happened ik the past, Aurora... Stop thinking about all those things now... You need to save yourself from him and not let him know about you or Savannah! He has his ways to get to know the truth of he gets one doubt on you or Savannah!" Cassie answered and Aurora nodded her head in yes.

"It all happened in past... But I am not letting my past blackmail me or my future or Savannah... She deserves better. If he gets to find about me then Savannah will get to know everything too... She wi be heartbroken knowing about everything... Aiden is selfish. He will do anything that can benefits him." Aurora said as she cried.

"I fell in love with a monster who doesn't believe me at all..." Aurora said as she cried out loud.

"It's not wrong to fall in love, Aurora... It just I guess, you fell in love with a wrong person!" Cassie replied and Aurora nodded her head in yes.

"Yes. And we are still suffering because of him... I can't save anyone being in this position in this world... I am just thinking about Savannah... I don't want her to feel like she is betrayed... I love her. She is my life. I can't let her know the truth..." Aurora said and Cassie nodded her head in yes.

"Yes. I know how much Savannah means to you. You are here today is for Savannah. You want her to give a future that you never had... You want her to live her life lavishly... You want her to give her and afford everything that she asks for. You love her so much and that is why, you did everything in your hands and worked day and night for her... But also, gave her the love she deserves... You looked after her so well... You looked after her as your daughter." Cassie replied as she looked into Aurora's eyes.

"And about others... You don't have to worry about them.. We will try to do something... But, Aiden shouldn't know anything about this... If he does, then everything will be out. He will not let us live... Okay?" Cassie asked and Aurora nodded her head in yes.

"Don't worry... We will try to keep Aiden away from Savannah... We will try to talk to her and let her know that he is not a good guy... She will understand us." Cassie said and Aurora nodded her head in yes.

"Thank you, Cassie. Thank you so much for being with me all these years and supporting me." Aurora replied as she hugged Cassie tightly.

"Shut up, Stupid girl... I am your best friend. You have helped me and supported me the same way as I did to you... You were my huge support. How can you think that, I won't support you when you need a shoulder?" Cassie asked making Aurora smile brightly.

"You were the only family I have right now... Savannah is like my daughter too... I don't want her to get hurt knowing about Aiden or your past. It will only trigger her a lot. She is still a kid and believe Everyone's sweet talks are good. And seeing that, people like Aiden take advantage on it. I know, how cruel Aiden was with you! I don't want you or Savannah to get hurt again..." Cassie said and they both hugged each other again tightly.