
Contracted by a Billioniare

Alexander Gomez is a twenty-five year old billionaire, heir and CEO of 'GOMEZ ENTERPRISE '. A medical research and pharmaceutical company very popular in Europe. He had all the money in the world to get any girl he wanted to, but then he falls in love with a contracted stripper, Willow. Will Alexander breach the contract to explore his feelings with Willow?

Lunarwriter · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Contract

"Good my assistant will make the necessary adjustments to the contract and my driver will pick you up by 6 pm," he said pressing a button on his desk and just immediately the receptionist walked in.

He handed her the file and asked her to make a few corrections to it, then she left the office leaving just the both of us again.

"6 pm? That's late" I said as soon as she was out of sight

"And why is that?" He asked clasping his hands and crossing his leg

"I have work," I said in a 'durh' tone because it was really obvious.

"What makes you think I'll allow you to continue to work at the club now you have agreed to the contract?"

"Our contract has nothing to do with my work," I said

"Good, my driver would pick you up by 6 pm," he said as his secretary entered the office again holding the adjusted contract.

This guy must think highly of himself because he's too arrogant for someone this handsome.

I didn't say anything afterwards not because I was speechless but because I couldn't bear watching him continue to Diss out ways for me to live my life, or maybe I was just speechless but then this guy was basically going to cover all my bills in a month and he doesn't even know that so I guess I could spare him the audacity to dictate my life.

I took the contract from the table, signed both of them and, guessing one was mine, I picked it up and stood up ready to leave the office, but stopped when I remembered something.

"You do not even know where I live," I said as I turned to face him for the last time till we met this evening.

"I wouldn't be so sure," he says with a smirk.

I was about to say another word when he interrupted me by answering a call. I took that as my cue to leave the office, embarrassed might I add.

I took a cab to an eatery just close to my house and when I had my fill of the food I ordered I took another cab to a store and did a little grocery shopping just to ensure I was not lacking the basic things at home.

I called the plumber before leaving the store and we both got to my house at the same time, so while I unpacked and stacked the groceries in the right places, he was fixing the hot water pump in my bathroom.

In no time he was done fixing the pump so I paid him for the work done and saw him off.

"Arghh," I said upon checking the wall clock in the sitting room, it was half past 5 pm and I was to be ready before 6 pm, so without waiting for the new pump to work I took a cold shower for the hundredth time but with joy knowing this would be the last time, then I threw on my usual sweat clothe and picked up my duffel bag containing everything I used at work just that this time I wasn't going to DREXEL.

"That's true," I said, picking up my phone from the bedside table, I dialled Beatrice's line. She didn't pick up so I sent her a message telling her to please let Emmanuel know I caught the flu and it's bad so I wouldn't make it to work today.

Just as I hit the send button my doorbell went off, alarming me that someone was on my front porch.

I skipped some stairs till I got downstairs and into the living room, dropped my duffel bag on one of the sofas and made my way to the front door, on reaching the front door I checked the peephole for who rang the bell, but I did not recognise the person except that he wore a suit so I guess it should be the chauffeur Alexander spoke of.

I opened the door and that's when I realized I had met him before

"Hi," I said adjusting a little to allow him to enter my home

"Good evening ma'am, Mr Alexander asked to take you to his house," he said, not moving or making an attempt to enter the house.

"OK, give me a minute let me get my bag," I said

"Yes ma'am," he said and I closed the door gently.

He was here in time and that's for sure because it was just a minute past 6 pm. I picked up my duffel bag from the sofa I had dropped it on and left the house for the black Lexus SUV packed just in front of my house.

He opened the back door for me after he took my bag from me and after closing the door he walked over to the boot to drop my bag, and then to the driver's seat.

The drive to the house was thirty minutes, and for the thirty minutes I tried conversing with the chauffeur but that did not last long, so I concluded that he was not much of a talker given that the only reasonable information I got from him was his name

We arrived at the house and honestly, if you thought the company was huge you should see where this guy lives, I'm so sure he throws parties now and then because this house is too big, it had got to be a family house, but then a family house this big? What kind of money does he possess?

We drove through a huge black gate and unto a pathway till we came to the halt in front of a very huge building, viewing the environment from within the car didn't do justice so as I got down from the car I took some moments to enjoy the view while Paul got my bag from the boot of the car.

Unlike his office the environment had some colour, white marble stones were scattered on the ground and there were flower vases with red roses neatly cut at the entrance of the building, the building was tiled instead of the usual paint, it was tiled with layers, with tinted window glasses aligning the building.

Paul led the way in the building and I came across an elevator

"Damn" I whispered to myself, who uses an elevator in his house.

We got into the elevator and Paul pressed a button. In no time we were on the second floor.

"Good evening ma'am, Alexander mentioned you earlier please follow me," an elderly woman said as I got out of the elevator, she should be the housekeeper keeper because there is no way he would be able to manage this house all by himself

"Good evening ma" I replied as I followed her.

We passed through the living room and I made a mental note to come back and check it out and continued further into the house till we came to a halt in front of a door. She opened the door and I followed her in

" This is your dressing room, the wardrobe has been stocked with so many outfits, please feel free to pick any one of your choices," she said with a smile which I returned.

"Thank you but I wouldn't be needing any of that, I brought my outfit," I said and on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," the lady said and Paul stepped in, he placed my bag on one of the tables inside the room and then excused himself.

"O you won't be needing that, Mr Alexander has his preference," she said, I guess it was a battle I couldn't have with her so I just smiled.

"If you need anything just press the button on the table and I'll come immediately," she said again

"Thank you ma," I said

"Please call me Veronica," she said with a warm smile. When I returned the smile, she left the room, closing the door behind her.