
Contracted by a Billioniare

Alexander Gomez is a twenty-five year old billionaire, heir and CEO of 'GOMEZ ENTERPRISE '. A medical research and pharmaceutical company very popular in Europe. He had all the money in the world to get any girl he wanted to, but then he falls in love with a contracted stripper, Willow. Will Alexander breach the contract to explore his feelings with Willow?

Lunarwriter · Fantasy
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12 Chs


The hallway had some waiting chairs and a front desk, I walked up to the lady sitting at the other end of the desk and on cue, she looked away from the computer she had her eyes glued to and towards me.

"Good morning ma," she said with a smile plastered on her face. I must confess the receptionists in this company are paid well to smile.

"Good morning ma" I replied

"Welcome to GOMEZ ENTERPRISE, how can I be of help to you?" She asked

"I have an appointment with the CEO" I replied

"Alright ma please walk through that door, you'd see a lady sitting there that's the CEO's secretary she'd guide you on whatever it is you need," she said pointing at another huge door at the far end of the hall to her left.

"Thank you," I said, fighting the urge to ask why I had to pass through three receptionists just to meet the so-called CEO.

I walked through the door I was instructed to go through and found myself in another hallway more like a lobby this time and slightly smaller than the hallway I just left.

There were chairs and a desk at one end of the room.

"Good morning ma'am you must be Ms Willow Thomson" the lady sitting at the desk said

"Yes I am, good morning" I replied

"Please have a seat, Mr Alexander is not on the seat now but he should be here soon," she said with the signature receptionist smile.

I sat down on one of the seats and stared into space, hopefully, I wouldn't have to wait so long.

After what seemed like some minutes I subconsciously glanced through my phone, but my eyes widened when I saw the time, it was past 10 am and there was still no sign of the CEO, I had not realised an hour had passed because I was lost in my thoughts but directed few glances towards the receptionist so she knows I'm not dead, of course, she didn't return any of them, she was rather too occupied with whatever it was she was doing to notice me staring at her.

I shuffled my feet a little expecting her to reassure me that the CEO that was now very late would still come to the office today, but instead, I got a distracted stare and a little smile then she went back to do whatever it is she was doing.

Since there was nothing I could do I opened my phone and kept myself busy by going through my social media.

It was now 11 am and still no sign of him, for all I know this is very unethical and displeasing, but I could not show how displeased I was since I need the job badly, I just endured the anger growing inside of me and continued to surf Instagram, watching different reels to pass time while shifting in my seat to calm my grumbling stomach.

Two hours had passed again and just as I was about to stand up to take my leave the receptionist interrupted my exeat process

"You may go in now ma'am," she said as soon as she got off the telephone. That was the second time I heard her answer a call, the first time I had thought the CEO was finally in the office and was ready to see me but I was wrong. She answered the call and excused herself to go somewhere else, then came back after some minutes and continued her work.

I got up and after adjusting my clothing walked to the door I assumed led to the CEO's office, knocked on the door and without waiting for a command I pushed the door and walked in. I must confess this office beats my imagination and expectation, I had expected to see a medium-sized office but this office was large, larger than a one-room apartment, there were two other doors asides from the door I walked in through, I guess one should be the lavatory and the other should be another entrance door, probably why I did not see him walk into the office, on one end of the room were sofas laying on a black rug, urgh black, this office has no colour, the flower vases were painted black, the drapes Ash and all the furniture's black, the only colour in this room asides the handsome fair man staring at me at the other end of the room was the football showcase at one side of the room.

Speaking of the handsome fair man, no doubt he knows I'm trying to take the sight of the room all in, he just sat there with one hand on the armrest of his seat and the other arm tapping his desk gently and yes he had a wide smirk plastered on his face.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him and picked up my pace till I was standing just in front of his desk, he probably thinks I like his office when in reality I just want to leave this place because it is giving me this horror movie vibe.

Without saying a word to me he threw a file across the table to me while motioning with his fingers for me to sit down which I did, such an arrogant bastard, you should have first apologised for keeping me here for hours, but yes let's all pretend we agreed to meet by 1 pm and not 9 am.

He got up from the chair he sat on and went towards the huge window in the office, getting lost in his thoughts while I digested the content of the file.

"Wow," I said to myself when I was done. So all this while all he wanted from me was to be his private stripper and he's offering to pay two million bucks for every show

I placed down the file and he was already sitting going through something on his phone so I cleared my throat gently and adjusted my reading glasses, which of course got his attention because he was now staring at me expecting me to say something, but no words left my lips, probably for the best because why would this man here think I'm a child that cannot distinguish my left from my right.

We all know when a stripper is contracted it's not only to strip, it's to do other dirty things, so putting this rubbish on paper did not fool me.

"So?" He asks impatiently

"I do not accept the contract" I replied trying to curtail my anger

"What?" He asks trying to mask his shock but I'm too observant not to notice, looks like someone doesn't get a no frequently

"Well I'm not interested in your offer sir, I'm not a child, I know the unsaid words in the contract and I cannot be that kind of girl," I said

"What were you expecting to be the job I offer you?" He asked

"Well to be a waitress or something, not this," I said tossing the file over to him

"That's the job and I mean every single word in that contract," he said tossing the file back to me.

"Let us go over this one more time, no sex just strip dance and in return, I get two million bucks for every show… Ok?"

"No…what do I look like to you, a five-year-old child?" I asked, getting irritated with the audacity oozing out from the man sitting at the other side of the desk.

"Is it the price? Ok let us make that four million dollar" he spat

"You are hilarious and I do not trust you or your kind. You buy girls with money just to get them to bed, So no I am not interested," I said.

" I strip for money, I do not sleep with men for money. Thank you for the offer, but if you want to watch me strip, you know where to find me or better still look for another girl to buy those cheap lies" I said again standing up to leave his office. But then I paused when I heard him speak.

"I'm not interested in your body, it is stated clearly in the contract. All you have to do is strip and get paid monthly not after each show, some months I'd be off on a business trip or whatever and you'd still get your pay, you could call it your salary, consider it your first ever salary earned job" after contemplating for a minute while trying to read his mind from his facial expression, I finally let my eyes roll and said

"fine four million a month and if you so much as touch the hem of my clothe during a show I will break your face and rain hell on you"

"Good, my assistant will make the necessary adjustments to the contract and my driver will pick you up by 6 pm.